Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 523 Exchanging Secrets!

Chapter 523 Exchanging Secrets! (2)
Mu Liunian's tone was calm, but it felt like a heavy hammer to Fang Hua's head. Although he knew that this was not referring to their Fang family, he still couldn't help trembling in his heart.

"Mu Shizi needs anything, but please tell me. Fang Hua and my father must do our best."

Mu Liunian nodded, and after a while, he said, "I heard that your uncle treats your second wife well. At least, he didn't have the bad luck of Sanqiu's second wife, who ended up with a broken family."

Fang Hua's face was a bit ugly, "Uncle has always taken good care of me and my father. My Fang family's children are not prosperous, so my grandfather has always paid more attention to this aspect. Since my father's generation was young, Grandfather has always advocated the prosperity of family and all things, brothers unite as one, and work together to break the tendons."

"Very well, I hope your uncle can really think so. I am not a person who likes to tell stories, nor is I a person who likes to ask for trouble. As long as no one comes to provoke me, then naturally I will not deliberately break A certain balance. However, since the Changping Palace accepted Lord Fang’s letter at the beginning, I also showed it to you father and son, and I also took action to destroy the manor for you. Then, in the future, the matter of your father and son It's about me, Mu Liunian. As for the rest of the Fang family, it depends on their performance."

Mu Liunian made it clear that Fang Liang and Fang Hua were the only ones he recognized now. As for the other Fang family members, they were not under his protection.And what changes will happen later, that may be uncertain.

For example, will the matter of the eldest prince being taken captive back then be exposed?
For another example, would he have hidden a hand to deal with the Fang family?
Just thinking about it now, Fang Hua felt numb all over. Once that matter was exposed, no one in the Fang family would be able to escape the emperor's wrath.

When Fang Hua left Yijing Garden, she felt her back was wet, sticky and uncomfortable.

When he finally got out of the house and got into his carriage, his body softened and he collapsed there.

After a long time, he murmured, "Mu Shizi is really powerful! The tiger father has no dogs. The prince was so brave and good at fighting back then. Although this Mu Shizi has never been on the battlefield, his guessing of people's hearts is the pinnacle."

Wiping the sweat with his sleeve, it seems that he has to go back and have a good communication with his uncle.

The words Mu Liunian said to him today, without exception, are all forcing the entire Fang family to bow their heads. In other words, what he wants is the entire Fang family, not their second wife!
When Mu Liunian returned to Chuyunxuan, he saw Qian Xia leaning on the couch and making a female red, watching her thread needles very skillfully, her gentle and fast movements fully demonstrated the softness and softness of a woman .

Qian Xia didn't look up, but noticed the hot grandmother he threw on her body, curled the corners of her lips, and said with a smile, "I thought you would come in and help me sort out these balls of thread, it seems that you don't willing?"

After finishing the words, she raised her head and glanced at him, there seemed to be a hint of threat in those soft and charming eyes.

Mu Liu smiled young, walked lightly into the room, found an embroidery pier, sat opposite her, and then began to arrange the messed up silk threads one by one.

Neither of them spoke, one threaded and the other sewed.

After a long time, Qian Xia took a look at the silk thread he was about to make, and pointed out, "The thread has been arranged, and your worries have also been arranged?"

The movements of Mu Liunian's hands paused for a moment, and then suddenly, he chuckled twice, and put the thread on the high table beside her.

"Qianqian, you can always guess all my thoughts accurately."

"I don't think so."

"The Fang family seems to be struggling on purpose. This is not a good thing for us. I even put such a lot of pressure on Fang Qiaosheng, but Fang Qiaosheng still can't make a decision. I have to wonder if the emperor promised him What special benefits."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, "For example?"

"Within three generations of Baofang's family, there will definitely be no bloodshed." Mu Liunian said after pondering for a while.

Qian Xia frowned and shook her head, "I thought you already understood what kind of temperament the emperor is. He would not give such a promise easily. Moreover, even if he made such a promise, then according to the emperor's Character, how reliable is it?"

Mu Liunian's eyes lit up, yes, how could he forget this?So what if the emperor made the promise?What character can a person like him have?

See how he treats the Anyang Sanqiu family and the Huai'an Xu family?How did Concubine Xu's child disappear? Do you really think they don't know?
Mu Liunian twirled his fingers a few times and narrowed his eyes. It seemed that it was time to put some pressure on the emperor.

At this time, the emperor can be said to be the most vulnerable time in his life. He had just lost his mother, and then lost his favorite concubine.

In fact, Mu Liunian still admires the emperor.After going through so many things, is he still able to sit firmly in court?

Although Mu Huanqing's incident made him vomit blood and fell seriously ill, obviously, these were not enough to destroy his possessive desire for power.

Mu Liunian figured out the key point, so he stood up and kissed Qian Xia on the forehead, "Good boy, I'll go out for a while. Come back tonight and have dinner with you."

After leaving Yixin Garden, Mu Liunian went straight to King Changping's study.

The next day, Fang Qiaosheng was once again called by the emperor to the imperial study to discuss government affairs, so as to show how much he valued Fang Qiaosheng.

It was almost noon when Fang Qiaosheng came out of the imperial study.

I didn't eat anything before going to court in the morning, and I have persisted until now. Although I was rewarded with a bowl of porridge by the emperor in the imperial study, how can such a little thing work for a man?
After coming out and walking a short corridor, I saw a few palace people discussing something in a low voice from a distance. Fang Qiaosheng had never been interested in such things.

However, he was unwilling to ask anything related to the palace.

It's just that he got closer and vaguely heard what they were talking about Concubine Xu.

The few palace people were talking in front of a flower garden not far from the corridor. The corridor was built a bit high. The few palace people only focused on talking and did not notice Fang Qiaosheng, who deliberately lowered the sound of his footsteps.

"I heard that the little prince has been crying non-stop for the past two days. The empress has also visited several times, and the imperial doctor has also been invited to do not know how many times, but I don't know why."

"You said, is it because Concubine Xu is worried about the little prince, so she came back to visit him, which made the little prince cry?"

(End of this chapter)

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