Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 559 Unrecognizable!

Chapter 559 Unrecognizable! (4)
Princess Changping's heart tightened immediately, "Come here, arrange for chariots and horses immediately, and send Zhao's mother and daughter to Zhuangzi outside the city to avoid acne."

"Yes, princess."

Aunt Qing also came over, hesitated for a moment, and reminded, "Princess, what about Miss Xu?"

"Does Youlan have any symptoms?"

The government doctor quickly shook his head, "Miss Xu is all normal, there is nothing abnormal."

"Well, arrange it quickly. In addition, go and inform the masters and servants in each courtyard. No one is allowed to enter or leave at will. Unless I give orders from my concubine, stay quietly in their respective courtyards!"

"Yes, princess."

Hearing that Xu Youting was rushed to Zhuangzi outside the city, Qian Xia just curled her lips.

Chickenpox, acute onset, mild, moderate fever and rash, may have prodromal symptoms such as headache, general burnout, etc. The rash first occurs on the scalp and the compressed parts of the trunk.The skin lesions show a process from small red maculopapules to herpes, then to scabs, and finally shed the scabs. No skin scars are left after the normal scabs are shed.During the attack, the pain and itching are obvious. If some other symptoms are caused by scratching, mild dents may be left.

This is what Yun Changan told her before.

In fact, generally speaking, only children under the age of six are prone to chickenpox, and she also inadvertently learned from Yun Changan that he still kept the veil used by a chickenpox patient.

Qian Xia asked Yaoyue to fetch the things, and immediately used them for Xu Youting.Unexpectedly, this effect is really surprisingly good.

However, by the way, Qianxia asked Yaoyue to directly destroy all the strange and obviously dangerous things in Yunchang'an Medicine House.She didn't want others to use the same trick on her own.

Of course, Yaoyue's actions angered Yun Changan, but Yun Changan couldn't beat her, and Yaoyue also made it clear that this was the meaning of the concubine. In the end, Yun Changan could only admit that he was unlucky and let it go .

The news of Xu Youting's sudden acne spread quickly in the capital. Although it didn't cause people to panic, it still made people curious and fearful.

Xu Youlan still stayed in the palace. After Xu Youting left, the doctor checked and confirmed again, and finally confirmed that everything in Changping Palace is fine.

After Xu Zhijian heard that his daughter was infected with chickenpox, although he was anxious, he also understood the severity of the chickenpox. In addition, his grandson is still young, if he is infected, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, he has no objection to Princess Changping sending their mother and daughter to Zhuangzi outside the city to avoid acne. He just sent some clothes over symbolically to appease them.

It's enough if Qian Xia doesn't make a move. Now that she has made a move, it is naturally impossible to leave any trouble for herself.

The same opponent, moreover a clumsy opponent, she naturally didn't want to face it a second time.

So, she kindly asked someone to send some things over, but it was fine for others to use, but for Xu Youting, who is naturally allergic to pollen, it would be a little troublesome to use it.

Originally, I had chickenpox, but if I take good care of it, after seven or eight days, and the fever gradually fades away, it should be fine.

But Xu Youting used some things that shouldn't be used, and her whole body was itchy. Naturally, scratching was inevitable for this itching.

And Yun Chang'an said before, if there is scratching, which leads to acne breakouts, or other things, then it will be difficult not to leave scars.

Sure enough, a few days later, Zhuangzi from outside the city sent back news that Xu Youting's chickenpox had basically gone away, but there were too many scars on her face, and her beautiful face was completely ruined!
I heard that Xu Youting cried so much that she passed out several times, Zhao tried to coax her, but instead she threw something out, and kept saying that it was Zhao who harmed her, saying that she would never recognize Zhao again in this life For the mother!
This word reached the ears of the Changping Prince's Mansion, so naturally they had to think more about it.

Thinking about Xu Youting's attitude towards Mu Liunian before, and thinking about why it happened so coincidentally that she fell ill when she was about to move, Princess Changping felt a little bad all over!

At a young age, is it worth it for an invisible future?
It's good now, the good husband and son-in-law are not caught, but his face is ruined. I am afraid that ordinary people will not want an ugly woman like her in the future.This girl's life was completely ruined!

Qian Xia looked at the cold moonlight outside, her expression was a little cold, she never said that she was a good person.As for others always taking her gentleness as everything to her, then, she can only say that it is too stupid to blame them!

A cold light flashed in his eyes, who is behind Mrs. Zhao, I believe, it will be tracked down soon.

Xu Youting's game is useless, she doesn't believe that Mrs. Zhao won't think of other ways!
Since that person can convince Mrs. Zhao that they are capable enough to bring glory to their family, it is obvious that his status is no less than that of Patriarch Xu.

But in the capital, it is really hard to judge who has the motivation and ability to do so now, which one it will be.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

Mu Liunian took off his outer robe, then leaned gently towards her, barely stopping three or four steps away from her, worried that the cold air on his body would invade her.

Qian Xia turned around and looked at her husband calmly, "Xu Youting is bound to become a waste chess game, an unknown little girl doesn't deserve too much attention. , it will never be remembered."

"Are you sure? Xu Youting, there really won't be any more problems?"

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, her tone was a bit unfriendly, "Are you feeling sorry for her?"

Mu Liunian's face sank, "What are you talking about? You know I don't mean that! I'm worried about Mrs. Zhao."

"Xu Youting has become a useless chess game. What I'm really worried about is whether this stupid woman, Mrs. Zhao, will have her idea on Xu Youlan."

After Qian Xia finished speaking, she turned and went back to the bed.

Mu Liunian was slightly surprised, and then said in disbelief, "She can't be so stupid, can she? It's not enough to lose one daughter, but she needs to get another one? She's too obsessed with it!"

"I said, this is what I'm worried about. If Mrs. Zhao is smart enough, she should know that she shouldn't continue to make up your mind. But if her heart is tempted by something, and this temptation happens to be She couldn't refuse. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she really might be able to do something earth-shattering."

Mu Liunian twitched the corners of his lips, "It's not enough, is it? No matter how tempting it is, it's not enough for her to pay for all her daughters, right? One Xu Youting is not enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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