Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 824 So Distressed!

Chapter 824 So Distressed! (1)
Qian Xia shook her head, with a puzzled look on her face, "Yuanchu, I don't understand. There has never been any contradiction between the two, has there been? How could you?"

"Enough! Qianqian, I know that no matter what I say, you won't listen to me. I think we should all calm down. I hope you can understand that no matter how powerful a mystic is, it is impossible for you to truly You can control the war or the situation on your own. And you, do you have to take this risk?"

After Mu Liunian finished speaking, he looked at her eagerly. Obviously, he wanted to hear the answer he wanted from her mouth.

And Qian Xia was completely in a state of chaotic thinking, how could he think of his thoughts?
"What risk did I take? At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I said that my use of secret techniques will not harm my mental and physical strength. Why don't you believe me?"

"If you say you don't have it, you don't have it? How can you make me believe you? Is the so-called talent really a gift? Qianqian, I can solve many things without your intervention. Isn't it clear enough for me to say that?"

Qian Xia's expression froze, except for the eyelashes that flashed twice from time to time, her whole body froze.

Qian Xia looked at the sunlight outside alone, it seemed to be extremely strong.

She didn't know how long she had been standing here, and she didn't come back to her senses until she heard the baby's babbling.

"Why are you standing here? Look at you, you are already a mother, why don't you know how to take care of yourself?"

Yun's words of reproach were full of doting and indulgence.

Qian Xia suddenly had a feeling, yes, she has grown up so much, why can't she always learn how to take care of herself?

Does a person who can't even take care of himself really have the ability to help others?

Just like the quarrel between Mu Liunian and her last night, what she has been doing all along, is it really right?
At this time, Qian Xia realized that in fact, she had been living under Mu Liunian's worry and care for a long time.

What would my life be like without him?

The quarrel last night was more like an emotional vent for Mu Liunian for a long time.

He has always been worried about himself, but he always thinks that he is a different person. The reason why he is like this is because God has given her a very special mission.

But is it true?
Qian Xia thought about it for a long time last night, until she saw her son, she suddenly realized that, in fact, she was just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

She is no different from anyone else.

She is just a woman who hopes to be loved by her husband all the time.

She is just a mother who hopes that her children can grow up safely, healthy and happy.

That being the case, why does she always feel that she has the responsibility and obligation to accomplish many things?
What Mu Liunian said is right, many things cannot be achieved without relying on so-called secret techniques.

On the contrary, there are some things, even if someone uses the secret technique, it may not be possible.

Such a simple truth, why didn't she understand it until now?
She thought she was smart, that she was the successor of the Yun family, that she was a mystic with a special mission, but in fact, she didn't even know what her husband was thinking.

Her husband has been worrying about her all the time, for her identity as a mystic to not be exposed, for her body to return to normal as soon as possible, for her to be like a normal mother, and her child get along.

At this moment, Qian Xia suddenly understood what her uncle taught her back then.

Everything in the universe has its own reason for existence.

Any person or thing that exists in this world must have its own mission, which cannot be replaced by anyone.

So what if she is a mystic?

She can't replace Mu Liunian to fight on the battlefield, can't replace Xiao Yunfang to make some correct choices, and she can't replace the entire Erziye people to oppose such a civil war.

All she can do is to be herself first, and then to be a mother and a wife.

What Mu Liunian said was right, if it was something she had to do, he would not forget to come to her.

If it is really necessary for her to come forward to solve the problem, then Mu Liunian must be able to distinguish the priority from the secondary.

Qian Xia's brows frowned suddenly, Mu Liunian's excitement from last night reappeared in front of his eyes again, his performance seemed a little too much.

Or, did he know something that he shouldn't have known?

"Mother, mother, hug, hug."

Xiao Yunhua's immature voice interrupted Qian Xia's thoughts again.

Gently hugging him in her arms, watching his two big eyes rolling, as if trying to find some good things to play with.

Soon, Xiao Yunhua saw the wooden hairpin on Qianxia's head.

It was grabbed in one go.

Qian Xia didn't stop him either, her hair was originally tied with a wooden hairpin, but now that he pulled it like this, her hair naturally fell loose.

"Mother, beautiful, beautiful."

Yun Shi listened amusedly, "This child's vision is accurate. You are really right. Your mother is the most beautiful woman in the world."

Xiao Yunhua didn't seem to understand. He played with the hairpin in his hand for a while, then raised his hand and wanted to insert it into his own head, but his hair was a bit short and couldn't be inserted at all.

As soon as he let go, he fell directly to the ground.

Sanqi came over and picked up the hairpin, "Young master, this is not something you can play with. This is a hairpin for women. When you grow up, you have to use the kind used by the eldest son."

Xiao Yunhua blinked, and reached out to ask for the hairpin in Sanqi's hand.

Sanqi was worried that she would tire the concubine Shizi, so she stretched out her hand, and Xiao Yunhua slipped into her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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