Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 794 Take Xiaolan in!

Chapter 794 Take Xiaolan in! (4)
Because the best part of the village is on the westernmost side, the village is divided into two.

The west side was occupied by Mu Liunian's people, and naturally many people were sent to guard the surrounding area.

Those refugees who entered the village and wanted to find a place to live also randomly found a place on the east side, just asking for a place to sleep at night.

Fortunately, it is summer now, and there is no need for shelter from the wind to keep warm. However, the only disadvantage of summer is that there are too many mosquitoes.

Because the village is deserted here, although no one lives there, there are still some wild cats and other animals that occasionally shuttle around. In addition, there are weeds and wild flowers everywhere, which naturally attracts a lot of mosquitoes. come over.

Suddenly, Qian Xia heard a scream clearly.

Moreover, it is the kind of scream that belongs only to women!It was the kind of sound that came out only after being greatly frightened.

As a woman, Qianxia is naturally a little sensitive to this kind of voice.

After taking a look at Mu Liunian, without her saying anything, Mu Liunian ordered someone to look at it, but he held her hand tightly, not wanting her to follow.

Qian Xia knew that it was for her own good, and she didn't want her to see what she shouldn't see.

Because at the same time that Mu Liunian sent someone to check, she heard another scream, and this time, she clearly heard four words, "Don't come over!"

Obviously, even if you guess with your big toe, you can guess what happened there.

Qian Xia's brows furrowed tightly. Among the refugees, such things should not happen occasionally.

Some of these people are depressed because they can't see hope all the time, and if they are depressed for too long, they will lose control and have an urge to see the devil in their hearts.

It seems that he feels that he is going to die no matter what, and before he dies, it might be good to do something that can make him happy.At least, when he died, he would not feel so wronged!
Mu Liunian took her hand and said softly, "It's okay, don't be afraid. This kind of thing doesn't happen often. Even if it happens, sometimes it's not necessarily what we imagined."

Qian Xia was slightly stunned, and looked at him with some incredulous eyes. Suddenly, an extremely terrifying thought flashed through her mind!

As soon as Mu Liunian saw the change in her expression and eyes, he knew that she probably guessed it.

Sighing lightly, he said slowly, "Qianqian, it's not the worst era yet. Have you ever heard that there was a plague when the late emperor was in power?"

Qian Xia frowned and shook her head, it must have happened a long time ago, right?
"Before the plague, continuous torrential rains broke the dams and caused floods. Tens of thousands of people were homeless and starved for food. At that time, the worst thing was to exchange children for food. "

Qian Xia's mouth opened wide all at once, obviously, she still couldn't accept such a cruel thing for a while.

Even if she is too cold and cold, it doesn't mean that she is a cold-blooded person who can ignore such a tragedy.

Mu Liunian reached out and stroked her back, and said slowly, "Scary, it's not this. After the flood happened, the local officials were unable to report it in time, so the court's relief food and silver were naturally delayed. "

"That's not enough. Coupled with the layers of exploitation, the food that finally arrived in the disaster area was not enough to feed these people for a few days! In addition, it didn't get the attention of the late emperor, and it didn't take long for it to explode. the plague."

Qian Xia took a deep breath, and finally recovered her voice, "But after any war or major disaster occurs, there is no doubt that the plague will break out. There is no doubt about it. Who doesn’t know about the civil servants and military generals of the rice?”

Mu Liunian sneered, "Them? They only think about whether they have enough money, and they don't care about the lives of those people? In the end, the plague broke out, because it was discovered too late, and there was no way to do it for a while. You know, the late emperor What kind of purpose did you have?"

Qian Xia fell in on Mu Liunian's sad eyes, and for some reason, suddenly felt a chill down her back, subconsciously shivered, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Could it be that you chose to massacre the city?"

There was a wry smile on Mu Liunian's lips, "That's right! The first emperor ordered the massacre of the city. Nearly [-] civilians and soldiers, none of them survived, all of them died."

Qian Xia was stunned, and it took her a long time to realize that even though she asked that way just now, God knows how much she wished it wasn't true.

"Why are there still soldiers?"

"Because those soldiers also had contact with the people during that period, in order to prevent the expansion of the matter, the first emperor ordered the city gates to be closed, and the new army climbed up the city wall, firing all arrows."

Qian Xia's face suddenly turned a little pale, and her body also swayed. Fortunately, Mu Liunian wrapped her arms around her waist, so she didn't fall down.

Such a thing is indeed too cruel.

But if it is because they worked together to find a way at the beginning, they may not be able to reach this step!
If the first emperor had paid enough attention to this from the beginning, sent a large number of doctors and sent some herbs that could prevent the plague, perhaps, the matter would not have happened.

But in the end, the tragedy happened.

Looking at Qian Xia's appearance, Mu Liunian felt a little distressed, but when he thought about the troubles he was going to face later, what he was going to do, some miserable situations, now let her know that it is still necessary to be mentally prepared.

It's better than she wasn't prepared at all, so it would be better if she passed out again, right?

"Qianqian, don't worry, I will not let such a scene happen again, at least, within my ability, I will not allow such a thing to happen."

Qian Xia didn't react at all, but felt that the skin all over her body was a little cold and soft, and unconsciously, she leaned most of her body weight on Mu Liunian's body.

Looking at her, Mu Liunian knew that he had talked a lot today, so he was not in a hurry, and he couldn't scare her to the point where she couldn't move all at once.

In fact, as a little girl, after hearing so many tragic things, it was extremely difficult for her to be able to talk to him in a decent manner.

(End of this chapter)

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