Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 567 It Was Her?

Chapter 567 It Was Her? (3)
There are many high mountains, and there is no village or rice field, except for some cypresses and some dead trees, quietly waiting for the spring of the coming year.

These mountains are like a herd of elephants, one leaning on the other, such a giant, it is rare to fall asleep!
Qianxia let out a soft sigh, "It's so beautiful! There has never been such a scene on Phoenix Mountain. It is like spring all the year round and the scenery is picturesque. I always thought that Phoenix Mountain was the most beautiful place in the world. Only now did I know that it is here today. It turns out that in the vast world, each has its own beauty, and each has its own wonder.”

Mu Liunian gathered her clothes together, "It's still early! This is only the outermost area. You follow me closely. Xuanwu has already set up a formation here. Although it is not fatal, it is easy for people to get lost."

Qian Xia nodded, and obediently handed her little hand into his big palm, the two looked at each other and smiled, and moved on.

Soon, Qian Xia felt that she was exhausted.

The previous excitement and excitement, at this time, also turned into a somewhat embarrassing panting. She doubted whether she could continue walking?
Mu Liunian looked at her and smiled dotingly, "Tired?"

Qian Xia pouted slightly, and glared at him angrily, "I'm tired, are you happy?"

"I said that I would hold or carry you up the mountain, but you have always disagreed."

Qian Xia glared at him again, turned to look away, and ignored him.

Qinglong turned back, "Young Master Qi, do you want to take the secret path?"

Mu Liunian nodded, "Well, if it's really difficult for me to carry her up the mountain, I'll take the secret path. However, everyone must be careful. Especially when you inform Xuanwu, you must hide the entrance well. "

"Yes, son."

Qian Xia suddenly became a little more interested, and there is a secret way?

Mu Liunian kindly reassured him, "If you want to get to where we are going, you have to climb at least two more hills. With your physical strength, you may not be able to make it through another two days. In that case, I will make an exception for you." For once, take the secret path."

Qian Xia was a little embarrassed, even if she took the secret path, she might not be able to walk with her two legs.

Mu Liunian looked at her with a smile, and then whispered in her ear, "I'll take you away and take you to the hot spring at night."

Qian Xia's face turned red, obviously she only talked about soaking in hot springs, and didn't mention anything else, why did she feel that the word "hot springs" was so ambiguous?
Qian Xia'an was held in his arms peacefully, her eyes flicked around, looking at such a wide secret passage, she was really curious, how did such a secret passage get through?Looking at the exposed stone, it would take a lot of manpower and time to make a passage here, right?
"It took a total of five years to get through here. Before and after, a total of more than [-] people have been invested in it. This secret passage is to allow people inside to receive food and necessities from outside in a more timely manner. In addition On the one hand, it is also to allow them to evacuate quickly in case of emergencies."

"There is more than one secret passage here?"

Careful Qian Xia noticed several small forks.

Mu Liunian nodded, "Well, you will know in the future. However, I seldom take the secret path. If I didn't bring you this time, I wouldn't go here."

Qian Xia pouted slightly, then stretched out her hand and twisted it on his shoulder, and then turned it half a circle.

Mu Liunian hissed, but Qinglong stopped in front of him, "My lord, what's the matter?"

When Qian Xia heard this, she hid in his arms with an embarrassed expression on her face. Seeing her like this, Mu Liunian laughed a few times in a good mood, "It's nothing. Let's go."

Soon, after leaving the secret passage, they entered a large forest.

Of course, in this season, there are no lush branches and leaves, only some dry branches and still thick trunks.

Mu Liunian took out a small bottle and gave Qian Xia a pill, "There is miasma here."

Qian Xia soon understood that in addition to the many mountain dangers, there is also a natural protective layer like miasma. No wonder so many people have spent so much manpower and time, but they have always been fruitless .

After passing through this forest, there was another mountain peak. This time, Qinglong didn't ask, and directly led the group of them through the secret path.

Coming out of the secret passage again, it was difficult for Qian Xia to adapt to everything in front of her for a while.

Lush and lush, flowers are blooming and willows are green, here and outside are like two worlds!

Quiet, full of aura, and even the stones here seem to be enlightened by immortals. They are as bright and elegant as crystals. It has become pieces of emerald green and full of vitality, which makes people feel like they are dreaming!

Qian Xia looked at Mu Liunian in disbelief, "What's going on? Are we sure we're still in Qilin Mountain?"

Mu Liunian nodded, and looked at her every expression with satisfaction, every surprised look in her eyes, "This is indeed Qilin Mountain. I remember telling you that the climate of Qilin Mountain is changeable."

Qian Xia was still wearing a cloak that had not been removed, at this moment, apart from being shocked, she really didn't know what kind of reaction she should make.

After listening to Mu Liunian's introduction, she realized that this place is in the belly of Qilin Mountain.

Surrounded by mountains, even if you cook and light a fire here, when the fireworks dissipate, people outside will not be able to see it at all.In addition, here are almost all kinds of flowers in four seasons, and the rich plant flavor can easily cover up the various smells and tastes of people's lives.

"My God, how did you find this place? It's amazing!"

"Don't be surprised, I'm going to take you to meet someone first."

"Huh?" Qian Xia was a little surprised, is there any particularly important person hidden here?
When Qian Xia saw the person in front of her, her mouth was already wide open and she couldn't close it.

Although his hair was gray and his beard was extremely long, the elegance between his brows and eyes was still somewhat similar to that of Mu Liunian and King Changping.

"you are?"

"Come on, kneel down, this is my grandfather." As Mu Liunian said, he pulled Qian Xia to kneel down together, and kowtowed three times in a proper manner.

The old man smiled and nodded, "Good boy, get up."

Mu Liunian helped Qian Xia up, and the old man looked at Qian Xia again and again. After a while, he nodded and said, "Liu Nian has a good eye, this is a meeting gift for you. You have been married for so long, I thought It is impossible for my old man to see what his granddaughter-in-law looks like, but I never thought that I would still be blessed."

(End of this chapter)

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