Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 789 Finally released?

Chapter 789 Finally released? (5)
The official was so trained that his face turned red and he immediately returned to his original position, not daring to make any more noise.

The literati and military generals in the same hall naturally looked at him a little unkindly. Who doesn't know about the Zhao family?Mrs. Zhao personally appointed the heir, and his sister is not happy about it.

Xiao Yunfang looked at the gray-haired old generals below. Sending them out at this time might hurt his majesty as an emperor. Of course, if the fourth prince found out, he might You will think that there is no general available on their side.

That would be bad.

Even if you lose the war, you can't lose with this momentum!

Xiao Yunfang's eyes dimmed, looking at the courtiers below, he was caught in a dilemma for a while.

Who the Mu family is, he is naturally clear, should he reuse King Changping?

At this time, Jing Guogong came out, "Reporting to the emperor, I also agree with Mr. Fang's statement, but King Changping is far away in Huai'an now, and I heard that the princess is seriously ill. In terms of time, I am afraid it will be too late. If the emperor has doubts, You can send Mu Liunian, Prince Changping's son. Although he has no record, at least he comes from a family of generals."

As soon as Jing Guogong's words came out, Liu Xiang, who was originally opposed, agreed.


You can hear two meanings from what Duke Jing said just now.

One, if the emperor does not trust the people in the Changping Palace, he can just send Mu Liunian there. Mu Liunian has never been to the battlefield in person, so if he goes to defend the city, if something happens, the person who is most anxious should be King Changping. .

Second, King Changping is now far away in Huai'an, which is the territory of the Xu family.Even though the Xu family has no military power now, the reputation of the Xu family in the local area is far beyond that of others.

At this time, if Mu Liunian was sent out, and there was another troublesome King Changping who only had such a son, how could he not be in a hurry to save his son?
As long as King Changping is no longer in Huai'an, Huai'an will naturally be peaceful.

In this way, in Huai'an, the emperor doesn't need to worry, and in Liaocheng, with Prince Changping and his son in charge, nothing will happen.

Xiao Yunfang thought about it carefully, and his words really made sense.

If King Changping went to Liao City to help Mu Liunian, it would be impossible for Princess Changping to follow.

In this way, aren't they always affectionate as husband and wife?This is tantamount to taking a shortcoming of King Changping into his own hands.

Xiao Yunfang thought about it, this plan is feasible.

Xiao Yunfang is about to send people to the Changping Palace to announce the decree, and the eldest son Mu Liunian will enter the palace to meet him.

As soon as Mu Liunian heard this decree, he knew that his chance had come.However, it is naturally impossible for him to be unprepared, and Xiao Yunfang pinches his nose to take advantage of it.

Duke Jing retreated back to Duke Jing's mansion, and went to Sangqiu Zirui's courtyard.

"Father is back? Today's morning, it's not too late to leave."

"Is everything you said true? If Mu Liunian is really going to guard Liaocheng, all this will be safe? Why do you always feel a little uneasy in your father's heart?"

Sangqiu Zirui glanced at his restless father, and said with a smile, "Father, you don't have to worry, everything is within your son's expectations. If someone like Mu Liunian stays in Liangcheng, he will only cause us endless troubles." , since that’s the case, it’s better to let him out. At least, he doesn’t have the heart of rebellion right now, and he’s only thinking about Zi Ye’s people.”

"I hope. The Changping Palace has not been reused by the court for more than ten years. This time, I don't know if our decision is right or wrong?"

Sangqiu Zirui said leisurely, "The reason why the Changping Palace has never been reused is because Ziye has always been in peace and there has been no turmoil. Therefore, the former emperor can't remember the Mu family. Get rid of it and then quickly. But I forgot, how did Ziye come to be in the first place? How did Ziye survive in the later turmoil?"

"Zi Rui, don't talk nonsense!"

Jing Guogong frowned slightly. What his son said just now obviously meant to despise the Xiao family.

"Father, what my son is telling the truth. If it wasn't for Xiao Yunfang who ascended the throne now, do you think the son would stay here? There is only so much the son can do for the Sanqiu family. No matter how it goes, there is nothing my son can do."

Duke Jing was stunned. His son was so old, how had he ever seen him show such a helpless expression?

Could it be that, this time, that fourth prince can really make things happen?

"Father, you have been in court for the past year. Can't you see how Xiao Yunfang is an emperor? In terms of narrowness of mind and short-sightedness, compared to the previous emperor, he really surpasses him, but there is nothing wrong with him." Time!"

Duke Jing's expression turned slightly ugly, "Zirui, he is the emperor."

"So what? If he really has the ability, how can Fuyang not be solved until now? If he reused King Changping from the beginning, do you think that the fourth prince of Fuyang can still be there safely? Bounce?"

Duke Jing was silent.

He had to admit that what Sangqiu Zirui said was indeed reasonable.

Who is King Changping?He spent his whole life as a soldier, but in the end, it was his son who was being calculated by others. He couldn't even decide who he wanted to marry or who he didn't want to marry.Such a prince, how aggrieved is he?

"Forget it, anyway, what you told me before, I have done everything according to your wishes. At this moment, I guess Mu Liunian is already in the imperial study."

Sangqiu Zirui did not speak again.

He knew exactly what Mu Liunian wanted to do.

If he had so many soldiers and horses in his hands, and was in his situation, his choice would probably be several times more ruthless than Mu Liunian's.

He might even raise the flag against Zi Ye directly.

Now, what Mu Liunian saw in his eyes was still Ziye's border guards and Ziye's people. Compared with such a man, such a magnanimity and such a heart, he was ashamed to be ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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