Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 856 The Two Sides Meet!

Chapter 856 The Two Sides Meet! (3)
Ziye borrowed troops from Cangming only to avenge the late emperor and restore the throne that he, the fourth prince, deserved.

Thinking about it now, he really thinks it's kind of ridiculous!
"Okay, there's no need to do it anymore. Let someone go and see where his 30 troops are going."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The fourth prince knew that he basically couldn't do anything now.

Lin Shaofeng had completely emptied him, and besides the hidden guards he had secretly kept earlier, he no longer had any military power in his hands.

Even those civil servants who dared to speak before had no choice but to shut up due to Lin Shaofeng's coercion.

The only thing that makes the Fourth Prince feel pretty good is that at least the people around him have not been replaced by Lin Shaofeng.At least, he, and those under him, are still free in action.

Although this kind of freedom is somewhat restricted, it's better than being under house arrest, right?
Now the fourth prince is thinking about whether he should ask someone to find a way to send a message to Mu Liunian, at least he can provide him with some internal information about Qi Yang.

Even if he was forced to go with Huangfu Dingtao's army, he believed that his subordinates would always find a way to send a few letters for him.

As long as there is still a chance to avoid making Zi Ye's life miserable, then he can't be too pessimistic.

Even if the people all over the world scold him, he still has to find a way to do his best.

He admitted that he was deluded by ghosts before, but now that he is awake, he knows what he wants, what he can want, and what he can't want.He didn't want to believe it, and someone told him it was too late.

There must be a chance, for sure!
As long as the Mu family army has not been dispatched, then Zi Ye may not necessarily fall into the hands of Huangfu Dingtao.

Furthermore, he also did not believe that the famous Sangqiu Zirui would also watch this great river and mountain of Ziye fall into the hands of outsiders!

Even if Sanqiu's family seized power and stood on their own, it would be better than being taken over by Cangming people.

At this moment, these thoughts are the most true and firmest of the fourth prince.

The first emperor didn't believe in the Mu family, but he did!
Xiao Yunfang doesn't believe in Sangqiu Zirui, he does!

As long as there is still a glimmer of life, then he, Zi Ye's royal descendant, shouldn't give up!

Take out the self-consciousness of being a prince, even if you are being manipulated by others now, at least you have to make others look decent.

The fourth prince tried everything, but he just wanted to tell Sangqiu Zirui and Mu Liunian all about his current situation.

He didn't expect them to come to save him, at least let them know what kind of crisis Ziye is facing now, and of course, let them know how many officials Ziye has now, all of them were killed by the son of Prince Rui. I bought it.

The fourth prince's idea is very good, and it has achieved results very quickly.

Sangqiu Zirui and Mu Liunian both received the same letter.

And the people who came to deliver the letter all showed the tokens of the Ziye royal family's secret guards.

At this moment, Sangqiu Zirui knew that the Fourth Prince was gambling!

Bet that at this time, Sangqiu Zirui will put aside all the disputes and disputes between the fourth prince and Xiao Yunfang.Everything will focus on the overall situation.

And after Sanqiu Zirui received such a letter, he couldn't help but admire the fourth prince even more!

Even if he was stupid at the beginning and chose to cooperate with the other party, but at this time, he at least chose Zi Ye instead of cooperating with Cang Ming in order to seek the throne of Zi Ye.

Mu Liunian read the letter to Qian Xia, and said with emotion, "Even though the fourth prince is young, he can still have such feelings at this time. It can be seen that he is still a brave and upright person in his bones. At least, he refuses to For the sake of her desire for power, she joins forces with Huangfu Dingtao."

"Huangfu Dingtao is Sangqiu Zirui's younger brother. I have seen that their relationship between them has always been very good. How could he choose to attack Ziye at this time? Doesn't he know that by doing this, he is tantamount to fighting with Sangqiu Zirui?" enemy?"

Asaka really didn't understand.

Sometimes she even felt that Huangfu Dingtao had a very unusual affection for Sangqiu Zirui.

But now, Huangfu Dingtao actually went to war against Zi Ye, even if it wasn't for Cang Ming, but he still chose the side of the fourth prince, the side that was hostile to Sangqiu Zirui.

"Don't think about it if you can't figure it out. Huangfu Dingtao's army is approaching, and Sangqiu Xuan naturally can't sit still. At this time, we have to see if Ziye's generals can cooperate sincerely."

"Xiao Yunfang probably hasn't received the news yet, the fastest, I'm afraid it will be tomorrow morning. When his order is issued, any opportunity will be missed."

"I believe that at this time, Lin Shaokang has already fought with Huangfu Dingtao's people. Moreover, it is very likely that Sang Qiulie also rushed over. Fortunately, I asked Lin Shaokang to bring a handwritten letter from Sangqiu Zirui. Otherwise, I'm afraid Yes, there will be trouble again.”

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I don't understand wars. What did you mean just now, that San Qiulie would lead people to stop Huangfu Dingtao's army?"

"I will! As a soldier, how can I just watch my country being trampled upon?"

"Then why Shaobai?"

"He will still guard Qi Yang's main gate. Even if he does nothing, it is at least a deterrent. Moreover, if someone rushes out from here again, there must be someone to resist. However, I still don't know why. How many people did Shaobai keep?"

Qian Xia bit her lip lightly, "At the beginning they had a total of 20 troops, plus the 5 you sent over, the total was only 25 soldiers and horses. At this time, I have to allocate a part of them to guard outside Qi Yang's main gate. Well, San Qiulie and the others have at most 20 soldiers and horses. These people, against Cangming's 30 army, I'm afraid the chances of winning are not very high."

"Well. Indeed."

"My lord, there are urgent reports from several other border gates."

Qinglong hurried in and delivered the secret letter directly.

(End of this chapter)

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