Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 707 Love in Three Worlds?

Chapter 707: Three generations of love? (4)
Especially later, I was in a nightmare almost all the time, entangled and struggling with those pasts.Even, he almost lost his life!

Mu Liunian was distressed.

Whether it was the moment when Qian Xia woke up, or seeing her silence now, Mu Liunian always loves her!

He knew that Qian Xia was in trouble, whether it was in a dream or in real life, she was in trouble.There must be some unknown involvement between Sangqiu Zirui and her, otherwise, she would not be like this.

Mu Liunian's hand gently caressed her face. Although her complexion was a little dark yellow, her skin was still clean. Her eyes, which were originally big and bright, looked even bigger at this moment.

Gently put a kiss on his face, "Qianqian, I know it's difficult for you. But for our love, our home, I must protect all of this. Qianqian, so, no matter what, don't give up Us, okay? No matter what difficulties and obstacles are ahead, we will face them together and bear them together, okay?"

Qian Xia's brows moved slightly, her soft words didn't have too many gorgeous words, and there weren't any strong words to swear, but just like that, it deeply touched her heartstrings.

This is the Mu Liunian she knew, the Mu Liunian who had been waiting for her for half a year.

She knows her own fate, so she knows that she won't have too many half a year.To make Mu Liunian work so hard for her, she should be smiling.

"Thank you, Yuanchu."

The corners of Qian Xia's lips are slightly curved, and her chin has become sharp. Her smile at this moment actually made Mu Liunian feel a little distressed, and the corners of her eyes were sore. The thumb slid lightly, "Qianqian, my Qianqian!"

The two hugged each other tightly. At this moment, Mu Liunian felt that his Qianqian really woke up!

It's not a dream, it's not a hallucination, his Qianqian has really come back to him!

"My son, my concubine, Mr. Sanqiu has arrived." Although Yaoyue couldn't bear to disturb the tranquility and warmth between them, as a female guard, she did not forget her duty.

Mu Liunian slowly let go of Qian Xia, and the moment Sangqiu Zirui entered the door, he saw Qian Xia leaving Mu Liunian's embrace.

Sangqiu Zirui, who had never felt pain before, felt that this scene was extremely dazzling at this moment.

"Are you awake?" After sitting down, looking at Qian Xia's face quietly, it took a long time for Sangqiu Zirui to find his voice.For a person who has been asleep for half a year, to be like her is already in the best state.

"Hmm. I heard that you sent me a psychic blood jade before?"

Sangqiu Zirui nodded, "It's a pity that someone didn't know the goods and returned them to me."

Mu Liunian looked away in embarrassment, but Qian Xia's hand was still tightly held under the table.

Qian Xia pursed her lips and smiled, "Thank you for your concern. I heard from Yuan Chu that you have been helping us cover up these days, making the emperor think that I am in Anyang City, while Mu Liunian has no fixed place to live. , looking for me everywhere. It’s really hard for you to give such an illusion to the emperor who has so many ears and eyes.”

"No. I'm very happy to be able to do things for you. It was my negligence that you appeared in the palace before. I warned him before. But I didn't expect that he would actually go against my will. Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that I think highly of my status in his heart."

Qian Xia lowered her eyes, there are some things that don't need to be said too bluntly, she naturally understands why Xiao Yunfang would hold her back and refuse to let go.And Sangqiu Zirui, why didn't he understand?

"So, what do you mean by coming here?"

Sangqiu Zirui's face slowly became serious, "Qianxia, ​​I want to know, after sleeping for half a year, have you ever remembered everything?"

Qian Xia chuckled, her left hand was tightly held by Mu Liunian, unable to move, her right hand gently turned the teacup in front of her, and said calmly, "Mr. Sangqiu, before that, what I want to know is , can the witchcraft in me have something to do with you?"

In one word, Sangqiu Zirui's figure froze directly, and he looked at Qian Xia in disbelief, a strange light flashed in his eyes, but in an instant, he returned to normal.

"You really suspected me?"

"No! I don't doubt you. In all fairness, someone cast such a powerful witchcraft on me, shouldn't I find out the matter? And you are one of the few top mystics in the world, so , I naturally have to ask you first, it has nothing to do with doubt or not."

Sangqiu Zirui smiled wryly, "So, if I say it's not me, will you believe me?"

"Yes!" Qian Xia did not hesitate, and gave such an answer very definitely and directly.

"Why?" This time, Sangqiu Zirui was a little surprised.The shallow summer in his impression should not be like this!She was too calm and sensible, this shouldn't be the Qian Xia in his impression.

"No why. Now, tell me your answer."

Sangqiu Zirui raised his eyes and stared at her face carefully, as if he wanted to confirm whether the woman in front of him was really Yun Qianxia?

If it is really Yun Qianxia, ​​then, after half a year of deep sleep, after seeing so many truths, wouldn't she be excited?How could it be so flat?

"It's not me! When I knew someone had cast witchcraft on you, you had already entered the palace. That's why I hurried to the palace and brought you out."

"It's not you, but you know who it was that witched me, don't you?"

This time, Sangqiu Zirui seemed to be a little nervous, shaking his hand holding the teacup, after a while, he raised his eyes to meet him, "That's right, I know who it is."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, making an expression that really did that, and then responded lightly, "Oh."

Mu Liunian was a little surprised by Qian Xia's reaction, but since he declared that he would not interrupt, he would not speak, so he just drank his tea silently.

Qian Xia's calm reaction made Sangqiu Zirui unable to hold back, "That's all?"

(End of this chapter)

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