Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 820 Husband and wife quarrel!

Chapter 820 Husband and wife quarrel! (3)
Mrs. Liu handed over all the things of Mihang to Ding Moxian.

After Ding Mo ordered the rice shop under his name to be closed, he ordered people to carefully and secretly transport all the rice inside to the government's granary.

After all this was done, Ding Mo sent someone to post a post to Yun Ruogu, asking him to come over to talk about it.

After Yun Ruogu arrived at Ding's residence, Ding Moxian naturally treated him as a guest.

The food and drink are ready, the singing and dancing are harmonious, and Yun Ruogu is more relaxed than usual.

Seeing that Yun Ruogu's face turned slightly red, he knew that he must have drunk a lot, clapped his hands, and from behind the screen, a beautiful woman dressed in tulle walked out.

"Lord Yun, I know that your wife is pregnant and is recuperating in another hospital. It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. But I heard that you don't even have a maid by your side." , isn't this too much? Madam Ling, are you being treated too strictly?"

Ding Mo spoke first, and then smiled softly while stroking his beard. It was obvious that an elder was teasing a junior.

"Speaking of which, Zhuo Jing is also a rare beauty. She comes from a famous family and is well-educated. Master Ding, to be honest, the reason why the lower officials chose to hide this incident is because of considerations Zhuo Jing and Yue Zhang's face. After all, you can't write two characters of Liu in one stroke. They are all Luanhe Liu family, although they are collateral, but in the eyes of outsiders, don't they all belong to the Liu family?"

Hearing what he said first, Ding Mo naturally nodded and smiled.

Yun Ruogu's wife is Liu Qinghe's daughter, of course he already knew this.

This time Yun Ruogu will hide such a big matter, on the one hand, it is because of the face of the son-in-law of the Liu family, on the other hand, I am afraid that this matter will become bigger, and the Liu family will be implicated. To cause trouble for himself?
If Ding Moxian had some doubts about Yun Ruogu's actions before, now he really has more trust.

After all, they are both the sons-in-law of the Luanhe Liu family. Although they have different branches, they are all of the same clan.

"Master Yun, this is a dancer sent by a distant relative of mine a few days ago. This figure is extremely graceful and soft. Why don't you invite Master Yun to rest here for a night?" He said with a smile, "Haha, of course, if Lord Yun finds it inconvenient, you can take him home directly."

Yun Ruogu's face seemed to turn redder, and he waved his hands, "Impossible! Zhuo Jing has a strong temper and is pregnant now. If she finds out, it will be bad for the child in her womb. No, no. "

When Ding Mo saw that he was a little awkward to speak first, but still rejected this beauty, he couldn't help being a little suspicious.

"What? Master Yun thinks this dancer is not beautiful enough?"

Yun Ruogu shook his head, "No, no. It's just that Ruogu's thoughts are not on her. Ruogu only wants the lady to be happy and happy, so naturally he doesn't want to do something to make her sad."

Ding Mo shook his head incessantly, with regret on his face, "Lord Yun, how can you be so obsessed with love as a man? What's wrong with being a man with a few beauties by his side? Besides, I heard that Mrs. Ling is very virtuous." , if this is the case, then why should Master Yun make things difficult for himself?"

Yun Ruogu chuckled, "It's not about embarrassment, it's the subordinate who wants to."

It was useless for Ding Mo to say what he said first, so he waved his sleeves, and the beauty wrapped around her as soft as if she had no bones.

"Master Yun, the little girl has admired your name for a long time, today, I will offer you a glass first."

The sound is so soft that it can almost numb the bones.

Yun Ruogu's heart skipped a beat, his arms were already full of small bumps, he smiled uncomfortably at the beauty, "Thank you for your kindness, Miss, but I'm too weak to drink, so let's get rid of it for now."

The beauty didn't feel any shyness or embarrassment, on the contrary, she boldly stretched her hand under the table, and directly covered Yun Ruogu's hand, rubbing gently, Yun Ruogu's whole body tensed immediately.

"My lord, my concubine just admires my lord wholeheartedly and has no other intentions. Please give me a chance, my lord."

Yun Ruogu's face was embarrassed, and he looked at Ding Moxian almost as if asking for help, but Ding Moxian said at this moment that he was overwhelmed with alcohol, so he was supported to rest.

"Are you drunk, sir? Come, my concubine will help you to lie down next door."

Yun Ruogu was helped to the next room by her, and it was really tricky for the beauty trick that Ding Mo first offered.

When the door was closed and there was no one else around, Yun Ruogu lay down on the bed as if he was really drunk, motionless.

And that beauty smiled triumphantly, and wanted to take off her clothes and climb onto the bed, but at this moment, Yun Ruogu turned over, and with a bang, swung the candlestick off the small table beside the bed, The servant outside the door was naturally from Yun Ruogu, so he rushed in immediately.

"Who let you in? Why are you so unruly?"

"Girl, the little one didn't do it on purpose, so I'll go out now."

"Wait!" Yun Ruogu said in a daze, "Help me back to the mansion."

"Yes, second son."

"My lord, how could you just leave like this? What about the concubine? If you can't take the concubine away, I'm afraid that if you turn around, the concubine will not be able to survive." The beauty began to cry as she spoke.

"Well, please, take her back to the mansion."

"Yes, second son."

After Yun Ruogu got into the carriage and made sure that the annoying goblin was no longer around, he opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, how could he look half drunk?

Hmph, isn't it just a beauty trick?This officer can't even handle this?

Yun Ruogu brought back a beauty, which naturally attracted everyone's attention, especially Qian Xia's complexion changed.

It's not that she thinks that Yun Ruogu's actions are wrong, but that Qianxia didn't expect that this Ding Moxian was so courageous that he dared to go into Yunfu and arrange eyeliner openly.

She naturally wouldn't think that Yun Ruogu would really be fascinated by a beauty, but that didn't mean she could tolerate such an eyeliner dangling under her nose.

(End of this chapter)

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