Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 770 Try it first!

Chapter 770 Give it a try! (4)
"Qianqian, I haven't heard you play the piano for a long time."

Qian Xia fell asleep for half a year, and when she woke up, her body was too weak to play the piano.

When he was barely able to come out for a walk, Mu Liunian returned to the capital first.

Now, I finally have another chance to hear the sounds of nature.

"Okay, you take me down first, and I'll let Sanqi prepare the piano."

The two returned to Chuyunxuan, Sanqi prepared the lyre, and lit a touch of incense beside it.

After Qian Xia cleaned her hands, she sat down in front of the piano, raised her eyes and glanced at Mu Liunian who was opposite, the slightly flickering candlelight made his handsome face even more blurry.

This kind of Mu Liunian really made her feel a bit appreciative, why is a man so handsome?
"Surface is something that can't be eaten, and it can't be used. But it has attracted countless people to chase after it. I don't know how much love debt you have incurred because of this face?"

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, "I'm wronged! Except for you, I never provoked anyone else. If others see your husband and I are handsome, then I can only say that their eyes are not blind."

After Qian Xia gave him a white look, she chuckled twice, "You're really cheeky. Well, if that's the case, I'll sing a heart-clearing spell to calm your mind. In case you really think that you are a banished immortal."

Mu Liunian smiled indifferently, as long as she could hear her piano again, it didn't matter what tune she played.

Mu Liunian's flute is actually not bad, but he thinks that compared with Qian Xia's piano sound, it is still more than a star and a half behind.

Although he wanted to get along with her, he was worried that he would ruin the whole piece of music because of his skill deviation, so it was better to just listen to the piano quietly.

In fact, Mu Liunian himself didn't know, since when did he prefer listening to the piano.

Moreover, the one who plays the piano the best is his own wife.

The sound of the zither sounded like a clear spring and waterfall, and the breeze in the forest. Mu Liunian was fascinated by it for a while, and gradually closed his eyes, still shaking his head slightly.

The scene when he first met Qian Xia at the beginning was like flipping through a beautiful painting, which he vividly remembered.

The appearance of Qian Xia when she was wearing white clothes, the beauty when she was wearing red clothes, and the shy beauty of her face when she was married, made him seem to have returned to the past, and his fascination with Qian Xia was even deeper.

After the song is over, Mu Liunian is still in the beauty of the piano sound, deeply trapped and unable to extricate himself.

"Wonderful! Wonderful. Qianqian, unexpectedly, you have been asleep for half a year, but you are not even half behind in this piano art."

"After studying for so many years, if it is easy to fall short, wouldn't it mean that you have failed the guidance of so many famous teachers?"

As Qian Xia said this, the smile suddenly froze on her face, for no other reason, as soon as she mentioned the famous teacher, she thought of her uncle.

"Qianqian, didn't Grandpa Hai say that Uncle left very peacefully, don't think too much about it."


After Qian Xia woke up, she found out that the news of Yun Cangli's death was basically known to the Yun family.

It's just that everyone chose not to mention it. The old lady is still alive, and everyone is hiding it from her now.

Qian Xia even heard that Cheng cried and fainted several times, but woke up the next day and still went to serve her grandmother with a smile on her face. Cheng's heart was really the most bitter one.

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the whole world will know the news of uncle's death, and grandma won't be able to hide it."

"It's okay. Grandma is a very strong woman, and now she has so many relatives by her side, so nothing will happen. Let it be as long as it can be delayed."

Qian Xia's face was also full of sadness, others didn't know, but she knew why her uncle suddenly shortened his lifespan, it was not his fate in the first place.

But now, she can't say it, and she doesn't want to think about it.Uncle made such a great sacrifice, after all, was it for the entire Yun family?Or even the entire purple night?

The only thing she can do now is to protect the Yun family for him, and protect the foundation of the Yun family.

Mu Liunian hugged her gently, using his tenderness and consideration, and full of love, to lighten the sadness in her heart.

At the same time, Song Tianhe in the guest courtyard was extremely impressed by the sound of the piano.

The Purifying Mantra is not a difficult song, but the problem is that there is probably only one from the Changping Palace who can play such an effect.

He also inquired just now that the person playing the piano tonight should be Princess Changping's eldest son, Yun Qianxia.

I have long heard that Yun Qianxia is an extremely difficult person, but seeing him today, it is indeed so.

Song Tianhe himself doesn't know much about secret arts, but he has also heard many people mention that the Yun family's status in the capital was comparable to Cang Ming's national teacher, why is it so downcast now?

Song Tianhe is a scholar and a smart person, as long as he thinks a little, he can roughly guess the reason.

Since ancient times, it has been said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. When I arrive in the capital today, I know that being an official in Beijing is far less comfortable than being a big official outside the border.

Just like his own father.

As long as the top and bottom are properly managed and no one is given a handle, then it is much more comfortable to be an official outside the capital than in the capital. At least you don't have to go to court every day, and you don't have to worry about it every day.

When Song Tianhe arrived in the capital, although he came to propose marriage, he also wanted to visit some other old friends.

Most of them have never met each other and are just known to each other.

Song Tianhe prepared gifts for several days, and then went to visit his father's old friend.

Song Tianhe's father, Song He, did not have many confidantes and friends in his life, and as a general, there was only Changping Wang.

Therefore, most of Song Tianhe's visits these days are around some civil officials.

Everything is well organized.

Mu Huanqiao's marriage was set, because it was far away, so Song Tianhe came with him, and one of his family's uncles and aunts. Once the Changping Palace agreed to the marriage, next, he would directly choose the marriage in the capital. Engagement period.

(End of this chapter)

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