Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 526 Exchanging Secrets!

Chapter 526 Exchanging Secrets! (5)
Lin Shaokang's figure stiffened obviously, and then his face slowly condensed, "What secret?"

Seeing his performance, Qian Xia was sure that Lin Shaokang must have known the secrets of Duke Dingguo's mansion a long time ago.

"I don't go around in circles with you, and you don't have to hide it from me. Now, you are my stepfather, I am your stepdaughter, and Lin Zhengyang's sister. Between us, we are both prosperous and wealtered. Even if you don't kiss me Hou, in the eyes of outsiders, you still have your heart for the Yun family, don't you?"

Lin Shaokang had never seen such a side of Qian Xia, and he was in a daze for a moment. Is this really the weak little girl that Yun's spoke of?Why do you feel that this child's aura is not inferior to any famous dignitaries?
"I understand what you mean. But I don't understand. What do you mean by that?"

"I didn't deliberately inquire about the secrets of your Dingguo mansion, but this matter is related to other important matters, and I can't explain it to you now, but in exchange, I can use one of my secrets as a bargaining chip , I wonder what father thinks?"

Lin Shaokang felt his forehead go cold!

The little girl in front of her kept calling her father over and over again, but what she said seemed to be negotiating when the two armies were confronting each other.Why do you feel so awkward, and a bit weird?

"You want to trade your own secrets with me?"

Qian Xia nodded, "Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you. In name, you and I are father and daughter, so I don't need to deceive you. Of course, you don't want to deceive me with some fake news. Since I am If you have the courage to ask, it is naturally impossible for you not to know anything about it.”

Now, Lin Shaokang couldn't calm down any more.

Who is this Yun Qianxia?The momentum of this speech is not inferior to others, and most importantly, it seems that I can't even have half a doubt about her words?

Especially when he saw her calm expression, Lin Shaokang felt that he was not calm enough.

"Speak, I'm all ears."

After Lin Shaokang took several deep breaths repeatedly, he seemed to have just come out of the predicament just now. He thought about how he should word his words and what kind of mentality he should use to tell her.

After all, this is the top secret of the Lin family!
However, now that she knows it, then, perhaps, in a sense, it is no longer a secret.

"The matter has to start with the first emperor. When the first emperor was alive, our Dingguo mansion had just been conferred. My father was also the first Dingguo. When the first emperor was dying, he left a brocade The box was handed over to my father. At that time, the emperor used almost all his contacts to avoid the emperor's eyes and ears."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, brocade box?The first emperor did not give it to his own son, but gave it to Ding Guogong. Why?
"It turned out that half of the Black Tie Token was placed in the brocade box. The emperor repeatedly asked my father not to disclose this matter to anyone no matter what. He also stated that if one day in the future, someone holds the other half The Black Tie Order came and asked him to give this half no matter what. And he swore to be loyal to him."

Qian Xia interjected, "But that person has come late?"

Lin Shaokang nodded, "That's right. That man will come later. However, when my father passed away, he also ordered that since this was the last emperor's will, it must be continued from generation to generation. These are also the original words of the emperor at that time."

Half a black iron order?
It seems that this is part of the tokens that the hidden force needs?
Qian Xia's eyes were slightly cold, and she was more puzzled. Why was the hidden power of the royal family handed over to Lin Shaokang?Moreover, judging from his expression and eyes just now, he doesn't seem to be lying.

Could it be that the first emperor had already expected that a certain prince would force the palace, so he made preparations early?
But that doesn't make sense either.

It's impossible for the former emperor to have no trusted royal heirs, right?Or, the situation at that time was special, and it happened that Duke Ding was there, so he could only be counted on?
However, this is too child's play, right?Half of the command of the hidden forces of the royal family was handed over to a courtier, and he was still a general!Wasn't the first emperor afraid of rebellion by the Dingguo Guild?
"Qianxia, ​​I've finished what you want to ask, and I don't know the specifics. To be honest, I have been waiting for that person to appear all these years. In any case, at least let me put this hot mountain The Yu was thrown out. Now that it is placed here, I am also worried all day long. Once the emperor becomes suspicious, I'm afraid?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Qian Xia's mind, and she suddenly remembered that her uncle had predicted that the Lin family would be doomed. Could it be because the emperor knew about the half of the black iron order?
Qian Xia's expression was extremely serious, and she looked up at Lin Shaokang, "Father, whether you believe it or not, you must remember that the person who will come to you to ask for half a black iron token will definitely not be the emperor, nor It might be someone from the emperor. Now that the news has been leaked out, there is no guarantee that the emperor will hear it after a long time. Therefore, the current plan is to come up with a perfect plan as soon as possible."

Qian Xia didn't expect that Mu Liunian and the others thought that Dingguo's mansion had a secret force, but in the end, it wasn't the case at all?This is why my uncle was able to predict the result of the destruction of the Lin family before.

If the Lin family really had such a powerful force, how could the emperor dare to do it?
He obviously holds a half token that can mobilize mysterious power in his hand, but he can't use it, and he can't let anyone know. This is simply like holding a long sword at the gate of the Lin family. Inadvertently, none of the Lin family survived!
Qian Xia took a deep breath, closed her eyes and meditated for a while, then opened her eyes, with a pair of black eyes, calm and calm, "I can tell you my secret, but, before that, I have to remind you. About me The secret is like the half black iron order in your hand, you must never mention it to anyone, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will do anything to you."

Qian Xia admits that this is a bit harsh, but she has no choice but to be careful for herself, for the Yun family and the Changping Palace.

In fact, Lin Shaokang was really shocked by the cold air all over her body just now!

Thinking about her words again and seeing her rather serious expression, he was really hesitant to listen to her so-called secret.

"I am a mystic. Father must know that my uncle is a very powerful mystic, right?"

Lin Shaokang nodded blankly, unable to react all of a sudden, mystic?Such a young mystic?

(End of this chapter)

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