Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 838 Mysterious son!

Chapter 838 Mysterious son! (5)
After Sangqiu Zirui saw the corpses, his pupils shrank, and he immediately passed the letter to Mu Liunian. At the same time, he also sent the assassin's knife to Liao City.

The queen mother was injured, this is a big deal!

No matter how decadent Xiao Yunfang was, he couldn't ignore his mother. When he arrived at Fushou Palace, he was scolded by the queen mother.

Obviously, the Empress Dowager also found out about Xiao Yunfang's recent abnormalities, but unfortunately, now that Mu Huanzhen is dead, there is no proof of death.

Furthermore, even if there is evidence left, at this juncture, they cannot offend the Mu family.

"Your Majesty, you are the Ninth Five-Year Supreme! How can you?" The Queen Mother was so angry that she couldn't catch her breath, and just breathed out for a long time.

"Mistress, calm down, the emperor is here, don't worry."

The Queen Mother snorted coldly, "Don't worry? The Ai family doesn't want to worry. But the problem is, don't you see what time it is now? Your Majesty, the four princes outside have captured two cities in a row, and they want to attack Sancho Fenghe is guarded by Lie. Your Majesty, why don't you think about it, if this continues, your throne will have to be handed over to someone else!"

Since Xiao Yunfang ascended the throne, the Queen Mother had never spoken to him in such a strong tone.

Firstly, it was because he was his own son, and he always felt that he was very sensible. He was young, and it was understandable for him to make some mistakes.

Besides, I also feel that he is now the emperor anyway, if I say something aggressive to him again, I'm afraid he will be annoyed, and thus distance himself from his mother.

But I didn't expect that my leniency would almost lead to a catastrophe.

Xiao Yunfang's long-term use of that secret medicine naturally caused some damage to his body.

Looking at him now, the undersides of his eyes are light blue, the tops of his eyelids are also darkened, his chin is also pointed, and his whole body is much thinner than before.

The queen mother looked at her son at this moment, really anxious and angry.

It's just that she didn't come to pay her respects for a month, and she turned into this appearance, thanks to the death of Concubine Mu, otherwise, her son would have died.

His son is dead, who will inherit the throne?
The Empress Dowager closed her eyes helplessly, and said, a little powerless, "Fang'er, the Ai family has always told you that as an emperor, you must have a long-term perspective. But you have always refused to listen. Forget it, what happened in the past , That's all. Aijia asks you, what do you plan to do with the Fourth Prince?"

After Xiao Yunfang was scolded by the Queen Mother, he also woke up.

Immediately he was full of energy and said, "After returning to mother, don't worry, my son will find a way to level Yunzhou and Wucheng. As for the fourth brother, since he is already dead, it is most important to go underground to accompany the late emperor."

Only then did the Queen Mother nodded in satisfaction, thinking of all that her son had done in the past few months, fortunately Sangqiu Zirui did not give up on him completely, otherwise?

"Mother, don't worry, my son is now awakened. My son will never mess around again. My son will issue an order to reward Fang Liang, the governor of Huai'an. In addition, he will organize manpower to guard the border. As for Yunzhou, I will issue an order to attack first. Wu Cheng. Wu Cheng was occupied by the Fourth Prince not long ago, and at this time, we will kill him first while he is not stable."

"Okay! The soldiers in front are all brave and good at fighting. As an emperor, you have to look like an emperor."

"Yes, my son understands."

When Xiao Yunfang came back from here, he issued an order to seal Fang Liang as Marquis of Anping and bestow countless jewels.

Another order was given to the soldiers in front, and He Shaobai rushed to Fenghe as soon as possible, and attacked Wucheng together with Sang Qiulie.

At the same time, another order was given to Xu Zeyuan, and he was named inspector, and all places where there had been riots would be appeased and sorted out by him.

The people who were sent before were immediately withdrawn and demoted by two ranks, waiting to be dealt with.

Xu Zeyuan took the order and left Beijing without stopping. Sang Qiuyue also knew that it was really an opportunity for her husband to be entrusted with important tasks at this time.I hope he can come back safely.

As for Liaocheng, Ding Moxian had a sudden stroke for some reason, his eyes slanted and his mouth was crooked, and he was no longer able to manage political affairs.

At this time, all the power of governing Liaocheng was handed over to Yun Ruogu, and Ding Moxian's son Ding Wendong was also selected to serve as a soldier, which was also a consolation for the Liu family.

In fact, Ding Moxian didn't know how he became like this.

