Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 845 Who will move first?

Chapter 845 Who will move first? (2)
Now, this was suddenly brought up. Obviously, it was because he discovered that since the civil strife in Ziye, not only has the border defense not been relaxed, but it has become more rigorous.He had no chance to strike.

That's why he found him, let him retreat to Qiyang County, opened Qiyang Pass, and let his people enter Ziye smoothly.

The fourth prince sighed softly, leaning his hands on the railing, and after pursing his lips tightly, he couldn't help asking himself in a low voice, "Why? Why do I have to fight for the throne? Is it just for revenge?"

If it was just for revenge, there was absolutely no need for him to provoke this war. He could let the hidden guards in his hands kill Xiao Yunfang and the Queen Mother Sancho regardless of anything.

But why didn't he do that?
Why did it become like this?

Ziye is a country, but in their generation, there are two emperors, what is this?
The fourth prince laughed at himself, "Sure enough, I'm still a little greedy. In fact, my desire is too heavy. If I didn't think about owning those rights, then, now, I wouldn't be in such a dilemma." land."

He understands that if Qiyang Pass cannot be opened, his allies will not let him go, and Xiao Yunfang will not let him go.

But if he opened it, those people didn't come to help him, but to destroy the whole Ziye, then, when the time comes, who can save him?

How would he face the underground ancestors?
How can he be worthy of his father who loved him so much?
How can he be worthy of the tens of thousands of people in Ziye?

The fourth prince closed his eyes and smiled wryly, then slowly raised his head, allowing the cold tears to slide down slowly.

Today, after all, I still blame him for being indecisive for a while and being taken advantage of by others.

Today, if he still doesn't understand that he is just a pawn being used by others, he is really too stupid.

He can't be sorry to the ancestors of the Xiao family, and he can't be sorry to his father, but now, he himself is in a dilemma, in a dilemma!

At this time, it is obviously impossible for him to take the initiative to show his favor to Xiao Yunfang!

He will never forget that it was Xiao Yunfang who had all his relatives killed.

If it wasn't for the fact that he still had a hidden guard in his hand, I'm afraid that even he wouldn't be standing here now.

He really has no idea what to do in the future.

But if that person directly led troops in, once Ziye was killed, then, Ziye's prince, what face would he have to stand in front of others and say that he was once Ziye's prince?

Wouldn't it be the greatest irony if someone called him some Highness, or Your Majesty?

"Your Majesty, it's late at night, you'd better go down and rest first."

The fourth prince nodded, "Well, you go down first, I'll be there in a while."

"Yes, the servant is here with you."

There was a little bit of warmth in the fourth prince's eyes. Once upon a time, the only bit of warmth in his body was obtained from an eunuch?
Back in the dormitory, after the fourth prince sent everyone back, he called out the secret guards.

"How many hidden guards do we have?"

"Returning to the master, our hidden guards are still 300 people, and there has never been any loss."

"Very well, you send two groups of people to enter Liangcheng Palace to assassinate Xiao Yunfang and the Queen Mother."

"Yes, master."

"Remember, they all have the imperial forest army badges worn by the former emperor. This is a great guarantee for them to enter and leave the palace. Therefore, their assassination is naturally more convenient than anyone else."

"Yes, the subordinates understand what the master means, and try their best to complete the task. If they miss, they can escape if they can. If they can't escape, they will execute themselves."

"Okay, let's make arrangements."

"Yes, master. The subordinate will leave."

This night, the starry sky seems to be a little dark, even the national master Cangming, who watches the stars at night, has never glimpsed the mystery.

This night, Prince Rui of Cangming had a few hours of secret discussions with the emperor in the palace, and then he directly rested in the side hall of the palace, and an hour later, he started his morning court.

This night, Master Cangming was worried, but finally shook his head, everything seemed to be a definite deal, no matter how hard it was to undo it.

It was also on this night that Sangqiu Zirui returned to his home in Anyang, Sangqiu Mansion.

Returning to the yard where I lived for a long time, I saw the peach tree that never bloomed.

Changfeng looked at the somewhat sad master, and his mood also became a little depressed.

Whenever there is something related to that woman, the master will do this. This time, I don't know what is the reason for the master?

"Changfeng, send a letter to Jingguo's mansion, saying that I learned through divination that there will be a catastrophe at Qiyang Pass. Have someone send it overnight, and tell my father to enter the palace immediately after receiving the letter. See Your Majesty."

"Yes, son."

Actually, Sangqiu Zirui didn't have much hope for Xiao Yunfang.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen such a risky method to subdue so many mobs and use their strength to resist foreign enemies.

Although Ziye's soldiers and horses are not bad, but if the internal and external troubles come together now, it is tantamount to greatly reducing your own military strength. The [-] soldiers and horses of others can make you Ziye start to be in chaos.

The most important thing is to see what actions Xiao Yunfang will take after hearing the news?
In fact, what Sangqiu Zirui hopes is naturally that Xiao Yunfang can shake hands with the fourth prince to make peace at this critical moment, and jointly resist foreign enemies. At least, the fourth prince cannot be allowed to open the gate of Qiyangguan.

But the problem is, when Xiao Yunfang killed so many lives of Concubine Rong's mother's family, can the fourth prince let go of this grudge?
It is impossible for the Fourth Prince to let it go!

Sangqiu Zirui already has the answer in his heart. The only thing he is not sure about now is, which of those people around the fourth prince are truly loyal to the former emperor, or who belong to the current fourth prince, and which ones have betrayed the master at all. Understand?
(End of this chapter)

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