Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 579 Whose Layout?

Chapter 579 Whose Layout? (5)
King Changping obviously thought of this, and suddenly realized, "That's right! The emperor is actually worried that the Yun family has reached a certain consensus with the Sanqiu family. I'm afraid the emperor had already reached a consensus with the Sanqiu family as early as when Qianxia and Chang'an were in Anyang City. I suspect this. But there is no proof, and he can't ask directly, so why did he come up with such an idea?"

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows and shook her head, "The emperor's brain, really!" She chuckled, her tone full of contempt and disdain.

"The emperor can come up with such a method. I have to say that I really admire him. If Sangqiu Zirui takes action against the Yun family, then it means that the two families have not yet reached a consensus. The Yun family may have another Let the emperor win the capital. If Sangqiu Zirui never took action against the Yun family, does it mean that the emperor will be murderous towards the Yun family?"

After Mu Liunian finished speaking, he looked at Qian Xia solemnly. The emperor's move was clearly a game in the middle.

Regardless of whether Yun Cangli takes over this job or not, he will be placed on the top of the storm, and as for life or death, it is all in the hands of the emperor.

Now that Yun Cangli has never entered the court, but just took on an idle job, even if the emperor wanted to deal with him, he could not find a suitable reason. If Yun Cangli entered the court, then, some things would be completely followed. The emperor's play is coming.

"Uncle won't agree, he won't give the emperor a chance to manipulate him. Now it seems that the Yun family is down and out, and they don't have any noble background, but what kind of Yun family is, I believe that anyone with some family background will have a lot of doubts in their hearts." It's clear. The emperor's move is undoubtedly a slap in the face."

King Changping rubbed his eyebrows wearily. Since his son's poison was cured, some affairs in the court have become more and more difficult. The emperor has targeted them several times, and he really doesn't mind it at all. Are you tired?
In fact, none of the three continued to talk, but the three of them all thought of this possibility. In this game of the emperor, it is not just the Yun family who wants to trap!
Now that she is married into Changping Palace, as the only daughter of the Yun family, what does this mean?
The emperor's planning committee is really vicious, it can not only plot against the Yun family, but also implicate the Changping palace.

Once Yun Cangli enters the court, troubles will inevitably follow.Thinking about living a peaceful life again, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"Isn't the emperor worried about the troubles at the border all the time? If that's the case, then let the emperor's heart be squeezed again." Qian Xia said indifferently.

Mu Liunian's expression moved slightly, "You mean, find a way to make the trouble at the border bigger?"

"Isn't it so big that the generals guarding the pass wrote the memorial, didn't they? For example, the loss of 1 taels of silver was written as a loss of 10 taels. Such an appropriate exaggeration will allow the emperor to solve it as soon as possible." The troubles at the border, this is a good thing for the people at the border."

Qian Xia didn't think it was a bad thing to lie about the military situation at all, on the contrary, she looked like I cared about the people at the border.

King Changping and Mu Liunian looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Right now, it seems that this is the only way.

However, Mu Liunian still asked curiously, "Qianqian, how do you know that the generals at the border have some connections with our Mu family?"

Qian Xia blinked, and said innocently, "I don't know! I'm just making such a suggestion."

Mu Liunian stroked his forehead, okay!

You, Yun Qianxia, ​​are a half fairy, you don't need to ask anything, you can guess right!
The corners of King Changping's mouth twitched. Why does this daughter-in-law feel so cute right now?
Mu Liunian didn't delay, and directly ordered people to prepare the four treasures of the study, quickly wrote a secret letter, called Qinglong out, and asked him to find a reliable person and send it to the border as quickly as possible.

After talking for a while, Qian Xia felt a little sleepy again.I just feel that the eyelids are a little heavy, and I can hardly lift them up.

Seeing her like this, Mu Liunian knew that there was no way to talk properly in the future, so he nodded to King Changping, picked up Qian Xia and went back to Yixin Garden.

Qian Xia didn't wake up until late in the evening, and when she opened her eyes, she said in a daze, "Yuanchu, what time is it?"

After hearing no reply, Qian Xia rubbed her eyes, made herself more energetic, and sat up slowly.

Sanqi came in to help her freshen up, "Miss, you are awake, you have slept for a while. Shizi said to go out and try to come back before dinner."

Qian Xia had just regained some energy when the people from the Seven Stars Sect came.

"Return to Master, this is the news you asked for earlier." Li Xing sent a thick stack of papers, "If Master needs more detailed information, I will order someone to follow up."

Qian Xia nodded slightly, and then read through the materials carefully. Soon, a pair of black eyebrows were tightly knit together, and her face gradually became gloomy.

Sanqi watched from the side, a little worried, the master is pregnant at the moment, so don't get angry.

"Li Xing, let people continue to keep an eye on Princess Songbao, and also, find out who the Princess An Ning has the closest relationship with."

"Yes, master."

After Li Xing left, Qian Xia casually threw these things on the table, she never expected that a Princess Song Bao was involved in this matter.

This Princess Songbao is the daughter of Prince Li, and Princess Anning is the emperor's favorite princess, Fang Hua's fiancée.

It's okay for the two of them to have a good relationship, after all, they are cousins, but the problem is that Princess Songbao has also had contact with Lu Qianxiao, which is really puzzling.

"Things seem to be getting more and more troublesome, and more and more interesting. I'm really curious, does Prince Li know about this?"

In the evening, when Mu Liunian came back, he brought back a news that shocked Qianxia even more, that is, Sang Qiuyue, the daughter of Sang Qiulie, and Xu Zeyuan, the eldest son of the Marquis of Anping, had engaged in a marriage.

For Qian Xia, this news was a little difficult to accept for a while.

Not only because of the marriage agreement, it means that the Marquis of Anping is on the side of the second prince, but also because it reminds her of the scene she saw in the Taolin back then.

She still remembered that at that time, Xu Zeyuan was Sangqiu Zirui's right-hand man, right?
Sure enough, is this predestined fate?
There was a bitterness on Qian Xia's lips. In this life, she kept reminding herself to stay away from Xu Zeyuan and not to let herself harm him, but unexpectedly, it actually contributed to his cooperation with Sanqiu's family.

"Qianqian?" Seeing her in a daze, Mu Liunian couldn't help calling softly.

(End of this chapter)

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