Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 804 Shallow Summer Forced Questions!

Chapter 804 Shallow Summer Forced Questions! (2)
Mu Liunian naturally had his reasons for doing this.

If once there is a heavy army, then it is naturally impossible to deal with the enemy only by relying on his 5 horses.

Therefore, he must hurry up and train more than 2 people here, plus recruits, a total of [-] people, as soon as possible.

At least, if you can't see the enemy's big sword, you will tremble first.

Mu Liunian sent Commander Xu, who was in charge of law and order in Liao City, to train recruits.

At the same time, all the old soldiers and horses in hand were gathered in one place, and Baihu and Xuanwu were responsible for training them.

This is also equivalent to taking away the military power from Commander Xu in a disguised form.

There are more than ten thousand people, although not many, but when necessary, some precautions should be taken.

In the barracks, Mu Liunian was looking at the roster that Yun Guruo had sorted out. At the same time, in his hall, there were four or five big men standing upright, and one of them had a look of resentment on his face.

"You are Chu Xing?"

The man with a dark complexion and a round waist raised his chin slightly, and said with some disdain, "Young master is right."

Qinglong glared angrily, "Presumptuous! How dare you be rude in front of the general?"

Chu Xing was not afraid, and sneered, "General? What general? The last general only knows that the one sitting in this hall is the eldest son of Changping Palace, but he has never heard of General Mu on the battlefield."

This is to say that you, Mu Liunian, are just relying on the power of your family, you, a yellow-mouthed kid who has never been on a battlefield, what do you know!

"It's a lot of courage, but it's a pity. I have always been relentless to those who dare to despise me. Come on, drag it down, twenty military sticks, small punishments and big punishments."

The three big men on the side hurriedly pleaded, "General, please calm down. Deputy General Chu is just a little bit straighter, and there is no malice. Please forgive me, General."

"That's right, General, Deputy General Chu is good at fighting, but he has a straightforward temper, and sometimes he can't help but speak out of his head. Please forgive him, General."

Seeing the few people pleading for Chu Xing, Mu Liunian glanced lazily, "Vice General Chu, do you think what they said is right?"

Chu Xing was choked all of a sudden, saying that what they said was right would be tantamount to admitting that he had no brains, and saying that what they said was wrong, then the three of them would have committed the crime of deceiving the general, and maybe they would have to be punished by themselves. I got tired.

After weighing again and again, Chu Xing gritted his teeth and had to admit this, but he refused to lower his head, and still raised his head high, "General Hui, what they said is naturally the truth."

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "Well, that's good, at least the three of them know to tell the truth."

As Mu Liunian said, he waved his hand, and only him, Qinglong, and that Chu Xing were left in the hall.

"So, do you really think that Ben will not be qualified to be your coach?"

Chu Xing snorted coldly, "General Mu, when you first arrived, you immediately took over the military power of Commander Xu. Don't think that I, Chu Xing, am a rough man who doesn't understand anything. Let me tell you, what is training recruits? You just I saw that General Xu blocked your army from entering the city that day, so I took personal revenge!"

"Well, it makes sense. Continue." Mu Liunian nodded, seeming to agree with him.

Chu Xing was stunned for a moment, but seeing that the eldest son was really not annoyed, he became more courageous, "I tell you, don't think that you can command thousands of troops if you are familiar with the art of war since childhood." Yes. There is always only one thing we admire in our hearts, and that is our General He. As for you, hmph! If you hang out here for a year or so, that's all."

"From what you mean, that He Shaobai is very good at fighting?"

"Of course! We, General He, have won many battles. Otherwise, why do you think our General He is so young, so he was reused? Then again, it was Ding Moxian who refused to open the city gate that day." , if you really have the ability, then go to trouble him, why bother to trouble us?"

Seeing his domineering attitude, Qinglong was about to speak out when he was stopped by Mu Liunian.

"Forget it, he is a rough person, why do you care about him? Chu Xing, I thought you were smart and sensible, but I didn't expect that you are just a no-brainer. I was used as a knife by others It’s okay, but I’m still in the dark. Today’s [-] army sticks will be settled.”

Chu Xing seemed to be a little bit wrong when he heard this.

After staring at him blankly for a while, he felt that the son of the world had a very murderous aura, and it was the invisible countless sharp blades that almost rushed towards his face.

"You, what are you talking about? Who was used as a big sword? Although I, Chu Xing, am not smart, I am not stupid either. You don't want to provoke us here."

Mu Liunian glanced at him contemptuously, "It's true that someone sold you and counted the money for them. I really don't know why He Shaobai has a crush on you, and even let you be a deputy general? Come on, drag it out , twenty army sticks to serve."

"Yes, General."

Qinglong took a look, "Subordinates go to supervise."

Mu Liunian nodded. After all, this is He Shaobai's military camp, and Chu Xing is his subordinate who has always been fancy, so it is naturally possible to cover him up.

As soon as Qinglong came out to supervise the execution, the barracks was full of excitement.

Who is Chu Xing?

That was one of He Shaobai's favorite generals before.In the past, whenever there was any task of charging forward, which time was it not Chu Xing who went first?
At this moment, when General Mu took office, he beat up people directly. Now, the barracks is in a state of chaos.

However, no matter how noisy it was, it was just a few people making noise.

After all, now that Mu Liunian still has [-] Mu's troops in charge here, who would dare to make a fuss too much?

Among other things, just looking at the momentum of the Mu family army and the marching lineup, they are not comparable to them. If you don't accept it, you really can't do it.

The news of Chu Xing being beaten was quickly spread outside.

Ding Mo knew it first, and Commander Xu, who was training recruits, also knew it.

After Yun Ruogu and Yun Ruoqi heard it, they just laughed and didn't make any statement.

(End of this chapter)

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