I just remembered drinking some wine in the mansion, and then kissing me with my concubine, and for some reason, I suddenly couldn't move.

As soon as Mrs. Liu heard the news, the first thing she had to do was to beat up the concubine before driving her out.

Women will always only know how to be jealous, without asking why.

Of course, the matter here in Liaocheng has not been reported yet.

This is what Ding Moxian meant.

Once the news of his stroke spread, his official career would be over.

I have only lost so much money, rice and food, so nothing can happen at this time.

Therefore, to the outside world, it is only said that Ding Cishi is ill and is asking a doctor to see him.

What Ding Moxian meant was naturally that he wanted a famous doctor to cure his symptoms, but the problem was that even calling several doctors was useless.

Until Mrs. Liu reminded him that Yun Chang'an was the apprentice of the genius doctor Yu Lizi and the elder brother of Yun Ruogu, if he could be invited here, then the master's illness would naturally recover.

Ding Moxian immediately asked his son to prepare a small gift and went to Yunfu.

But from Yun Ruogu, he didn't get the answer he wanted.

Originally, it was Yun Ruogu who drugged him to make it like this, how could he let his elder brother come over to see him again?

As for the fact that the Empress Dowager Liang Cheng and Duke Jing were attacked, all of this was done by the fourth prince far away in Yunzhou.

The news quickly spread throughout the world.

But those who thought that the fourth prince was elegant and aboveboard, at this time, it is difficult not to be affected by this statement.

You want to snatch your throne, go for it, but the problem is, is it a little too low for you to attack a woman and a powerless civil servant?
The fourth prince is tantamount to suffering from being dumb.

He wanted to say that it wasn't someone he sent, but the problem was that someone had to believe it.

In addition, Xiao Yunfang deliberately posted a confession of the assassin who was captured alive, in order to let people see the real face of the fourth prince.

Of course, as for whether the confession is true or false, Xiao Yunfang has the final say?
In a small teahouse outside Ziye Border Pass, a noble young man dressed in gorgeous brocade smashed a table into pieces in a fit of rage.

Turning around, it was the one who sent the killer before.

"Okay! Very good. Sangqiu Zirui, I have calculated everything, but I never thought that you are actually protecting that bastard Mu Liunian! How unreasonable!"

"Don't be angry, son. Although he is pointing at the fourth prince now, as far as his subordinates know, Xiao Yunfang has already begun to face up to these problems. Moreover, he also signaled He Shaobai and San Qiulie to take down Wucheng first. For us, it's an opportunity."

The young master pursed his lips tightly, and put his hands behind his back. The folding fan in his hand was held tightly by him, almost as if he wanted to break it.

"Originally, our goal was the Mu family. As long as Xiao Yunfang became suspicious of the Mu family, then the Mu family would have only two options if they were persecuted. Either they turned against each other, or they were arrested without a fight. But I I didn’t expect things to get to this point.”

It turned out that the swords worn by the assassins were all engraved with a small word "Mu", the purpose of which was to provoke the relationship between Xiao Yunfang and the Mu family.

Now that he was stopped by Sangqiu Zirui, the plan will naturally change.

"Mu Liunian did not arouse Xiao Yunfang's suspicion. Once we enter Ziye, he will definitely not sit idly by. Sangqiu Zirui, you ruined my big business!"

The folding fan in your son's hand was thrown violently, and it spun three to five feet in mid-air, smashing all the ornaments on the wall, before returning to his hand again.

"My lord, should we attack Sanqiu Zirui first?" a subordinate asked tentatively.

He thought simply, since it was Sangqiu Zirui who ruined his master, then as long as he got rid of this person, there would be more smooth plans in the future.

I don't want to, but these words attracted the noble young master's sharp gaze, "I found it."

The folding fan in his hand flew out, and before the subordinate could fully react, he fell to the ground and died.

The hand that the master revealed shocked all the subordinates present at once.

All subconsciously took half a step back, lowered their heads, and no one looked at the body that fell on the ground.

It was just an ordinary small teahouse that couldn't be more ordinary, but at this moment, it was full of murderous intent.

"Pass on this son's order and tell the fourth prince that if Wucheng falls, then this son will not provide him with any help. Let him figure it out."

"Yes, son."

Your young master turned his head and glanced at Ziye's border again. There, there were quite a few soldiers guarding the city wall, walking back and forth, patrolling.

"Zi Ye, just wait for me, one day, I will conquer Liangcheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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