Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 498: Wishful thinking

Chapter 498: Wishful thinking (2)
Outside the hall, after resting for a while leaning against the big red column, he began to ponder carefully whether there was anything he had overlooked, and finally Mei Yuanyao smiled indistinctly.

How many days?

Ever since the eldest prince had an accident, he has been terrified, not to mention joking, he couldn't even eat.Now, the Mei family can have another chance. Although the price of this chance is the life of a younger sister who has been married for many years, it is worth it.

Mei Yuanyao knew in her heart that whether this matter was successful or not, her sister would die.

But it's her own choice, isn't it?

Whether it's for the Mei family or for Mu Huanqing, since she is willing to do so, he is also happy to see the result. After all, it is too worthwhile to exchange a woman's life for the peace of the entire Mei family. .

King Changping and his party arrived outside the gate of the palace. They had already used some pastries on the carriage, padded their stomachs, and entered the gate of the palace. King Changping glanced at Mu Liunian and nodded when he saw him, signaling his father to rest assured. Prince Ping stepped into a soft sedan chair with a little worry.

It took almost a quarter of an hour for the four of them to arrive at the imperial study.

From a distance, a few people caught a glimpse of Mei Yuanyao waiting outside the hall, and the envoy of the Supreme Hospital.The four people got off the soft sedan chair, and before they even went up the steps, they saw from the right side that the empress's guard of honor had arrived.

The queen's arrival did not surprise Mei Yuanyao too much. After all, she is the master of the harem, so it is normal to know this.However, with her appearance, it might be more difficult for Mu Huanqing to recover his identity.

In fact, isn't it just a little more difficult?
People from the Queen's faction finally waited for such an opportunity, how could they easily let the Mei family turn around again?
What a joke, without the eldest prince, the Mei family will bring in another prince. Do you really think that the Mei family has the final say on the royal family?When the Queen arrived at Her Highness, she took a meaningful look at the envoy, and then looked at Mei Yuanyao with a smile.

"It seems that Mrs. Mei's methods are really clever. You outsiders have the final say on the heirs of the Xiao family. I don't know how to impeach you if the people from Yushitai find out. However, my palace I really admire Mrs. Mei, it is really clever to think of such a way."

Mei Yuanyao's eyeballs twitched, her thoughts turned sharply, what does the queen mean by this?Or did she simply know about Mu Huanqing early in the morning?Otherwise, why say so?

I don't know if it's because of his guilty conscience, but Mei Yuanyao felt a little timid when he met the Queen's gaze.

Concubine Mei had fought with the queen for many years, but in the end she just ended up with her own death.Moreover, he was demoted first, and then died with regret.

As for who was responsible for the poison, Mei Yuanyao shuddered when he thought about it.

Although in the past ten years, the Mei family has been going smoothly in Liangcheng, and even lived a very comfortable life. Everyone fawns on them, pulls cages everywhere, and really enjoys the life of what is called a master.

But thinking about it now, Mei Yuanyao knew very well that these were all because the queen and the Sancho family were unwilling to compete with them, so they were given this opportunity.

Now, the second prince is getting older, and they have also shown weakness for many years, and they suddenly counterattacked. After only a few rounds, the Mei family couldn't stand it anymore.

Every time he came here, he would think of his eldest son.

If his eldest son is still alive, how can they allow the Sancho family to be so arrogant and defiant?

But now, it's too late to say anything.

There are not so many ifs in this world. If you die, you are dead, and you are defeated.

Right now is the last chance for the Mei family, so this time, no matter what, no mistakes can be made.

It is a matter of course for the queen to intervene, after all, she is the lord of the sixth house, as long as the other members of the Sancho family do not interfere, then everything will still have a chance.

A group of people entered the main hall, and the emperor was leaning on the dragon chair with a tired face. He was not surprised to see the queen appear. He waved his hand and signaled the chief executive to move out a chair for the queen.

"Today, I ordered a few love ministers to come here because of my royal blood. King Changping, please take a look at this first."

King Changping took the bloody letter handed over by the chief executive. Although he had prepared for it long ago, he was unavoidably angry when he saw Mei's words.

If the above matters were deliberately verified by the emperor and the Mei family, then their Changping palace would definitely be charged with the crime of deceiving the lord.Even if they didn't know, Mrs. Mei is still from his Changping palace. If he said that he didn't order Mrs. Mei to do this, who would believe it?
It is obviously not a fact, but at this time, it has been calculated by someone long ago, making it look like it is true!
King Changping originally disdained such insidious tricks, but His Majesty prefers to use such tricks. Over the years, especially for his Changping Palace, it has been tried and tested repeatedly.

Doesn't the emperor feel tired?Don't you think this detracts from the majesty of his emperor?

Mu Liunian was standing next to King Changping, so he could see the writing on it clearly.

Qian Xia stood behind Mu Liunian, and she naturally guessed some of the troubles she would face today, but looking at the current situation, Mei Yuanyao must have made complete preparations.

However, thinking of that Mei family, another layer of smile appeared on the corner of Qian Xia's lips, the smile was a bit cold and cold.

Mu Liunian keenly sensed the difference in Qian Xia, turned his head immediately, and then changed his figure slightly, then gently held her hand and hid it behind him.

After Qian Xia was grasped by him like this, she naturally realized that she seemed to have gone too far just now.

He lowered his brows and eyes, trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

"Your Majesty, this is simply too ridiculous. Not to mention how strict the guards in the palace are, just talking about the number of palace people who accompanied Concubine Mei back then, there were as many as dozens of people. How did Mei avoid so many people?" The eyes and ears of the two children were transferred?"

King Changping laughed back angrily, "Your Majesty, think about it again, if the two children are transferred, Concubine Mei, the biological mother, will not be able to recognize her because of the lack of care. Then the rest of the maids and nurses are also blind? Believe it or not, as a mother, she didn't even realize that her son was transferred. Please ask the emperor to investigate clearly."

Princess Changping on the side also took the blood book from King Changping's hand, read it carefully, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you have identified Mu Huanqing as your son just because of the blood book written by this bitch." ? Doesn't the emperor think that doing this is too hasty?"

The emperor's brows tightened slightly, "It is because I wanted to find out the truth that I brought you into the palace. If I had believed her earlier, wouldn't it be that I had ordered Mu Huanqing to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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