Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 735 Counting on the Emperor?

Chapter 735 Counting on the Emperor? (5)
After hearing this, Sangqiu Zirui snorted coldly, "It's nonsense!"

Maybe it was because his yelling was too sudden, or maybe it was because of hidden internal force, the two of them unconsciously shook their minds, and felt that the blood in their chests began to surge, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

One of them, because he couldn't suppress it, directly spat out a mouthful of blood!

The few people present were all shocked, especially Xiao Yunfang. He didn't expect that his cousin would vomit blood just after drinking like this?

"Mengtian's secret technique is not as good as Yun Cangli's, but almost everyone who practices the secret technique knows about it. You actually put Mengtian first. Don’t know how to pretend to understand?”

As soon as these words came out, the expression of several people immediately changed.

One of them widened his eyes, opened his mouth slightly, pointed at Sangqiu Zirui and said, "You, you actually know this?"

"You also know? Hehe, you two are both wizards from the Qianxue Kingdom in Shu, did my son make a mistake?"

"You, how did you know?"

"The two of you are brothers, one is called Guyi and the other is called Gu Bo. Many years ago, you were taught a lesson by Yun Cangli, so you are jealous and told the emperor a big lie. no?"

The bodies of the two immediately tensed up, and at the same time, a few more guards suddenly appeared in the hall, surrounding the outside.

"Let's talk, just the two of you, it's impossible to get close to the emperor, and it's even more impossible to get something. Tell me, who sent you here?"

"You, how did you know?"

"There is only this one sentence over and over again. It seems that you can't understand what I said."

After Sangqiu Zirui finished speaking, his movements flashed in front of the two of them very quickly, one of them suddenly fell to the ground, while the other looked at him in horror.

"You, what did you do to him?"

"Don't worry, he won't die. Now, tell me, who sent you here?"

The one standing here right now, named Guyi, saw his brother fall to the ground at this moment, but it was just in the blink of an eye. The skill of this young master Sancho is really admirable.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Thinking of the ability of that mysterious person, Guyi subconsciously fought a cold war. Obviously, compared with the one in front of him, that mysterious person made him feel more panic and fear.

"That's right, you really have backbone."

Sangqiu Zirui was not in a hurry, he just circled around him with a smile on his face, then quickly swayed something in front of him, and then quickly retreated to the Queen Mother's side.

Not long after, Gu Yi's eyes became blurred and he became dazed.

Xiao Yunfang also noticed a significant change in him.

"What's up with him?"

"It's nothing, it's just some medicine, so that he can tell the truth."

Gu Yi's body swayed, and he shook his head lightly, as if he still couldn't get rid of the weirdness. No one noticed that at this moment, all the muscles of Sangqiu Zirui's body were tense, especially his pair of eyes. At this moment, it was actually a little darker than usual.

"I don't know who he is. I only know that he is very powerful and mysterious. He gave our brother a large sum of money, let us find a chance to get close to Zi Ye's second prince, and told us that this second prince is very He will soon become Zi Ye's new emperor."

"Sure enough, less than a month after we entered the second prince's mansion, he became the new emperor. And our brother's status is also increasing day by day."

"How did that person confess to you?"

Gu Yi's expression has also changed now, it is more dull than before, and his eyes are starting to loosen, like a walking dead without a soul.

"He said, as long as we tell the new emperor that Yun Qianxia is the noble daughter of destiny, if we get her, we can make the country permanent."

"So, this is not the result of your divination at all?"

Gu Yi's eyes blinked, "No. Although our brothers can also divination, it is impossible to divination about personnel and affairs. Generally speaking, we can only divination about some natural disasters, and it is impossible to get divination every time. "

The corners of Xiao Yunfang's mouth twitched, his face extremely gloomy.

In this way, he is majestic Zi Ye Huang, is he being played by someone?

And he was tricked by the so-called mystic who he has always valued?

This was even louder than the slap Lin Shaofeng gave him before!
First he used the wrong person, and then he mistakenly believed in the nonsense of two shameless people, and he almost made a big mistake. He really is stupid!
"What characteristics does he have?"

Gu Yi seemed to be thinking for a while, then shook his head slowly, "I don't know. It seems not."

Sangqiu Zirui originally didn't expect them to reveal the characteristics of that person. After all, it must be extremely difficult for this person to arrange things so carefully and take advantage of such a big loophole.

Sangqiu Zirui raised his hand and shot a pill into his mouth, Xiao Yun let go, and a group of guards took the two of them under custody.

As soon as everyone left, the atmosphere in the hall became a little awkward.

Xiao Yunfang is the king of a country, to be teased like this is simply embarrassing.

I always thought that I was lucky enough to get two powerful mystics, that's why I honored them as honored guests, and I kept this news carefully all the time.

I have always been complacent about this, thinking that I am indeed the Son of Heaven, otherwise, how could I have received such great favor from the heavens?

But now, in front of his mother and cousin, his face is completely lost.

Sangqiu Zirui didn't say anything more, his face was slightly gloomy, and his air was a little bit more chilly, and the words "Don't get close to strangers" were almost written on it.

Without explaining much to Xiao Yunfang and the Queen Mother, Sangqiu Zirui walked away.

Xiao Yunfang felt powerless all over his body, and slumped down on the dragon chair. The queen mother on one side lowered her eyes and thought deeply. It was obvious that someone was plotting against the emperor on purpose, as Sangqiu Zirui expected.

(End of this chapter)

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