Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 586 Killing Mother?

Chapter 586 Killing Mother? (2)
In fact, the two sisters of the Liu family and Sangqiuyue also saw that the Princess Songbao clearly intended to target Yun Qianxia.

Specifically why, they naturally don't know.The Princess Songbao is not very old, and she has never heard of any discord between her and the Yun family before. Where does her hostility towards Qian Xia come from?
Qian Xia and Mu Liunian came in together, and the only person walking in front of them was Xiao Yunhang, the eldest son of Prince Li's Mansion.Fang Hua and Yun Changan followed behind.

After everyone had seen the ceremony one by one, Xiao Yunhang led them all the way to Meilin.

"I heard that Princess Li loves plums the most. The prince planted plum blossoms to make Princess Li smile. When I saw her today, it was really pleasing to the eye." Who wouldn't say it in a scene?As soon as Qian Xia entered the plum forest, she laughed.

Xiao Yunhang nodded, "This plum grove is indeed old. I heard from my mother and concubine that when it was planted back then, my father ordered dozens of gardeners to rush to work day and night, and he wanted to see the plum blossoms in that year. I heard that Back then, it was a lot of gardeners who were worried."

Mu Liunian smiled and said, "The love between the prince and the concubine is no longer a secret in Beijing. Prince Xiao is very lucky. It is the luckiest thing in the world to be pampered by such a father and mother."

For some reason, Princess Songbao and his party thought of what they said in the flower hall just now, and the eyes of several people looking at Princess Songbao were inevitably a little strange.

The same love between husband and wife, and the same doting wife, your Princess Songbao said that Yun Qianxia was so unbearable, but now the couple said your parents are like gods and couples, I don’t know at this moment , Princess Songbao feels a little uncomfortable.

Princess Anning also noticed the embarrassment on Song Bao's face, she pursed her lips, but couldn't think of anything to change the subject.

There was only one person between Fang Hua and Princess Anning. Princess Anning walked all the way, peeping in Fang Hua's direction frequently, but Fang Hua never gave her a look. Princess Anning felt a little annoyed, but in front of everyone face, it is not easy to attack.

Seeing the embarrassment of my cousin again, I was a little sullen for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't you say you came to admire the plum blossoms? Did you prepare drinks, flower tea, etc.? You won't let us stand like this to admire the plum blossoms, right? "

Xiao Yunhang didn't hear anything wrong in her voice, and said with a smile, "The pavilion in front has already been prepared. Today's weather is beautiful, the sun is warm and the sky is blue. Let's drink wine in this pavilion and enjoy it. Mei, how are you?"

Xiao Yunhang's words were naturally echoed by others, and the group entered the pavilion very lively.

This is a twin pavilion with two steps in the middle.

Princess An Ning was overjoyed, "This pavilion is wonderful. How about it, men and women are different, it's better to have different seats. You go to sit on it, and we girls will sit below. It's just right, and we can talk a few words Say it yourself."

They are all under one roof, so where can they say anything?

However, Mu Liunian just smiled and didn't say much, but whispered, "If you feel uncomfortable, just call me, don't force yourself."

Qian Xia nodded, and sat down with a group of female relatives in the slightly lower pavilion.

It was only then that Princess An Ning noticed that the maidservant beside Qianxia had brought soft pillows and other things. Before Qianxia sat down, the maidservant laid another cushion on the padded stone bench. Sitting like this, he was a little taller than them.

Princess An Ning raised her eyebrows, "The concubine's maid is really smart, and she is so caring, even the maids around me are not as good."

Qian Xia looked up at her, Princess An Ning was wearing a bright red cloak today, with gold and white plum blossoms embroidered on it, and a layer of snow-white fox fur on the outer edge of the cloak. , it seems that it is beautiful and eye-catching, which makes people's eyes shine.

She was already a beauty, but if the clothes were a little brighter, people couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"The princess is absurd. It's just that these girls have been with me for a long time and know that my health is not good, so they are extra careful."

When Princess Songbao heard this, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Is the imperial concubine in poor health? Why haven't I heard of it before? Oh, yes, I heard that you were injured once five or six years ago? But it's been so long , it should be all right long ago, right?"

"Yes, what happened a few years ago, naturally healed up long ago, it just left some roots of the disease."

Princess Songbao acted surprised on purpose, and then suddenly let out a cry, "I remembered. I heard that the princess had lived in Yunzhou before returning to Beijing. I heard that you were still killed by your biological father. The person who was expelled from the mansion also kicked you, right in the heart, that's why the root of the disease fell, didn't you?"

Princess Songbao's voice is not high, and the words "I care about you very much" are written on her face. How can Qianxia not see such deliberate humiliation?
Sure enough, she and Lu Xiaoxiao had colluded together a long time ago, otherwise, how did she, the princess of the palace, know about the situation at that time?
Obviously it was Lu Shaohua who was cruel at the time, but now that she said so, it seems that she, Yun Qianxia, ​​did something shameful and was expelled from the mansion by the Lu family.

However, the person present also had witnesses at that time, and that was Liu Wanting.

"Who did Princess Songbao listen to these words? Rumors are harmful, and the princess should not believe it. I was there at the time and saw everything clearly. However, now that Lu The lord is gone, the deceased is dead, and his faults will go with the wind. It's worth not mentioning it."

With a few words, things were simply ruined!Although she didn't say what was going on at that time, the sentence that the dead are dead is enough to make people's hearts open.

Qian Xia smiled slightly, "In any case, the dead are the most important. It's okay not to mention the past. However, I'm curious, the princess Songbao has never been out of Liangcheng, and from which lady did I hear these words? here?"

Song Bao choked suddenly, with an embarrassed expression on his face. Of course, she couldn't say that Lu Xiaoxiao told her all this, otherwise everything would be revealed?
But if you don't say it, how can you make it right now that several people are looking at you eagerly?
"Oh, I also heard from an old friend who came back from Yunzhou. Since what she said is unreliable, then I just don't believe it."

Qian Xia didn't intend to go to her and just fooled her like this, "I don't know which family's old friend? Can Princess Songbao tell the truth? In this way, Qian Xia also knows who is telling the truth behind the scenes and misleading people with rumors. At least , I have to be more wary of such a shameless villain, right?"

A shameless villain really made Princess Songbao's heart burst into flames!
(End of this chapter)

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