Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 563 Stay away from Liangcheng

Chapter 563 Stay away from Liangcheng (4)
Qian Xia subconsciously looked towards the door, "Xiaoxue!"

"Don't worry, it's fine. Qinglong is outside. If Xiaoxue dies, I'll ask Qinglong to pay you another ten Xiaoxue."

After hearing this, Qinglong outside expressed that he was not calm!
Master, even if you cheat your subordinates, you don't bring such cheats, right?Obviously you were the one who swept it out with a lot of force, so why is its life and death now a matter for your subordinates?

Besides, in this world of ice and snow, where would you ask your subordinates to find you ten snow pigeons?

Qian Xia put her hands against his chest to stop him from bullying him, "Yuanchu, don't come here! This is the wilderness, and it's on a carriage. I warn you, if you dare to mess around, we will kill you tonight." Sleep separately."

Mu Liunian smiled badly, and one hand had already been poked inside her shirt. The warm and rough touch made Qian Xia suffocate, while Mu Liunian looked at her with satisfaction. He said in a deep voice, "I won't mess around."

No wonder!
Before Qian Xia's words could be spoken, his mouth was already tightly sealed by him.

"You, you go away. You are not allowed in my room tonight."

"I said, I won't mess around."

"Then what are you doing now? Ah, my clothes!"

"I'm just doing what a husband and wife should do. It's perfectly normal. This is legal and reasonable. Who dares to say no?"

"Mu Liunian, where do you put your hands? Ah, go away, you tore another piece of my clothes!"

"Good boy! I'll make ten more for you later."

Listening to the intermittent conversations in the carriage that made people blush, Qinglong said, who said that the benefits of being with the master are the best?

Like this kind of thing, he swears, he really doesn't want to encounter it!
Silently, a dozen or so steps away from the carriage, it's too far away, and I'm worried about the safety of the two masters inside, forget it, just endure it like this.

Compared with Qinglong's sad mood, the mood of the people in the carriage behind was much better.

Since Yaoyue and Sanqi went out, they almost didn't have any errands.All the work of serving the master personally was done by the prince, and now, the two of them felt extremely relaxed.

In the evening, the group arrived in a fairly wealthy town.

Mu Liunian carried Qian Xia off the carriage, such a move, in the eyes of Qinglong and others, was no surprise.

They had a lot of fun along the way, and their style of acting was quite high-profile. On the one hand, it was to reassure some people in the capital, and on the other hand, it was naturally for the emperor to see.

It proves that they really just came out to play in the mountains and rivers, not because they have any shady secrets.

Qinglong directly asked someone to take over the entire inn. In this slightly remote town, the owner of the inn was very happy to have such a large business.

Seeing that the town is still lively, Qian Xia lays down in front of the window, thinking of going down for a stroll.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow we will rest here for a day, and you can go wherever you want."

Qian Xia was slightly stunned, "Aren't we in a hurry?"

"No hurry. It's not far from Qilin Mountain. Take a day off tomorrow, and I will arrange for you to go into the mountain with me the day after tomorrow."

Qianxia still has a little understanding of Qilin Mountain, "I heard that Qilin Mountain is dangerous. Your troops, or the base camp of your Mu family, is hiding there?"

"Yes and no." Mu Liunian smiled inscrutablely, "Not far from there, there are several properties of ours, just right, let's go and have a look."

The next day, Mu Liunian followed Qian Xia's advice and took a good stroll in this small town. No one knew their identities here, but they had a good time.

Qian Xia bought a lot of gadgets along the street, but they didn't spend much money, but they were never seen before.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, how about taking this back to play with Zhengyang? It looks very novel."

Mu Liunian watched her reach out and fiddle with a few small sticks like others, and shook his head, "This is a shadow puppet. If you like it, you can choose a few more. Or, I will take you to see a shadow puppet show tonight."

"Shadow play? Is it good?"

"It's nice. You'll know when the time comes."

In the evening, a few people came to this small courtyard to watch the shadow puppet show. It was the first time for Qian Xia to see this kind of performance, so she was inevitably a little curious.

Others just watched the play for a quarter of an hour, but she insisted on watching it for more than half an hour.

If she wasn't really too tired, I'm afraid she would have to look at it for another hour.

Mu Liunian carried Qian Xia into the car, and ordered in a low voice, "Give them 100 taels of silver as the reservation money, and let them all take them to Liangcheng, and then go to Changle Palace and Yunfu to perform a few plays. Ask them Would you like to?"

"Yes, son."

There are only four or five people in this shadow puppet troupe, and one of them is a child. This is a kind of job in the streets and alleys. If they can earn a few copper coins a day, they are already very happy.

Seeing that I have met a nobleman now, I am naturally happy, and I immediately agreed.

Anyway, they hadn't been in the town for a short time, so it was time to leave.

When Qianxia arrived at the foot of Qilin Mountain, she was amazed to see such a majestic mountain range!
As far as the eye can see, there are almost all rocks and trees.

"I have long heard that Qilin Mountain is the largest mountain range in Ziye. The climate here is a bit weird. It is summer at the foot of the mountain, and spring at the middle of the mountain. At the top of the mountain, it may be colder than winter. Standing here now Look, it’s lush and green everywhere, and I don’t see anything wrong.”

"Of course you can't see it. What you can see here are only the outermost mountains. The real peaks are invisible here. This Qilin Mountain is long and wide, and the mountains inside are stretching. Since ancient times Since then, it has been a battleground for military strategists."

"A place like this is indeed the most suitable for Tibetans. However, the emperor has always been suspicious, so why didn't he send some soldiers here to patrol the mountain?"

"How could it not be sent?"

Mu Liunian sneered, "The emperor has long suspected that some of our Mu family's elite are hiding here, so every three years, we will send an elite army of more than a thousand people to the mountain for inspection, but it's a pity. Mountain, there has been no harvest."

Qian Xia frowned, "If there are people living here, there will naturally be traces. People always want to eat, drink, and scatter, and these, there will be no traces left, right?"

Mu Liu smiled young, "Let's go. When you see it with your own eyes, you will understand."

(End of this chapter)

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