Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 854 The Two Sides Meet!

Chapter 854 The Two Sides Meet! (1)
The Songyuan Pass was saved, and the general stationed there was not stupid. Under the instruction of Sangqiu Zirui, he immediately wrote an emergency memorial to the capital.

And it was made clear in the memorial that it was Mr. Sanqiu who asked General Mu to help him save the Songyuan Pass.

After the memorial was written, after thinking about it carefully, I asked Mr. Sancho to look over it and saw him nodding with his own eyes, so he dared to let Xiaobing send it out.

Song Yuan Guan here is Dading, and Sangqiu Zirui feels much more at ease.

These days, he has not been idle. Apart from ordering his subordinates to integrate those manpower, he has not forgotten to train them rigorously.

Anyang City has a total strength of [-] troops, but the combat power is really not enough.

Fortunately, he received a letter from Mu Liunian and learned that he had dispatched 5 troops. He had time here to conscript and train.At this time, I only hope that Mu Liunian's people can persist for a while longer.

Just when Sangqiu Zirui's heart had just fallen and hadn't completely returned to its original position, bad news came from Qiyang Pass.

The gate of Qiyang Pass was opened by General Song, who was defending the city.

The fourth prince walked into his room expressionlessly, with a look of remorse on his face.

"My lord, my subordinates have found out that there are a total of 30 generals gathered outside the customs. Because the distance is far away, it's hard to see clearly. However, there are at least ten generals. Judging from their clothes, they are Cangming people."

"Well, but who is handsome Gao?"

"Returning to the master, we haven't found it yet. In addition, my subordinates have found the genius doctor Yu Ion, who seems to have been invited to Liao City by Mu Liunian. Look, do you want him to come over and show you?"

The fourth prince shook his head slowly, his movements were very light, which made people feel that his whole body was a little bad.

"No need. I don't need to bother the old man anymore. Even if he is cured, how can I face my people?"

The fourth prince took a deep breath, thinking that he still overestimated his ability after all.

So what if I don't agree to open Qiyang Pass?

Is it still opened?
What frustrates him the most is that the other party still used his own name to open Qiyang Pass.

He only said that he borrowed troops.

Ha ha, how ridiculous?
The fourth prince's lips curled up, and he didn't know whether he wanted to cry or laugh.

He obviously didn't do anything to be sorry for Zi Ye, and he obviously didn't think about colluding with outsiders to deal with his country, but now, if he said that, who would believe it?

I'm afraid that his reputation of colluding with foreign enemies and attempting to usurp the throne will spread throughout Ziye's north and south in less than two days.

It's a pity that I have tossed and tossed for so long before, but I didn't necessarily let some common people know that there is a number one person like me in this world.

This time, it made Ziye's subjects want to forget, and they couldn't forget it.

"How about the ones sent to assassinate Xiao Yunfang and the Queen Mother Sancho?"

"The Empress Dowager Sancho was seriously injured, and I'm afraid she won't be able to last for a few days. Although Xiao Yunfang was not injured, he was poisoned. However, we are still not sure who administered the poison."

"The one who can let Xiao Yun put down the poison must be the person next to him. It seems that his life is not easy. Hehe, he tried everything possible to ascend to the throne, but he really gave it to him. He is not as good as before. The chair in the prince's mansion is comfortable. I don't know if he regretted it at this time?"

"Report to the emperor, General Li is here." The eunuch's unique voice sounded, and the fourth prince's face changed slightly, and in his eyes, subconsciously, there was a little more fear.

"Emperor Ziye is so elegant! Is he here to enjoy the scenery?"

The fourth prince's current location is in a three-story attic. From his location, he can take over most of Qiyang County.

The person who came was Huangfu Dingtao, Li Dingyuan, the son of Cangming's Prince Rui.

"General Li has good means. Even if I don't agree, you can still come to Qiyang. If that's the case, why did General Li cooperate with me in the first place? Can't you just come in by yourself? Why bother?"

"Emperor Ziye's words are wrong. In the eyes of this son, only you are the real heir to the throne of Ziye. As for Xiao Yunfang, he is nothing more than a thief who steals the country. This son, I disdain to be with such a small People are getting too close."

"Didn't General Li say that there were 30 troops outside the pass? But now, why is it [-]?"

The expression on the fourth prince's face was a bit cold, his hands were tightly grasping the armrests of the chair, although he was very afraid of this Prince Rui's son, but it didn't mean that, as the royal family of Zi Ye, he was going to be in front of him. In front of the royal family, he bowed his head and gave in softly.

It had been a cooperative relationship before, so he never thought about some excessive problems.

But it's different now, the relationship between them has obviously changed.

It is uncertain when, if this prince is not happy, he will be able to take his own life.

Of course, not this time.

The fourth prince knew that he still needed himself as a hostage, a pawn, in the name of the fourth prince, in order to avenge the late emperor, so that he could enter Ziye majestically.Otherwise, his subsequent advancement will become very unfavorable.

Moreover, Qianxue has not stepped in yet.

If Qianxue once questioned Cangming's approach, then Cangming always has to think about it, what if Qianxue and Xiao Yunfang join forces?
But now, Cang Ming will definitely not consider this important issue.

Because this Prince Rui's son was playing the banner of borrowing troops, otherwise, how could he come in openly?
"The Fourth Highness is questioning this son's decision?"

The title changed from the Ziyehuang just now to the Fourth Highness in an instant. It is not difficult to hear that Huangfu Dingtao is already a little angry.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Have you finally spoken your mind? Our cooperative relationship has been unfair from the very beginning. I'm just a pawn you want to use. Once you can get the maximum benefit in Ziye, then , my pawn naturally has no need to live. Right?"

(End of this chapter)

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