Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 817 The governor vomits blood!

Chapter 817 The governor vomits blood! (5)
Mu Liunian's face darkened, did Yun Ruoqi never call him brother-in-law?
In fact, Mu Liunian has always regarded Yun Ruoqi as smaller than himself, how could he have thought that he would actually be ridiculed by him today?
"Okay, let's let this matter go. Ding Mo may find out the clues tonight, and maybe tomorrow morning, he will even find out about the other courtyard. Let's think about it first, how to get rid of our body Has the suspicion been ruled out?"

As Yun Ruogu said, his brows furrowed tightly. In his opinion, it was simply too difficult to get rid of the suspicion.

After all, in this city of Liao, those who dare to confront Ding Moxian are only these few people?And the first and most suspicious one was naturally Mu Liunian.

"Brother-in-law, no matter what you think, now is not the time to turn against Ding Mo first. Even though Yunzhou's affairs are involved, it doesn't mean that Xiao Yunfang will relax his guard against you." .”

"That's right, Mu Liunian, the joint external defense you and Yangzhou are doing now is a matter of doubt. If he suspects you again at this time, I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

"There is a way." Mu Liunian snapped his fingers, "Didn't we arrest that household Cao? Then we arrested a few small officials, and then arrested their family members, and secretly sent them to Yangzhou. I don't believe that Ding Mo will not doubt them if they are under strict supervision?"

"You mean to create the illusion that they joined forces to deal with Ding Moxian? But what about the gold and silver? How can they do this?"

Yun Ruoqi said, shaking his head, "In the end, he will still turn his eyes to you."

Yun Ruogu and the others were worrying, when they saw Qian Xia coming in, "What's so difficult about it? It's hard to guard against everything, but the house thief is hard to guard against. Wouldn't he, Ding Mo, not understand such a simple truth?"

"Sister, what do you mean?" A gleam of light flashed in Yun Ruogu's eyes, but it quickly darkened again in an instant. This matter is easier said than done.

"Hasn't Ding Moxian been in contact with those local ruffians in Liao City all the time? Then, at this time, a few villains will disappear in Liao City. The people of Liao City should applaud?"

Yun Ruoqi's eyes tightened, "Sister, what do you mean, how many of these villains should be dealt with, and then how many of the nursing homes in Ding's mansion should also be dealt with? In this way, create an illusion that they are cooperating with each other?"

"That's right! Third brother, you have always been in charge of the dark forces of the Yun family. It seems that you are better at doing such things."

Yun Ruoqi smiled uncomfortably, "It's a good idea, but how can I make Ding Mo believe it first?"

"Simple!" After Qian Xia finished speaking with a smile, Mu Liunian was no longer calm.

"No! Qianqian, you promised me, without my consent, you will not use it lightly?"

Before the word "Secret Technique" was uttered, it stuck in his throat.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, wasn't I fine? You see, my body has fully recovered now, but it's just a small trick, it's impossible to affect me at all."

"Brother-in-law, sister is right. The method she said is naturally the most feasible. It is not too late. We have to take action now. If it is too late, I'm afraid this plan will be invalid."

Yun Ruogu reminded with a solemn face that once Ding Mo became suspicious about this matter, there is no guarantee that he would not disclose all this information to Xiao Yunfang or Liu Xiang.

If this is the case, their life here will be very sad, if not done well, it will cause Xiao Yun to let go of the order and withdraw Mu Liunian.

Therefore, the most urgent thing is to find a way to cover up the past.

In fact, before implementing this plan, Mu Liunian had already thought of a way out.

Now, the three nurses and several hooligans of Ding's family have already been dealt with secretly by him.And the family members of those hooligans were also secretly sent to the distant countryside by someone he sent.

In this way, Ding Moxian couldn't find any clues at all, he could only guess that all of this was done by their joint efforts.Of course, maybe, I will still doubt myself a little.

But these have little effect on him.So, he doesn't mind.

Now what Qianxia means is that she wants to use illusion to forcefully add some memories to some people, so that Ding Moxian can further believe that all of this is due to his own poor use of people and has nothing to do with others.

Qian Xia's method is naturally the safest, it is equivalent to a double insurance for Mu Liunian's plan.

But Mu Liunian is really unwilling to let Qian Xia use the secret technique, especially in such a sensitive period. He always feels that the more frequently Qian Xia uses the secret technique, the shorter her lifespan will be.

He didn't want to be distracted at this time, and he didn't want to watch Qian Xia waste his mind for it.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, believe me, I'm fine. It's just a little illusion, even if I don't use my double pupils, it's fine. You should believe in my ability."

Mu Liunian frowned rather tangled up. In fairness, he was naturally unwilling to agree with her actions.But now, all the people in the room were staring at him, as if if he didn't agree, he would have done something unreasonable.

In the end, Mu Liunian still nodded, but repeatedly told her not to bother too much, and, when she performed the spell, he himself had to be by her side.

Qian Xia also knew that this was the biggest concession he could make, so she had no choice but to agree, at least she could help.

"Those people, damn it, those who should go, I have already made arrangements. Since Qianqian insists on this, if you want to be more secure, just let her go."

Yun Ruogu was also taken aback this time, it turned out that he had already made all the preparations, and then nodded with a smile, this was the Mu Liunian he was familiar with, who never fought uncertain battles!
Sure enough, Ding Moxian suddenly discovered his underground money bank that night, and it was ransacked, and his whole body was limp on the ground.

He himself didn't know how long he had been sitting here, but he felt that his legs were numb, and if he didn't move anymore, he probably wouldn't have to move again in his life, so he slowly stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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