Chapter 689 Burned? (3)
The one who was beaten by Zhao Ziyu was just the son of a fourth-rank official. To Zhao Shuang, he was considered a petty official. Seeing that Dali Temple Minister came to make amends in person, he was naturally grateful. Instead of defending his son, he kept saying that his son was wrong.

This attitude reassured Zhao Shuang a lot.

Zhao Shuang came to make an apology, and chose the time before yesterday, when the streets and alleys were bustling. This scene was seen by others, and then guided, naturally, it became the case that Mr. Zhao acted inappropriately, but Mr. Zhao did not. A person who is dedicated to protecting the calf, that's why he came to the door to make an apology in person.

Zhao Shuang's actions quickly restored the Zhao family's reputation a lot, but the affairs of the Zhao family seemed to come out in waves one after another, and they never stopped.

In the next few months, all kinds of news from the Zhao family basically filled the restaurants and teahouses in Liangcheng.

Speaking of it, it's not a big deal, but it's just some small gossip news, but it's just such news, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's what the common people like to talk about the most.

Small people, naturally they dare not talk about big things, but it is these small things that allow them to express their opinions smoothly.

Although Zhao Shuang was annoyed, there was nothing he could do about it, he couldn't just let the yamen servants arrest him because of this, right?
Not to mention that the common people didn't break the law, but they really broke the law. Another thing is that the law does not punish the public. How could he make things worse at this time?

Now although the emperor intends to support the Zhao family, who knows what the emperor really thinks?

After all, the Zhao family was loyal to the former emperor and the fourth prince.

Zhao Shuang didn't know what to do, and all he could do was let his wife run the family strictly.At the same time, let people start a thorough investigation in their mansion to find out who is playing tricks.

He didn't believe that if no one deliberately pokes out such a family's short story, it would be known to everyone.

After Zhao Shuang listened to Madam's report to him, his brows tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened, and then shook his head, "It seems that such a servant, if it is left in normal times, it is not too much to kill. But Now our Zhao family is in troubled times. Madame should be more careful in handling this matter."

Mrs. Zhao nodded, "Yes, master. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

The next day, Mrs. Zhao sent several servants to Zhuangzi, and an old slave also died in the mansion.It is naturally impossible for such a small matter to attract the attention of outsiders.

Those who were demoted to Zhuangzi outside the city were all given dumb drugs, but all those who could read and write died within a few days.

Zhao Shuang had people carefully observe the movement outside for several days in a row. Seeing that this incident did not attract the attention of outsiders, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little annoyed.

Now that I have seen the stability, I have the mind to think quietly about what I should do next.

At the same time, Zhao Shuang also had to think about it. When he helped Concubine Rong, he was against the queen mother and the emperor. Does this leave any gap in the emperor's heart?

Furthermore, if the daughter really gave birth to the prince, what kind of reward the emperor will give to the daughter, what attitude he will have towards the child, etc. These are naturally crucial to the direction of the Zhao family.

Originally, Zhao Shuang still had hope for the fourth prince, but seeing that the emperor put so much thought into it, he turned out to be completely in control of the royal guards. Even He Shaobai from Liaocheng expressed his loyalty to the emperor. Then, even if the Fourth Prince survives, what can he achieve if he turns back?
It wasn't that Zhao Shuang was unfaithful to his master, but that the current situation really couldn't allow him to make even half a mistake.

Thinking about the emperor's attitude towards Concubine Zhao now, Zhao Shuang's heart is like a mirror. Most of the emperor's love for her is aimed at the fourth prince.

This is to use this to tell the fourth prince who is hiding in the dark that Zhao Shuang has already surrendered to the emperor's dragon power, and it is impossible to become his fourth prince's help.

In this way, not only did the former master become suspicious of him, but at the same time, Zhao Shuang was forced to the point where he had to bow his head to the emperor.

Zhao Shuang looked at the several letters on the table, his brows were frowned like a Sichuan character, and he couldn't let go.

"Come here, tell Madam, let Madam hand over the sign and enter the palace tomorrow, and ask to see Concubine Zhao."

"Yes, sir."

Now, Zhao Shuang must first understand his daughter's thoughts, and at the same time, he must use her daughter to understand the emperor's attitude towards the Zhao family.What the emperor did to Concubine Rong's natal family before, has completely made Zhao Shuang understand that the emperor is definitely a ruthless person, and it is impossible for him to be kind at all!
To be able to kill hundreds of people, this level of ruthlessness, indeed has the demeanor of the former emperor.

After Zhao Shuang finished giving his instructions, he paced back and forth in the study with his hands behind his back. The Zhao family has reached his generation, and there must be no problems.Now his son, although he can be regarded as knowing how to make progress, is because of his temperament and bearing, after all, he is a little worse.

Thinking about Zhao Ziqi, the orphan of his second brother, Zhao Shuang's eyes darkened again. Although he thought his son was good, he had to admit that compared to Zhao Ziqi, he was really worse.

This nephew was brought by the old man's side since he was a child, and he raised him personally. Because he lost his parents since he was young, although the old man doted on him, he was extremely strict in terms of civil and military matters.

Zhao Shuang sighed heavily, and said in a low voice, "It's really impossible. It's not a bad idea that the Zhao family will be handed over to this nephew in the future. But, Ziyu?"

Zhao Shuang was hesitating when he heard some movement outside the door, his face darkened, "Who is outside?"

While speaking, a figure flashed in quickly. Before Zhao Shuang could see the appearance of the person, he was given acupuncture points and couldn't move.

on Phoenix Mountain.

Mu Liunian came to the edge of the peach forest again with Xiao Yunhua in his arms. A gust of wind swept by, but it was very beautiful to see the peach blossoms flying in the forest.

It's a pity that the person in front of him didn't have the intention to appreciate the beautiful scenery, but frowned slightly, hugging Xiao Yunhua with one hand, and curled up slowly with the other hanging on his side.

(End of this chapter)

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