Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 507 It Was Him?

Chapter 507 It Was Him? (1)
Hearing Wang Hao's impatient words, Qian Xia's lips twitched, "Mother, but was he too frightened yesterday?"

"Excessive fright? It's just a minor injury, how can it be so serious? I think it's because I was spoiled and spoiled before, and I lost any masculinity."

The mother and son were talking outside while walking outside.

No one saw that Mu Huanqing, who was asleep in the room, had already opened his eyes, clutching the quilt tightly with both hands, listening to the voices of the people outside.

Did you actually say that you are not manly?
Mu Huanqing's eyes burst out with an extremely cold light, almost as if he wanted to use such eyes to kill people.

"Mother and concubine, are you okay underground? You wait, my son knows that you must have been murdered by a traitor. My son will definitely not let them go just like this. People in the Changping palace, damn! All damned!"

The voice is not loud, but it reveals an extremely powerful strength!
When he reached the gate of the courtyard, Mu Liunian turned his head and glanced in the direction of the main room, with an inexplicable smile on his lips, he turned his head and left.

Yun Changan and Yun Cangli arrived soon.

Mu Liunian briefly described Qian Xia's situation, and Yun Cangli frowned.

"Unexpectedly, Qian Xia's talent is far beyond my imagination. I'm afraid it is only better than my father back then, but not worse."

Yun Changan's expression was a little serious, "Father, what do you mean to say that my sister's situation like this is only due to her talent? Will my sister be in any danger? For example, being backlashed or something?"

Yun Cangli's face is solemn, looking at Qian Xia's eyes, there is a layer of inquiry, he can't understand why his father's talent is passed on to Qian Xia from generation to generation?
Why is Qian Xia's talent even stronger than her father back then?

She can use illusion to make people commit suicide?And not only that, but also completely controlled that person's words and deeds.

Judging from their narrations, at that time, Qian Xia used secret techniques on Mei Shi without any trace, and after she left, Mei Shi could still talk to other people without the effect of double pupils?What's more, before committing suicide, was she able to write down what Qian Xia wanted as she wished?

What kind of power is this?
Thinking about it carefully, Yun Cangli himself felt a chill down his back!
Yun Cangli also knows illusion, but maybe her talent is not enough, at best, it can only make people gradually become unconscious, and then enter a dreaming state.

Now Qian Xia not only can make people confused, but has even reached the point where she can completely control the other party's consciousness.So, what does this tell us?
If it is said that Mei Shi's death was just accidental, and she would feel physically exhausted and mentally sleepy afterwards, then maybe her ability is not stable.

But now I know from Qian Xia that she didn't have these reactions, so, in this way, it is effortless for Qian Xia to let a Mei family die?
Yun Cangli winked at Qian Xia, Qian Xia understands, and understands that uncle wants to try her own skills, how big is she now?

But after only a cup of tea, Yun Changan came back from under the wall, looked at the three of them blankly, and then asked stupidly, "Why did I get here?"

As he spoke, he moved towards the direction of the three of them, and was about to pat his forehead with his hand, but he didn't fully pat it before he felt the pain on his body.

"Hiss! Why does my head hurt so much?" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, and there were already two or three big bumps!
Facing Yun Chang'an's reaction, Qian Xia remained calm, even hiding a little smile in her eyes.But the faces of Yun Cangli and Mu Liunian were not so relaxed.

What does it mean to kill invisible?

Qian Xia doesn't know martial arts, but her current situation is more terrifying than any martial arts master!
At the same time, it made them even more worried that if Qian Xia accidentally showed any signs when she was outside, the emperor might be tempted to kill her.

"Qianqian, how long has it been since you discovered that you have this ability?" Yun Cangli ignored Yun Changan, who was suffering from pain, and fixed his eyes on Qianxia.

"Well, I don't know. Anyway, that's what I did to Mrs. Mei that day. I secretly sent secret guards to watch, and found that all her words and deeds were in accordance with the instructions I gave that day."

"Then make sure for yourself, is there really nothing uncomfortable?"

Qian Xia shook her head, "No! It may be that after I used the secret technique on Mei Shi that day, I came back to rest for a while, and I didn't feel tired. It's just that I didn't believe that my instructions could be followed by her. I was a little nervous at the time. of."

Yun Cangli nodded, then exhaled lightly, and looked at Mu Liunian, "Did you hear that? As Qian Xia asked you before, don't you think she's scary?"

Mu Liu smiled young, and one hand was already intertwined with Qian Xia, "No! We are husband and wife. Moreover, it is God's endowment for Qian Xia to have such abilities, not just because she wants to. If you want it, if you don’t want it, you can give it up. Since it is a gift from God, there must be a reason for its existence.”

For Qian Xia's ability, Mu Liunian was a little surprised at first, but when Yun Cangli and the others came over, he had already accepted it very calmly, so now, on his face, he really can't see any Accident.

Qian Xia has never doubted Mu Liunian's heart for her, but this time the situation is special after all, he has suddenly become so powerful, he is not worried at all, he will cast an illusion on him?

She used illusion on Yun Changan just now, but Yun Changan himself didn't notice it at all.

"At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, are you really not worried at all?"

"What is there to worry about? You are my wife, and I am willing to give all my back to you. Now you are stronger than before. As a husband, I am naturally happier. At least, I Don't worry, if you have a few women, you can be restrained."

This is a bit of a joke, but Qianxia understands that what he means is that, in this way, he can rest assured that his self-protection ability has improved.

"The matter of the Mei family can only come to an end for now. After all, the emperor still considers the balance in his heart, and he will not really do anything to the Mei family. But Mu Huanqing, Yuanchu, what do you plan to do?"

"Qianqian, you need to take a good rest now, don't worry about other things for now." Mu Liunian noticed two very subtle changes in Qianxia's aura. The ability to deeply hypnotize people anytime, anywhere, that's why it is so.

(End of this chapter)

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