Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 530 Brief Calm!

Chapter 530 Brief Calm! (4)
"Brother Huang, since you have received news before that Mu Shizi and his wife are in love, why did you mention it in front of Emperor Ziye?"

The Eighth Prince laughed lightly, gently lifted Princess Xiyue's chin with one hand, and said with a frivolous expression, "I naturally have my reasons for doing this. As for you, my dear sister, think about it, How can you hook the soul of the second prince. Remember, there are only two marriage partners for you, one is the second prince, and the other is Sangqiu Zirui."

Princess Xiyue's face was already a little pale, the eighth prince kept his hand and did not leave, and she could only say in embarrassment, "Brother emperor, so to speak, from the very beginning, you never thought of promising me to me." Mu Liunian?"

"He? Hehe! A person like him can't rub the sand in his eyes."

After saying that, she let go of her hand suddenly, and Princess Xiyue almost couldn't stand still and shook.

"During these days in Liangcheng, it's best to be quiet. The Empress Dowager Ziye's funeral has not yet passed, and no matter what the subjects are, all happy events are prohibited. Do you understand what my palace says?"

Princess Xiyue's face turned even paler, "Yes, sister understands."

Seeing that the Eighth Prince had finally left, she dared to call someone in and helped her to lean on the couch.

Every time she talks to this Eighth Emperor brother, she feels like she has walked through the gate of hell.I really don't understand that a person who looks so gentle and kind has such a cruel and vicious temper?

"Princess, are you alright?"

Princess Xiyue shook her head. The words of the eighth prince seemed to be still in her ears, especially the sentence that Mu Liunian couldn't rub the sand in her eyes?What does it mean?Does it mean that her majestic Princess Cangming is just an insignificant grain of sand in their eyes?
Then what is that Yun Qianxia?On the contrary, it has become everyone's favorite pearl?

And the eighth prince's last words were clearly reminding her that she must never blatantly seduce her, let alone do anything that is unseemly.

Princess Xiyue bit her lower lip resentfully, the tears in her eyes flashed back and forth like that, but they never fell.

And after Mu Liunian returned to Chuyunxuan, he seemed to have reacted, and snorted lightly, "This cunning fox almost stunned me."

Qian Xia happened to come in, and said with a smile, "Which fox is so powerful, and can plot against you?"

Mu Liunian hurriedly talked about what happened today, and at the end, he said, "I just realized now that the Eighth Prince actually didn't choose me as his partner from the very beginning. He may be interested in Someone else."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, waiting for him to answer her doubts.

"Marriage matters have always been a bit of a twist. I'm afraid the eighth prince has also seen that the emperor's dislike and fear for the second prince may make the second prince powerful. But now the court is worthy of Princess Xiyue There are only a few people with different identities. That's why he chose me, who he knew he wouldn't agree with, to take the lead."

Qian Xia also understood at this moment, "He knows that the emperor doesn't like the second prince, if he directly proposes to marry the second prince, I'm afraid it will only be counterproductive. So, I mentioned you first. Then you do this again He rejected it openly and aboveboard. Our emperor felt that he was at fault in this matter, if he proposes to marry Princess Xiyue to the second prince, I'm afraid it will be more difficult for the emperor to object."

"That's right! However, according to what he said, the person who pushed me out was probably the emperor, so he decided to plan. If things fail, the embarrassing one will only be the emperor."

Asahi was speechless.

She could understand that the emperor would play Mu Liunian's idea. After all, the emperor always disliked the Changping Palace. If the palace married a princess from a foreign country, there would be endless disturbances.

But the Eighth Prince of Cangming also booed!

Although his original intention was to choose a marriage partner who was most beneficial to them, there was no need to do so, right?Isn't it just to choose a son-in-law for the princess, as for?

Since the eighth prince had agreed to Mu Liunian, he went directly to the palace the next morning to express their attitude. The reason was simple, that is, Princess Xiyue heard that Mu Shizi and his wife loved each other, and that they played harmoniously, so she couldn't bear to disturb their lives.

The emperor just breathed a sigh of relief in disappointment. In this way, there is no need to worry about Mu Liunian getting into trouble with him, but he is naturally a little disappointed that he can't make the Changping Palace cause some trouble.

But what the eighth prince said next made the emperor feel that it was wrong to advance or retreat!

The eighth prince directly proposed a marriage partner, the second prince!
In this way, it should be a headache for the emperor.

If the emperor rejects the eighth prince again, then it is equivalent to Zi Ye rejecting him twice, where does this make the Cangming royal family lose face?
But if he doesn't refuse, is it possible to let him watch Xiao Yunfang's power grow day by day?

The emperor said that he was not feeling well, and he would give an answer after discussing with everyone.

The emperor wanted to avoid this problem, but the eighth prince seemed to have reached some kind of agreement with the second prince. On that day, rumors that the Cangming royal family intended to marry the second prince were already flying all over Liangcheng.

Even though the emperor is displeased, there is nothing he can do!
Concubine Hua was playing with Xiao Yunfu, when she saw the emperor coming with a sad face, she hurriedly stepped forward to help the emperor undress, and then helped the emperor apply the face, "The emperor looks unhappy, but what's on your mind?"

The emperor sighed heavily, glanced at the little prince on the rocking bed, and leaned back, "It's not because of the second prince's marriage."

Concubine Hua froze for a moment, then smiled, "Your Majesty, according to my concubine, the second prince's marriage is not in a hurry. When is it now? The empress dowager's one-year mourning period has not yet passed, and the second prince is engaged, so naturally he can't." Married."

According to the system, when the empress dowager dies, Ziye's subjects will observe filial piety for her for one year, while the emperor will use the day to represent the year.The princes don't need to worry about three years like the folk custom, only one year is enough.

The emperor's face became more relaxed when he heard the words, "There is some truth in what you said. It's just that this Princess Xiyue is more loved by Emperor Cangming. Since he intends to marry his daughter far away, I'm afraid that in the future, she will marry her daughter." .”

"Your majesty, isn't she just a Princess Xiyue, how capable can she be? Besides, isn't the matter of border trade now what the emperor is really worried about?"

The emperor thinks about it, even if the marriage is set, the marriage will have to go next year, and the preparations will start after the empress dowager's funeral is over. The prince's wedding, just the preparations, will take another three or four months scene.In this way, it can be delayed.

"Well, that makes sense."

However, if a princess dies on the way to get married by then, it will be hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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