Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 549 Too thick-skinned!

Chapter 549 Too thick-skinned! (4)
She said she wanted to take a look, how could Princess Changping stop her?
It can only be that someone sent a letter to Qian Xia in advance, and only hoped that the three of them, mother and daughter, would not cause any trouble.

Originally, Qian Xia proposed to stay in Linlang Bie Yuan because of Lin Shaofeng's affairs. Moreover, it was to avoid them, especially that Xu Youting, which made people really not like it.

Especially the naked admiration she always looked at Mu Liunian, Qian Xia felt that she was simply losing the dignity of a lady.

Regarding the arrival of their mother and daughter, Qianxia didn't make any special arrangements, it was still what to do.

After a while, when Mu Liunian and Yun Changan came over together, they realized that there were a few more people here.

Xu Youting was originally aiming at Mu Liunian. She was in the Changping Palace before, and saw the grandeur and luxury of the palace, and her little thoughts began to swell.Now that I see this exquisite and unique royal garden, this vanity is even heavier.

She can't wait to be the owner of this place, to live here forever.

But she apparently forgot that even if she became Mu Liunian's concubine, she was only a concubine, how could she become the mistress?
Mu Liunian is a smart person, knowing that Qian Xia will be upset when they come.However, as a junior, Qian Xia couldn't chase people away directly, so when he came back, he didn't have so many worries.

"When did you come here?"

"Cousin, I came here just after breakfast. I just came here, so I knew you had something to go out." Xu Youting said coquettishly.

Yun Changan glanced at her sullenly, and shivered, feeling cold all over.

"Oh, it's getting late, and it's time for you to go back. It just so happens that the eldest brother is going back to the city, so let him take you all the way back, so Qianqian and I can feel relieved."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, this way of driving people away is quite clever.

"Here, cousin, we just came today, and we haven't visited this garden carefully yet." Xu Youting said anxiously.

Mrs. Zhao also laughed quickly, "Yes, Fleeting Years. Before going out, the concubine also said that since she is here, she will stay for a few more days. Isn't that right? She even brought a few extra sets of clothes."

Qian Xia rolled her eyes in an inelegant way, thanks to Mu Liunian's half body blocking her, otherwise, the Zhao family would have seen her like this, and she still doesn't know how to arrange her with the princess .

"That's right. But this garden, as you have seen, is mostly scenic, and there are not many places where people can really live. Now I live with Qianqian, Qingmei lives in the same yard, and with these maidservants guarding, only I’m afraid it’s not easy to free up the courtyard again.”

As Mu Liunian said, he turned around and asked Qian Xia, "Didn't you know they were going to stay?"

Qian Xia shook her head, and said with an innocent face, "How do I know? After my aunt came, she didn't mention anything. So what should I do now?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhao scolded Qian Xia all over her heart!
You clearly saw us coming with big bags and small bags, how could you not know that we are going to stay here for a while?It's just that they don't want us to stay.

The more Mrs. Zhao thinks like this, the more she feels that her daughter has a chance. Otherwise, why would Yun Qianxia be so afraid of their mother and daughter?

If Qian Xia knew what she was thinking, she would probably be so angry that she would jump!

please!Is that jealous?That's disgusting, okay?

It was because Qian Xia didn't like to talk around corners with them, so she ran here to try to be quiet, but she was kind, so she thought she was afraid of her!

"Forget it, I'll let Sanqi and Yaoyue clean up and let them live in my yard. If Auntie doesn't mind being wronged, let's spend the night in their place first. Anyway, we will go back tomorrow. city."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhao is going back so soon?If I knew they should have come out a few days earlier.

With Qian Xia's words, it's hard for Mrs. Zhao to say anything more. After all, as the master, she will return to the palace tomorrow. The three guests can't stay here, right?
Seeing her sister's attitude towards Mu Liunian, Xu Youlan could only shake her head helplessly, there was nothing she could do.

Since people insist on jumping there, others can't stop them.

In the evening, Xu Youlan sat in Zhao's room for a while longer, she really couldn't understand why she must let her younger sister marry Mu Liunian as a concubine?Just for a Changping palace, for wealth?

"Mother, do you really stop thinking about it? My sister is still young, why should you?"

Mrs. Zhao waved her hands, her expression obviously a little impatient, "You are still young, you don't understand many things. The Yun family may have been prominent in the past, but after two generations in succession, how long do you think they will be able to prosper? Changping Palace What is your identity? That is someone who is very important to the emperor. As long as our You Ting can marry Mu Liunian, then everything in the future will naturally have hope, including your brother's future, everything will be much better."

Zhao Shi said so, in Xu Youlan's view, it was just that after her younger sister became Mu Liunian's side concubine, she would support her elder brother a little bit. She would never have thought that, in fact, the reason why Zhao Shi would say this It is because you have already reached an agreement with someone.

As long as Xu Youting is sent to Changping Palace, then her husband and son's future will be assured.

The causal relationship is exactly the opposite.

Of course, for such a reason, Mrs. Zhao would not explain it to her daughter, otherwise, wouldn't she have become a prostitute for glory?
Early the next morning, Mu Liunian went to the empty courtyard to practice swords as usual, just practicing some moves, basically without using any internal strength.

He gently pulled a sword flower, stood with his feet together, and withdrew his breath.

"Does my cousin have to get up early to practice swords every day?" Xu Youting came over with something in his hand, and Mu Liunian was slightly displeased when he saw that it was her.

"How did you come here?"

Xu Youting lowered her head slightly, acting shyly, "I'm used to getting up early, and then I heard that you are practicing sword here, so I came to have a look." She said, and handed over the tray in her hand.

There is a clean wet handkerchief and a dry handkerchief on it.This is Mu Liunian's habit, first wipe his hands and face with a wet handkerchief, then use a dry handkerchief, and finally wipe the long sword in his hand.

After all, she is also his cousin. Mu Liunian was too disgusted to behave. After wiping the sword body, he threw the handkerchief on the tray, "I will leave this kind of thing to my followers in the future. .”

As he spoke, he glanced at the little follower standing beside him.

The little boy hurried over, took the tray, and hurriedly backed away.

(End of this chapter)

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