Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 521 Conquering the Fang Family!

Chapter 521 Conquering the Fang Family! (5)
Fang Hua got up first, and then weakly helped Fang Liang on the ground, "Father, sit down first. Since Prince Mu came here on purpose, there must be a countermeasure."

These words were ingenious, not only comforting Fang Liang, but also flattering Mu Liunian from the side.

It's just that Mu Liunian has always had a weird temper and doesn't like to listen to flattery.However, since he wanted to win over the Fang family and completely use it for his own use, it was inevitable to make a show.

"Okay, now that Zhuangzi is on fire, you can put your minds aside for a while. However, the main purpose of my coming here today is to let Fang Hua return to Beijing. Before that, you'd better write One, he will bring it back to the capital in person."

Fang Liang just came back to it now, and nodded again and again, "Yes, I wrote it down. I am confused, so I shouldn't suspect you, Mu Shizi. I will write it down, ask my brother, and see what happened. what's going on?"

"If it wasn't Fang Qiaosheng's actions, then there must be something wrong with your Fang family. Sir Fang, this matter has come to an end, I might as well reveal a little more information to you. The person who killed the First Prince was not me, Zi Ye. If this matter becomes serious, your Fang family will not only be charged with the crime of treason, but also with the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason! At that time, all of your Fang family will be blood-stained in the capital, and there will be no survivors! .”

Mu Liunian's words almost scared Fang Liang to death!
Collaboration with the enemy and treason?

The century-old foundation of their Fang family is really about to be destroyed!

Although Fang Hua was a little calmer, but at this time, it was inevitable that he would be frightened by such a big crime.

"Don't worry, ask Fang Qiaosheng clearly first, and then thoroughly investigate the inside of your Fang family as soon as possible. My son is here today. If it is found out, your Fang family really colluded with foreign countries, then don't blame me. Ruthless."

"No, no! Our Fang family has been loyal for generations, how could we have such thoughts? Please rest assured, Mu Shizi, the humble position will definitely let the Fang family give you an explanation as soon as possible."

"Well, it's best like this. Remember, so far, the only one who knows about this is the one from the Sancho family. However, I can guarantee that apart from him, the rest of the Sancho family will not know .So, you understand?"

Mu Liunian's words were not too sharp, but his tone and expression were cold and scary!
"Yes, Mu Shizi, I understand what I mean, and I will hand over the result to Shizi as soon as possible. I, Fang, can't guarantee others. I have a lineage. From then on, I will swear allegiance to the Changping Palace. Allegiance to the prince."

Mu Liunian nodded, but did not speak. Fang Hua almost didn't dare to raise his head with such a shocking domineering arrogance.

Even Fang Liang, such an old man in the officialdom, just felt his own humbleness and insignificance in front of Mu Liunian at this moment, as if in front of this person, no matter what he did, it was just a small fight.

"I know your thoughts. Remember, three days. If I can't give me a satisfactory result within three days, then my people will inevitably intervene in the internal affairs of your Fang family. Believe it I, myself, have never threatened people."

At this moment, Fang Hua clearly felt that what he said was never a threat, it was because he would do what he said and would really intervene in the Fang family's affairs.For some reason, Fang Hua believed that the young man in front of him really had such ability and ability!

When Fang Liang felt that the coercion above his head seemed to have faded a lot, and raised his head bravely, there was no one in the room.

Even Fang Hua had to admit that this Mu Shizi's skill was the best he had ever seen so far.Because he himself is a martial arts practitioner, but when Mu Shizi left, he didn't feel it at all.

The father and son sat in the study for a while, you looked at me, I looked at you, neither of them spoke.

Until Fang Hua began to urge, "Father, start writing first, the child will leave immediately today. Uncle and the others may not have known about such a big event."

Fang Liangliang nodded, and said with lingering fear, "If that Mu Shizi comes here twice more, he will lose his life as a father. It seems that the rumors are not true. This Mu Shizi has such a good reputation. Skill, which point is it like a person who has been bedridden all year round?"

"What the father said is true. The son also understands. This Mu Shizi was clearly dormant before, but now, the situation of the Changping palace, doesn't it explain everything?"

Fang Liang thought about the letter from his elder brother. The Changping palace is no longer the same as before. There is no place for the Mei family to intervene in the palace, and how happy was that bastard Mu Huanqing before?Now, isn't he a useless person?

If it is said that these are not the means of this Mu Shizi, he really does not believe it!

Fang Liang thought about his words, and quickly wrote the letter, and then Fang Hua carefully put it away. He dispatched more than ten guards from the mansion, and rushed all the way to the capital.

Seeing Fang Liang and his party leaving the city, Mu Liunian smiled slightly, Fang's family in the capital, Sangqiu Zirui, don't count on it.

Qinglong appeared behind him, glanced at their backs, "My lord, can you send someone to protect you along the way?"

"No need. Let's go too. This Yunzhou City cannot be controlled by him, Sangqiu Zirui."

Mu Liunian and his party followed closely behind, also non-stop. Finally, on the next morning, Mu Liunian entered the Changping Palace, soaked in the hot spring from the backyard for a while, and went straight to the dormitory after he relieved his fatigue.

Mu Liunian was only wearing a robe, and he wore it casually, and the middle belt was only tied loosely, without any seriousness.

A strand of hair on the front of the forehead was still dripping with drops of water, and the slightly honey-colored chest looked very attractive.

Qian Xia, who was half asleep and half awake on the bed, turned over, opened her eyes slightly, and saw such a scene that almost made her nose bleed.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?" A soft and waxy voice sounded, and Qian Xia looked at him with wide eyes with some uncertainty.

"Are you awake?" Mu Liunian said, looking out the window, "It's still early. The sun hasn't fully risen yet, lie down with me for a while."

This time, Qian Xia's drowsiness disappeared, and it turned out that he really came back.

"Why did you come back so early? Are you done with Yunzhou's affairs?"

"Well, it's nothing serious, so I rushed back." Mu Liunian said, pulling a clean thick handkerchief from a small screen, and wiped his hair indiscriminately. When Xia told him, he had already moved to the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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