Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 514 The Shocking Truth!

Chapter 514 The Shocking Truth! (3)
Facing Sangqiu Zirui's somewhat fierce and oppressive aura, Qian Xia always smiled lightly, "Mr. Sangqiu, according to your divination skills, it's not like you can't divination, right? In this case, if you say it, I will also I don't believe it."

Sangqiu Zirui narrowed his eyes, "Qian Xia, you clearly know that your fate is different from ordinary people, if I can really predict your future, do you think you can still sit beside Mu Shizi now? "

In fact, Qian Xia was a little skeptical about this. After all, her uncle had always said that she could not divination any information about her. She was not sure if she was hiding it from her on purpose, so she asked Sangqiu Zirui. Unexpectedly, his The answer turned out to be the same.

Fate is different from ordinary people?
Mu Liunian frowned invisibly. If such words were heard by interested people, it would probably cause a lot of turmoil again.What does it mean to be different from ordinary people?Doesn't this imply that her fate is too noble?
Qian Xia smiled slightly, "Thank you, Mr. Sancho, for your kind words. In this way, I am really different."

Sangqiu Zirui's black eyes stared at her without daring to relax, as if he wanted to see little by little other emotions from her smiling face.

"Qian Xia, you really are very different from before."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, "Before? Mr. Sancho made a mistake, right? Before what? We have known each other for not more than a year, right? So, Mr. Sancho seems to have lost his mind. Maybe it is to mix me with another Do people overlap?"

This time, Sangqiu Zirui didn't think to skip this topic directly, but squinted his eyes and said, "Qian Xia, you obviously remembered the past, why didn't you admit it?"

Qian Xia chuckled a few times, this time, she even made a giggling sound, obviously in a very happy mood.

"I'm afraid Mr. Sancho misunderstood? I admit that I have seen some hallucinations, but it doesn't mean that it is the memory that exists in my mind. It's just something I saw. My understanding is , that’s just a dream. I don’t know if Mr. Sancho can understand me when I say this?”

Sangqiu Zirui couldn't believe it. In her memory, the scenes that happened between them were just a dream?
If it were an ordinary person, Sangqiu Zirui wouldn't waste so much talking with her here. After all, not everyone can accept the so-called past and present lives.

But Asaka is different!

Because she is an extremely talented occultist, although up to now, he is still not sure what kind of state her illusion has reached, but obviously, she is the Yun family so far, with the highest cultivation base One.

"Asaka, do you have to talk to me with such an attitude?"

"Otherwise?" Qian Xia looked at him with raised eyebrows, the corners of her lips were slightly curved, but her eyes were cold.

Sangqiu Zirui seemed to close his eyes in some pain. At this time, he finally believed how deeply he hurt her back then!

Even though Qian Xia just saw such a dream, she was full of repulsion and hatred towards herself from the bottom of her heart.

This is not what he wants!
But what he wants, he has tried his best, but he can't get it, and the person who can give him all this is not willing to give it to him at all.So, is power really that important?In the end, isn't everything going well?
Mu Liunian felt that the atmosphere in the room was a bit stiff and awkward, but the smile on Qian Xia's face was so gentle and generous, as if all this was just his own illusion.

"Master Sancho, it seems that there is a very important matter, you haven't told us yet? Since it is a cooperative relationship, if we can't confess to each other, I think, then there is no need for us to continue to cooperate Bar?"

Sangqiu Zirui then slowly opened his eyes, and then fixed his gaze on Mu Liunian.

This man, from the very beginning, has always been very casual, and his aura is not strong, which makes Sangqiu Zirui a little confused.He was sure that it was absolutely impossible for Mu Liunian to just lie in bed all these years.

However, perhaps he really did not suffer less from those sins at the beginning.

"What Mu Shizi said was about my junior brother?"

"Mr. Sanqiu said these words very happily. Yes, it is about him. Qianqian had contact with him before, and she said, your junior brother has always been very powerful, but I didn't expect that he would be so powerful. Prince, he dares to kidnap."

Mu Liunian's eyes were fixed on Sangqiu Zirui too. He didn't say that he killed the eldest prince, but only that he was taken captive, which is already giving them face. Next, it depends on whether the other party is sincere?
After hearing this, Sangqiu Zirui just shook his head lightly, smiled with a strange expression, then poured himself another cup of tea, brought it to his mouth, sipped it gently, and after a while, pursed his lips, " It seems that Mu Shizi's news is also very well-informed."

"It's just average, how can you be as good as Mr. Sancho?"

Sangqiu Zirui smiled slightly, and put down the teacup, "Your Majesty Mu, there is no need to be modest. I know that your Changping Palace has always kept a low profile, but the strength in your hands should not be underestimated at all."

"Then I don't know if Mr. Sancho intends to tell the truth?"

Sangqiu Zirui was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "It was indeed he who did it. As for why, I'm not sure right now. If he wanted to kill Xiao Yunsong, he could do it directly after he succeeded. , why did it take so long?"

Mu Liunian also thought of this question, his eyebrows tightened slightly, "Perhaps, to avoid the officers and soldiers who are searching for and rescue?"

Qian Xia shook her head and said it was unlikely, "Since he has the ability to take people away, he must have made all the preparations. Otherwise, why have the officers and soldiers never had any clues since Xiao Yunsong was taken into captivity?"

Mu Liunian was slightly startled, and turned his eyes to the opposite side, "This is enough to show that he has his own very secret hiding place not far from Yunzhou. Mr. Sangqiu, I wonder if I'm right?"

What else could Sangqiu Zirui say?
The other party's thinking is meticulous, and it is simply too difficult to hide it from the two of them.

"He only admitted today that he did this thing. But why, I really have no idea now. Believe it or not, what I said is the truth. I don't think that I am his senior brother, he It is enough to take such a big risk to help me. You know, once the matter is reported, then, no matter whether he is from Ziye or Cangming, he will probably die."

(End of this chapter)

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