Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 512 The Shocking Truth!

Chapter 512 The Shocking Truth! (1)
The chief executive came out and took a look at the majestic and majestic palace, with a golden roof and red walls, majestic and domineering, yet noble and gorgeous.But how many dirty things are hidden in such a place?How many bones were buried without even leaving their names?

The chief executive sighed softly, but bent over again, and went to the sleeping hall.

As the chief steward next to the emperor, his status can be said to be extremely detached in the entire Erhuang Palace, but in his bones, he has always maintained a bit of humbleness. No matter when and where, he always bends his upper body slightly, as if , to show his loyalty to the emperor.

At the same time, Mu Liunian asked people to investigate that mysterious force, and finally got a little clue.

Qian Xia read that page of paper, and then handed it to Mu Liunian. Seeing him clenched it in his hand, and then opened it, it was already a pile of powder.

"It's amazing!"

Mu Liu smiled young, "Qianqian's ability is amazing. As for me, as long as I practice martial arts with my heart, I can do it."

"As you expected, there was indeed a third-party force involved. In other words, Sangqiu Zirui did not really do what happened to the eldest prince. Moreover, from all the signs you have found, it seems that he seemed to I don’t even know.”

"Hmm. So, I'm very curious, who is this person who can help Sangqiu Zirui in the dark? No matter who the emperor likes, the death of the eldest prince is equivalent to messing up the entire chessboard of the emperor. If there are no accidents, the fight between these two princes will last at least another three to five years, and by then, the little princes in the palace will grow up and be able to barely enter the court. But now? "

"Is your news reliable?"

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, knowing that what she was asking was about the news that Sang Qiu Zirui was going to meet with him later today.

"You want to go too?"

Qian Xia nodded, "If you don't know who the other party is, then you will feel uncertain about many things when you do it. I believe that even if I don't tell you, you will go."

Mu Liu smiled young, "It's okay, you must be bored in the mansion these days by yourself. Anyway, let's go for a walk together to relax. Let's go now, and after a while, we can use it outside directly. Lunch, and then go to the teahouse."

Qian Xia said nothing, such an arrangement is naturally the best.

If by any chance I actually meet them face to face, it won't look too abrupt.At least, it won't make people think that it's the two of them who are following other people.

The two went out of the palace all the way, and went to several jewelry shops first. They selected some jewelry with their own hands, and selected them for Princess Changping, Lao Furen, Yun Shi, and Cheng Shi respectively.

Then, Mu Liunian took him to see how the people outside made clay sculptures.This item took the longest time. If Mu Liunian hadn't kept reminding him, Qian Xia might not even want to eat lunch.

After the two had lunch at Yongtai Building, instead of taking a carriage, they walked all the way, wandering on the street, and arrived at the teahouse.

The two looked at each other, it was still early for the time they agreed on, but since they wanted to peep, naturally they couldn't be late.

The two chose an elegant room with a window facing the street, and the arhat bed happened to be placed close to the window. Qian Xia stretched out her hand and sat on the arhat bed, but she could see everything outside clearly.

At this time of year, it is neither hot nor cold, even if the windows are open, it will not attract attention.

The two ordered a pot of high-quality Longjing and a few plates of small snacks, and began chatting and waiting.

Soon, a blue figure came into Qian Xia's sight.

Seeing Qian Xia's dull expression, Mu Liunian quickly turned his head and followed her line of sight, feeling shocked in his heart.

"It's him? Huangfu Dingtao?"

If it wasn't for seeing him with their own eyes, the two of them might have forgotten about it long ago.The most important thing is that although this person also knows some secret arts, he doesn't have too much background. Can he plan all this behind the scenes?
The two looked at each other, seeing some uncertainty in each other's eyes.

The man in Tsing Yi entered the tea house casually, and after a while, Sangqiu Zirui's carriage arrived.

Although this teahouse is not owned by Mu Liunian, it is not difficult to inquire about some news.

"It really is him. Qianqian, I haven't seen him for a long time. If it wasn't for seeing him today, I would have almost forgotten that there is such a number one person in this world."

Qian Xia nodded, in fact, since the incident in Fengcheng last time, they have never met each other.This time, he really helped Sangqiu Zirui?

If it was him, then this motive is obviously very reasonable, because they are brothers in the same line, and the two brothers support each other, so it is natural to say that.

It's just that Huangfu Dingtao, who has a particularly coquettish appearance, hasn't appeared for such a long time. Once he appeared, he immediately accomplished such a big event. Where did he go in the past?

What Qian Xia didn't expect was that the two of them went downstairs because they saw them leave one after another, but when they reached the door of the teahouse, they met Sangqiu Zirui.

"What a coincidence, how about sitting down and having a cup of tea together?"

Qian Xia was unhappy in her heart, and she didn't hide it on her face, she just turned her face away, and even leaned towards Mu Liunian's direction.

Mu Liunian smiled faintly, and naturally wrapped his arms around Qian Xia's waist, "Alright, since we've met, let's have a chat together."

Regarding Mu Liunian's actions, I don't know if Sangqiu Zirui really didn't see it, or chose to ignore it on purpose.The expression on his face was always very calm and kind.

The three of them returned to the private room of the tea house again, and after taking their seats one after another, no one was in a hurry to speak first.

Sangqiu Zirui glanced at Qianxia, ​​and said with a smile, "This teahouse, no matter what, is the property of the Sangqiu family."

This also explained why he knew that the two of them were here.

Mu Liunian didn't say anything, just picked up a piece of pastry, and brought it to Qian Xia's lips, "Didn't you just say that this pastry is not bad? Just right, try it again."

Qian Xia's head was slightly lowered, and she only saw the tabletop with her eyebrows and eyes. She took a small bite, and then chewed slowly, without making any indecent sounds.

Mu Liunian poured another cup of tea for her with his own hands, "Eat slowly, be careful not to choke."

Sangqiu Zirui just watched the two people's act of showing affection, without any jealousy or madness in his eyes, he just looked at it simply, it seemed that seeing such a shallow summer for him was also the same for him. A kind of satisfaction.

From the corner of Mu Liunian's eyes, he was always looking at Sangqiu Zirui, and he never expected his expression to be completely calm.

(End of this chapter)

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