Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 800 Enter Liao City!

Chapter 800 Enter Liao City! (3)
In other words, Ding Moxian is also a deceitful person!
Who doesn't recognize Ding Moxian's sedan chair in Liao City, inside and outside?Who doesn't recognize the signs of those servants in Ding's mansion?

Even if he didn't come down, the people watching all knew it was him.

It's just that in front of those people, the people were too embarrassed to laugh too much.As soon as his sedan chair left, the surrounding people laughed so hard that they almost burst into tears.

Who could have imagined that Ding Inspector Ding, who was used to being domineering and domineering in Liao City, would have today?
Originally, Ding Moxian wanted to go back to his home and put on clean and fresh clothes. It didn't matter if he took a bath or not, but if someone saw his embarrassing appearance now, wouldn't it be a loss of face?

It's a pity that he just arrived at the main entrance of the governor's office, and he was stopped by someone before he went around to the back entrance.

"The person inside is Mr. Ding?"

Upon hearing this polite and mighty voice, Ding Moxian knew that this was a small boss.

"It is this official."

"Greetings to Lord Ding. The general and the officials of Liaocheng have been waiting for Lord Ding for a long time. Please hurry to the lobby. General Lao has been waiting for an hour. Lord Ding, you are still the first in history."

The last sentence was undoubtedly to scare Ding Moxian.

No matter how treacherous Ding Moxian is, he is still a civil servant, and Mu Liunian is a military general. Although he has never really fought in a war, there is a saying that a tiger father has no dogs. How powerful is Changping Wang?
This Mu Liunian is his own son, so where could it be?

Ding Mo hesitated for a moment, weighing the pros and cons, but he could only hold the handkerchief that dripped water, wiped his face, and got off the sedan chair trembling slightly.

Once he got off the sedan chair, the white tiger who came to stop him would be very happy.


I saw that Ding Mo's head was still good before, only the neck area was wet, and there were some stains on his face, which should be caused by constant wiping when sweating.

However, Bai Hu remained silent, and naturally these servants did not dare to remind their master.

Wait until Baihu made a gesture of please.

Ding Mo walked forward first, followed by Bai Hu, and saw that his entire back was a shade darker than the front, and it was with great difficulty that Bai Hu suppressed his smile.

When we got to the lobby, sure enough, except for the governor, all the civil and military ministers had arrived.

Mu Liunian sat in the main seat impatiently, and was thinking of waving his hands to make people disperse, when he saw a middle-aged man with sticky clothes and an ugly face came in.

Mu Liunian leaned forward slightly, and then said in a tone of surprise, "This one, could it be Ding Cishi?"

Ding Moxian stepped into the lobby with both feet at this moment, with his head slightly lowered, and when he heard Mu Liunian's words, he felt his cheeks were burning hot.

"Greetings to Prince Mu, I'm the governor of Liaocheng, Ding Moxian."

While saying this, Ding Moxian felt ashamed and flustered on his face.

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows slightly, looked him up and down with a satisfied face, then coughed lightly, and glanced in the direction of Yun Ruogu, "Originally, I thought that the officials in Liao City, no matter what their political achievements, at least, I still pay great attention to my appearance. But I didn't expect that today, ahem, forget it, I will let it go for now, and tomorrow, I will invite all the military officers to come here to take a roll. In addition, there must be Lao Ding for the civil servants Assassin."

Ding Mo first agreed in a daze, and he didn't realize until everyone had left that Mu Liunian was a military commander, so he could deal with it by himself, why bother to let him gather a group of civil servants? ?
Ding Moxian straightened his body slowly, and glanced at the seat where Mu Liunian was sitting just now, that was where he usually sat.

Originally, he wanted to show off Mu Liunian, but he didn't expect that it was self-defeating. Instead, he put himself in front of civil and military officials!
He underestimated this Mu Liunian.

After Yun Ruogu came out of the government office, he returned directly to Yunfu, because Mu Liunian and Qian Xia were staying in Yunfu for the time being.

When the two returned to the mansion, Yun Ruoqi was talking and laughing with Qian Xia, the atmosphere was not to mention how warm it was.

Mu Liunian pouted, "What are you talking about, so happy?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the third brother is telling me that Inspector Ding was trapped on the street just now, it's really embarrassing."

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, "Well, let's show him off today, and get angry first. Who made this bastard dare to plot against us? He deserves it."

Yun Ruogu looked away in embarrassment, everyone is middle-aged, okay?How dare you call him a bastard?

"Brother-in-law, are you planning to live here temporarily, or will you stay here all the time?"

"Let's stay temporarily. When everything in Liaocheng is stable, I will send Qianxia back to Phoenix Mountain first. In comparison, it is safer there."

Yun Ruoqi's expression froze, "So, foreign enemies will attack Liao City soon?"

"Not necessarily. We just need to be fully prepared now. Not sure, it is a foreign enemy. However, it is very likely that the Fourth Prince is inseparable."

"For a dragon chair, these two people actually don't care about the life and death of the common people. It really makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts."

Yun Ruogu said with a serious expression on his face, "Liao City also resettled some of the people you asked Qinglong to bring here, but later, Ding Moxian, an old thief, thought that Liao City was too small to support so many people. Because of this, they are refused to enter Liao City again."

"Hmph! This old thief, don't worry, when I calm down first, he will be the first one to clean up."

Qian Xia saw that the atmosphere in the room was a bit dignified, and her bright eyes flowed, "Is there anything to eat? I'm a little hungry."

In the evening, Mu Liunian discussed with Yun Ruogu and Yun Ruoqi in the study for nearly an hour before giving up.

When I returned to the dormitory, I saw Qian Xia reading a book, "It's so late, let's go to bed earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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