Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 831 Too Careless!

Chapter 831 Too Careless! (3)
"Okay! Qianqian, remember your promise to me. I asked the people of Ye Fu to search for some elixir in various places. I heard that the princess of Qianxue Kingdom caused the prince quite annoyed for some reason. , after taking a plant of Qianyecao, the body healed."

Although Qianxia couldn't bear it, she still whispered, "Chiba grass is useless to me."

"I know. I just use this as an example, Qianqian, I believe you will be able to accompany me to the end. I will not give up, so you are not allowed to give up. When you feel tired, think about it Me, think about our little treasure, okay?"

What can Asaka say?
In the face of such an affectionate man, how could she say the word "not good"?

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, thank you. I know what I should do. Without the secret technique, I still have a brain, and I can also help you. I don't want to leave you either."

Mu Liunian smiled, and gently hugged her into his arms, "Qianqian, I always knew that you have me in your heart, even though you never said sweet and tiresome love words to me, but I just knew , you like me, you care about me."

Qian Xia was slightly embarrassed, did this mean she was going to say something?
"Qianqian, it doesn't matter whether Liaocheng and Yangzhou form an alliance or become one. I will guard Phoenix Mountain, and Qilin Mountain will naturally be safe. The war outside will become more and more chaotic. So, in the days to come, we will I may not have so much time with you, but you must know that my thoughts are always on you."

Qian Xia rolled her eyes and said with a wicked smile, "Okay. But, I want you to promise me that no matter where you go, you will take me with you. If you act alone, I can't promise you Will you use secret techniques to divine your safety and whereabouts?"

Before she finished speaking, Qian Xia felt her lips constricted, and then they were blocked tightly.

Some domineering kisses, some angry kisses, and some annoyed kisses.

Qian Xia was dizzy, and when she gasped for breath, Mu Liunian said with a sullen face, "Yun Qianxia, ​​it's only been a while, and you forgot what you promised me? Is it something that is related to your life that you can use as a bargaining chip?"

Qian Xia was stunned by his yelling.

Seeing Mu Liunian's beautiful eyes full of anger at this moment, Qian Xia suddenly realized that what she said just now might have gone too far.

However, I was just talking, why is he so angry?
Seemingly seeing through her thoughts, Mu Liunian said directly, "I can't even think about it! Don't forget your own promise."

This time, Qian Xia completely languished, lowered her head, as if admitting her mistake, but her mouth was tightly pressed, refusing to say a word.

The two stood still.

I don't know how long it took, but in the end it was Mu Liunian who compromised first.

Some helplessly sighed, "Qianqian, why don't you let me feel at ease? The place I'm going to will naturally be very dangerous. You don't know martial arts, but you still want to go with me, what do you think? Is it very wise?"

Qian Xia still lowered her head, couldn't see her expression, and didn't know if she was acting out of temper, or she knew she was wrong and was thinking over there.

"Qianqian, don't be like this, you are obviously wrong, why do you make it seem like I was wrong?"

Mu Liunian picked up Qian Xia's chin with one hand, and seeing her troubled little face, he felt distressed again.

As soon as he felt distressed, his tone naturally softened, "Oh, there's really nothing I can do about you."

Qian Xia pouted slightly, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I didn't mean it just now. I really have no other thoughts. I just simply want to be with you."

"I know, you're worried about me, aren't you?"

Qian Xia nodded awkwardly, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I didn't want to do this either. Wars are always dangerous. Moreover, I have a hunch that the wars in the future will only become more and more chaotic. I'm afraid Zi Ye will Got into a mess."

"Well, don't worry, these soldiers in my hands are not vegetarians. Ziye's civil war is always fought by the Xiao family themselves, and I have no intention of getting involved. If outsiders really intervene, I will naturally not sit back and watch Ignore."

"I understand that you are from a family of generals, so naturally you want to protect your reputation as a general. Besides, I also know that although you always look a little unruly, in fact, you feel distressed in your heart." For the people of Ziye."

"Qianqian, I knew you could understand me."

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, things in Liaocheng were considered to be stable. There was only one Ding Moxian left. Naturally, he couldn't make any big waves. What's more, he has been in Liaocheng for two years. I don't believe that he will have an excellent official voice."

Mu Liunian's eyes lit up, "You mean, we can use the strength of the local people to put pressure on Ding Moxian?"

"At least, don't let him easily reveal the situation here. Especially Xiao Yunfang."

"Well, it makes sense. Don't worry, Ding Moxian has been making a fuss for so long, and it's time for him to calm down for a while."

Qian Xia never went out of her yard for two days in a row, she just lay on the bed or couch all the time.

It was rumored that Mu Liunian was busy outside, but he didn't delay coming back for dinner.

Qian Xia had almost rested, while Xiao Yunhua started crying and begging to find her mother.

"Mom, give me a hug."

Qian Xia took the child over, first kissed his chubby little face, and then said very dotingly, "Does Bao'er want to kiss mother? Come on, let's go eat ice porridge together, shall we?"

Although it is not as hot as it was in June, it is still a bit stuffy at noon.

Ding Fu
Although Ding Moxian kept cheering himself up, he never really had confidence in his heart.

For several days in a row, he didn't dare to go out, because he was afraid that if he went out, he would be tied up by the people sent by Mu Liunian.

Commander Xu was finally betrayed because of his crimes and rebellion, and the evidence was conclusive.

(End of this chapter)

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