Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 840 Introducing the wolf into the room

Chapter 840 Introducing the wolf into the room (2)
"Then it's up to the fourth prince. He Shaobai is still cleaning up Wucheng at the moment. If you wait for him to free up, you may not be able to leave here even if you want to."

"I understand, don't worry, I will leave tomorrow night."

The fourth prince pondered over it carefully, but he was still a little worried. After all, the border was a major issue. If something good or bad happened, wouldn't he become Zi Ye's eternal sinner?
Even if he dies in the future, I'm afraid he will have no face to meet his ancestors.

However, Xiao Yunfang of Liangcheng was naturally overjoyed after receiving Sang Qiulie's battle report. On the one hand, he asked people to send the good news to the queen mother, and on the other hand, he asked people to quickly draw up an order to reward He Shaobai.

However, on this day, there were mob incidents in two counties in Ziye one after another. They actually set fire to the government office, killed local officials big and small, and started occupying the local area and became king directly.

It was closer to Anyang, so Xiao Yunfang finally sent Sangqiu Zirui there, hoping to calm down there as soon as possible.

Sang Qiu Zirui frowned slightly, although this kind of riot should not be underestimated, but letting him deal with it may not be a big deal.

Sangqiu Zirui understood that Xiao Yunfang was actually unwilling to see him in the capital.

After such a long time, Sangqiu Zirui has seen his wisdom. Of course, he has seen more of his stupidity and his being played by others.

As an emperor, a person who is as proud as a god's mansion naturally does not allow his imperfect side to be pryed into by others, but Sangqiu Zirui still sees it openly.

It was like a thorn stuck in Xiao Yunfang's throat, and he couldn't vomit quickly.

If the thorn is not pulled out, Xiao Yunfang will never be able to eat, and will always be in pain.

But this is different from a fishbone, after Xiao Yunfang took off the thorn of Sangqiu Zirui, he felt no pain and felt comfortable, but who can guarantee that without the thorn stuck there, would there be any pain? More small thorns went straight into his stomach?

At that time, the pain will not only be in the throat, I'm afraid, he will have stomach pain, abdominal pain, and even the whole body, there will be no good place.

Xiao Yunfang actually knew that at this time, if he left Sangqiu Zirui, he might not be able to face the following problems alone.

But he would rather face it alone than feel inferior and overwhelmed in front of him.

Or, he just wanted Sangqiu Zirui to leave temporarily. After all, in Xiao Yunfang's view, the mobs in those two counties would not toss for too long, and they would definitely be dealt with by Sangqiu Zirui.

Sangqiu Zirui may not be good at fighting, but he is good at making calculations, especially in grasping people's hearts, and has always been very accurate.

In ancient times, there have been examples of literati leading troops.

What's more, Sangqiu Zirui is not a simple literati.

Xiao Yunfang issued another order to Sang Qiulie, hoping to break through Yunzhou as soon as possible, so that the fourth prince has nothing to fear.

When Mu Liunian received the news from Liang Cheng, he felt a little sympathetic to Sangqiu Zirui.

It is really tiring to have such a cousin of the emperor.

The soldiers from Liaocheng and Yangzhou were merged. General Lu had [-] soldiers and horses, Liaocheng had [-] soldiers in total, and Mu Liunian himself brought [-] soldiers and horses.

Mu Liunian handed over [-] soldiers from Liaocheng to Lu Minghao for training, while his own [-] soldiers retreated behind them.

Since it is defending the city, it is impossible to only guard the gate, but expose the weakness of the window to the enemy.

Long before, Mu Liunian had secretly transferred over 15 troops. In fact, there were a total of [-] Mu's troops here.Among them, [-] were stationed around Fuhe Town. Their purpose was to protect Phoenix Mountain, and to prevent enemies from attacking them from the flanks.

Mu Liunian made another adjustment to the remaining 5 soldiers and horses, and stationed [-] troops on the northernmost side of Liaocheng and the southernmost side of Yangzhou.

The next day, when the fourth prince discussed with Lin Shaofeng and other subordinates whether to leave Yunzhou and go to Qiyang County, his subordinates naturally had a heated discussion.

Lin Shaofeng finally chose to support Qiyang County.

"Yunzhou is easy to attack and difficult to defend. We have been able to defend it before. On the one hand, it is because some people rioted and restrained their troops. Wucheng has fallen, all we can do is to find a way to withdraw from Yunzhou."

"But Qiyang County is so small, so many of us gathered in a small Qiyang County, can it really be successful? Besides, how long have we only traveled from Fuyang to Yunzhou? It's always like this, I'm afraid it's a soldier's heart loose."

Lin Shaofeng looked at the veteran opposite him, and said with firm eyes, "Qiyang is relatively rich in supplies. Although it is a small county, there are vast resources there, no worse than Yunzhou. The most important thing is that the general who guards Qiyang Pass is the former emperor. If he is a loyal and brave general who is willing to help, then we will be even more powerful."

Speaking of which, the Fourth Prince still doesn't know who is guarding Qiyang Pass?

"Your Majesty, the person who guards Qiyang Pass is General Song Daming, who received the kindness of the late Emperor. This man is honest and honest. He was just an ordinary soldier. In an accident, he saved the general. Later, he was exceptionally promoted to captain Later, in the martial arts arena, someone assassinated the late emperor, and it was this person who blocked the dart later, and finally saved the late emperor's life, but he himself was seriously injured. Therefore, the late emperor has always favored him."

Only then did the fourth prince nod his head, "In this case, this person is quite reliable."

"Returning to the emperor, he is guarding Qiyang Pass. He has not one hundred thousand troops, but at least eighty thousand. If we go to Qiyang County, we can naturally recuperate there first, recharge our batteries, and have the shock of General Song. Presumably San Chulie and the others may not dare to confront us head-on."

After hearing Lin Shaofeng's words, the other deputy general also nodded in agreement, "Back to the emperor, what General Lin said is true. We still have more than [-] soldiers and horses. Once we can join General Song, we will have more than [-] troops, and , Didn’t you send someone to recruit some mobs before? If it succeeds, our strength will naturally increase greatly.”

(End of this chapter)

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