Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 547 Too thick-skinned!

Chapter 547 Too thick-skinned! (2)
"Are you trying to take advantage of her status as the eldest princess?"

"I said, this is what that person meant. He said that everything can be done easily only if He Ning comes forward. Moreover, even if the emperor finds out in the future, he won't make things difficult for me."

Qian Xia frowned, He Ning is the emperor's own younger sister, no matter what mistakes he made, the emperor would forgive him, this is true.

"When did the man in black contact you?"

"I don't remember clearly, it was a long time ago. At that time, Lin Shaokang came to me because he was sent to the border."

Qian Xia thought for a moment, "So, you were responsible for the mess up of his marriage with Yun Xiaoyue?"

"Probably." Lin Shaofeng's expression was a little listless, and he would pant a few times from time to time.

"Tell me, what else do you know about Lin Shaokang?"

"I know everything about him. He is not a compatriot with our mother at all. He is the son of that bitch! I am the reasonable heir to Dingguo's mansion, and I am the one who sits in that position naturally. That Yun Qianxia, ​​if she hadn't gotten in the middle, Lin Shaokang wouldn't have discovered this secret. My mother wouldn't have died either."

Qian Xia frowned, "What else did that person ask you to do besides asking you to find a way to find out the secrets of Duke Dingguo's mansion?"

"No more. He said that my mission is to find out this secret, and then secretly cooperate with his people to deal with Lin Shaokang."

"His people? Be more specific."

Lin Shaofeng said a series of names intermittently. Qian Xia looked at Mu Liunian, saw him nodding, and then signaled Yun Changan to stop playing the piano, and then slowly said something in Lin Shaofeng's ear, Yun Changan carefully Untied the rope on his body, and clicked his sleeping hole.Then, a group of people quickly evacuated from here.

After the group left, Lin Shaokang was helped out from the small door on the other side, with a horrified expression on his face, obviously he hadn't reacted from the blow just now.

For Lin Shaokang to have such a reaction, Qian Xia was not surprised at all.

The younger brother he had always regarded as his own, had actually known about their half-brother for a long time, and had even planned to replace him.Hearing it from Lin Shaofeng with his own ears is obviously more intimidating than telling others!
Qian Xia did not hesitate to risk exposing her secret technique, but also let Lin Shaokang hear it with her own ears. The purpose is to wake him up. Some things, if it is not your benevolence, the other party will be grateful to you heart!
When Lin Shaofeng woke up again, he found himself lying sprawled on the ground, with the horse he rode when he left the city beside him.

Lin Shaofeng rubbed the space between his eyebrows, then reached out and pinched his own neck, what happened?
Lin Shaofeng's eyes were blank, and he seemed to have no memory of everything before.Looking at the brown horse beside him, could it be that he was careless and fell off the horse?

At this time, Qianxia and his party had already returned to Linlang Bieyuan.

Yun Ruoqi took Xu Qingmei away so that she would not get in the way here.

Yun Ruogu had been waiting here for a long time, and after studying the list carefully, they did not come to a corresponding conclusion.

"This name is too messy, too complicated. It can be found everywhere. Based on this alone, we can't deduce who the person behind him is. Also, based on Lin Shaofeng's words, I'm afraid we can't confirm anything. "

Yun Chang'an was a little disappointed, after spending so much effort, he never expected that Lin Shaofeng would be of any use to the person behind the scenes, but he didn't offer him anything.

Yun Ruogu frowned, "You can't say that. At least, we know that there is still a hidden force in the court that is watching the emperor."

Mu Liunian and Qian Xia looked at each other and nodded slightly, "That's right. That person wanted such a thing, obviously, he was aiming at the imperial power. In this way, we only need to list all the people who may threaten the imperial power. It's easy to handle."

Yun Ruogu was a little uncertain, "Sister, what if that person is actually the Emperor's?"

"Impossible! If it was the emperor, he would not have chosen to let He Ning do it. Moreover, the man in black is obviously wary of the emperor, otherwise, Lin Shaofeng would not have asked He Ning to go find him."

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows slightly, put his hand on his chin, walked around the room a few times, and muttered, "If it is said to threaten the imperial power, the person who got such a thing must be a member of the royal family, otherwise, I'm afraid it's useless if you get it. Judging from the age, it won't be the emperor's heir, so it can only be his brother, or the prince of the collateral line?"

"That's right, this is the greatest possibility!" Yun Ruogu stood up abruptly, "So far, there are more than ten princes, big and small, in the imperial family. There are only five or six places left."

A few people looked at each other, and they already had an idea in their hearts. The scope was narrowed down to this point, and it would not be too difficult to check again.

But the question is, after finding out who is here?Do they choose to cooperate, or choose to be enemies?

At least, the secrets of Dingguo's mansion must never be made public, otherwise, the first person who wants to take Lin Shaokang's life must be the emperor.

After discussing with a few people, they still feel that this matter is too serious. It's just a few of them. I'm afraid there will be troubles in the future.

After the three Yun Chang'an brothers returned home, they naturally reported this matter to Yun Cangli, and after being scolded by him, they also looked helpless!
He wanted to find Qian Xia, but he couldn't bear to embarrass her from the bottom of his heart. After thinking about it, he went to Dingguo's mansion that night.

Qian Xia and Mu Liunian didn't think too much like the others.

Some things, whether they know it or not, are always there.

There will be no essential difference in things just because they know about it.Of course, because they don't know, there won't be no crisis for them.

As for which prince has such ability and means, Qian Xia directly throws the question to Mu Liunian.

The next day, Qianxia formally summoned several important people under her new income, the seven hall masters of the Seven Star Gate, in Linlang Bieyuan.

"See Master." Seven people stood side by side. The combination of six men and one woman was a bit weird.

Qian Xia raised her hand, "It's all free. I don't know much about Qixingmen, so you can report your own family. Remember, it's too complicated, I can't remember. Tell your strengths and weaknesses Say it carefully."

"Yes, Master."

The seven people introduced themselves. The seven people were named Han Xing, Leng Xing, Ju Xing, Hua Xing, Meteor, and Bei Xing. Li Xing was the woman's name.

(End of this chapter)

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