Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 867 Team up to guard!

Chapter 867 Team up to guard! (4)
This time, comparatively speaking, their defense was obviously a bit laborious.

The opponent changed the manpower to attack the city again. After all, they brought 10 people this time, and the Phoenix Pass was defended twice before and after, and it was always the same group.

Sangqiu Zirui looked at the tense situation and asked in puzzlement, "Why don't you let the 1 people behind come up?"

A little bit of arrogance flashed in Lu Minghao's eyes, "Who can be sure that Marshal Mu's reinforcements will arrive after the second wave of attack? I'm not changing people now, but paralyzing the enemy first, making them think , our Phoenix Pass is about to fail, but in fact, I still have [-] soldiers who have not participated in it. If there is a third wave of siege, I will let them go. What do you think the other party will think?"

"I understand. If this is the case, the other party may think that you deliberately set a trap for him. After the third wave of attack, it will stop temporarily."

Lu Minghao nodded, "So, this second wave of defending the city is very important. No matter how expensive the cost is, we must defend it. The purpose is to buy time for ourselves. Otherwise, the enemy will see through our defense all at once. Strength, the next third wave of siege, I'm afraid we won't be able to defend."

Sangqiu Zirui didn't understand such a simple truth.

If he hadn't listened to Lu Minghao's explanation, he would have even thought that the 1 horses were purposely kept until the end, in case the city was destroyed, so as to cover them all and escape together.

Sure enough, the second round of attack continued until dark.

At this time, the sky is not yet completely dark, even if the torch is lit, the effect is not very obvious.And the casualties of these soldiers on the city wall are already more than half.

"Pass down the order to let the [-] soldiers behind come up slowly. Remember, after reaching the city wall, let them walk with a bent body, so that the other party cannot see their actions."

"Yes, General."

Originally, there were less than 5 horses, but now, there are less than [-] left.

Soon, I heard the opponent's general shouting from below, "Their casualties are heavy, let's go! Take the Phoenix Pass in one fell swoop!"

This time, both Lu Minghao and Sangqiu Zirui participated in the defense of the city.

Because of the joining of the two of them, the soldiers defending the city were a little more brave than before.

The third round of attack lasted less than an hour before being repulsed.

Firstly, it was because the opponent underestimated their strength, so it was inevitable that they would underestimate the enemy.

Secondly, the opponent has gone through two rounds of siege, this time, the soldiers sent here are also soldiers who have fought before, and they are confronted with the 1 horses who just came up, and they are naturally inferior to the opponent in terms of physical strength and energy.

Thirdly, perhaps it was because Lu Minghao and Sangqiu Zirui went into battle in person, which greatly encouraged the soldiers' aura, and the attack was faster and more ruthless.

"What's going on? Didn't it mean that the other party is dying? How could it suddenly increase in strength?"

The chief general of Shaze Kingdom squinted his eyes, "Obviously, we were caught in the trap just now. We suffered heavy losses in this attack. It seems that Phoenix Pass not only changed the chief general, but also brought in more troops. Come here, I think it's better for everyone to rest where they are, and then find a way to find out the reality of the other party."

"Okay, according to the general's opinion."

After the third round of attack was repulsed, sure enough, they temporarily gave up their plan to continue to attack the city.

But this time, Sangqiu Zirui really saw that Lu Minghao, who always seemed to be very unreliable, was probably no less capable on the battlefield than his third uncle.

Sure enough, a hero is born as a boy!

Although the other party made preparations to rest in place, Lu Minghao didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He ordered everyone to rest in place, and then asked the gang leader to quickly prepare dinner so that everyone was full and drunk, and slept directly on the bed. on the city wall to guard against the enemy's sneak attack.

Everyone was obviously too tired. After eating, they all fell asleep after a while.

Lu Minghao walked around the city wall, but his expression was not at all relaxed.

Glancing at each other from a distance, they retreated five miles and set up camp, obviously also in case they would sneak attack in the middle of the night or set fire directly.

"What's the matter? I think they won't sneak attack tonight, and you should also rest for a while." Sangqiu Zirui didn't know when he came over, and said softly.

Lu Minghao shook his head, "I'm afraid I'm not so optimistic. The opponent's general is also a smart man. They will definitely find a way to find out our reality. Once they know, our real strength has not increased, I'm afraid?"

"Mu Liunian's people should be here soon, right?"

"Even if they climb over from Phoenix Mountain and walk nearly a hundred miles, do you think they can catch up? Crossing Phoenix Mountain is naturally bare-handed, without horses. They march on foot, even if they arrive, their fighting power , It will also be greatly reduced. I am not worried about whether the Marshal’s people can arrive. What I am worried about is what kind of cruel attack we will face tomorrow morning after we have survived this night.”

Sangqiu Zirui also fell silent, he was right, such a long way, traveling on foot, I'm afraid it will be difficult to arrive tonight.The most important thing is that there is still a difficulty of climbing Phoenix Mountain.

Sangqiu Zirui was a bit hard to say what kind of attack would be ushered in tomorrow morning. Now, seeing the bright lights in the opponent's camp far away, it seemed that the opponent's morale was obviously not seriously hit.

"Master Sancho, you should leave this place overnight."

Suddenly, what Lu Minghao said was neither urgent nor slow, neither serious nor serious. On the contrary, it made Sangqiu Zirui feel that he was getting in the way by staying here?

Wei Wei was a little unhappy, "Lu Minghao, don't forget what kind of oath you made in front of the whole army today."

"I haven't forgotten. It's just that Mr. Sancho's status is noble. Besides, if something happens to you in this crisis, I'm afraid Marshal Mu will not be able to explain it to the court."

Sangqiu Zirui raised his eyebrows, after all, he was still worried that Mu Liunian would have a hard time in the future.

This Lu Minghao is really interesting, whether he can hold the Phoenix Pass or not, and now he is still worried about Mu Liunian who is hundreds of miles away?

(End of this chapter)

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