Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 869: The prince goes to war!

Chapter 869: The prince goes to war! (1)
"What do you think about Fengzhou?"

Mu Liunian shook his head, feeling powerless, "Obviously, this is a chess piece that Huangfu Dingtao had laid out long ago. I have seen it. The leader there is now a few years ago, who was convicted of dereliction of duty by the first emperor." A rogue who was dismissed from the post of school consolation."

With a wry smile, he stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, "But who would have thought that such a rogue would magnify Ziye's crisis. Moreover, he would even approach Liangcheng."

"Fengzhou is not just a civil uprising, but a mutiny?" Sang Qiu Zirui heard something from his words.

Mu Liunian sighed, got up and went to the map hanging on the wall, put his hands behind his back, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Sangqiu Zirui with a half-smile, "Tell me, can Liangcheng be kept? "

Sangqiu Zirui instantly thought that in order to stop the Cangming army, Xiao Yunfang had mobilized a total of 5 troops from the Zuowei camp and nearby areas. At this time, Liangcheng's troop strength was the lowest in history in a century.

Sangqiu Zirui's eyes darkened, "The opponent has already prepared this move, no matter whether the Phoenix Pass is lost or not, there will be a mutiny in Fengzhou."

"That's right! So, right now, it's time for Xiao Yunfang to really get overwhelmed."

Zi Ye's situation did not improve much because of the cooperation between Mu Liunian and Sangqiu Zirui.

Although they successfully defended Songyuan Pass and Fenghuang Pass.

However, the mutiny in Fengzhou came too fast. Almost before everyone had reacted, the rebels in Fengzhou had already started to attack Liangcheng quickly.

Some Zhuangzi and other courtyards outside Liangcheng were quickly devastated by these rebels.

Because Linlang Bieyuan is in the same place with several other royal gardens, it is said to be outside the city, but in fact it is within the protection range of Zuoweiying and Rightweiying, so it survived.

Xiao Yunfang didn't care too much at the moment, and quickly ordered He Sangqiu Zirui to return to Beijing.

Sangqiu Zirui is now far away in Liaocheng, even if he can rush back quickly by himself, I'm afraid it won't have much impact on the overall situation.

At this time, the most important thing is military strength.

During the mutiny in Fengzhou, Xiao Yunfang did not dare to use Mu Liunian's people, so he could only recall Sangqiu Zirui, hoping that he could bring back some troops.

However, the original manpower that Sangqiu Zirui had on hand had all been sent to Qing County to defend against the enemy.At this time, even if he could go back to Anyang to mobilize some people, I'm afraid it would not exceed [-] people.

Sangqiu Zirui only sighed softly after receiving the order.

Mu Liunian never expressed any opinion on this, and Sangqiu Zirui knew that this was his dissatisfaction with Xiao Yunfang.It is also because of my own position, so it is inconvenient to make any suggestions, lest if Liangcheng is in danger, the fault will be pushed to his head.

"Mu Liunian, Liangcheng is in critical condition now, lend me some troops."

"Why?" Mu Liunian asked directly and willfully.

"Have you ever thought about it, if these are Huangfu Dingtao's tricks? I have already dispatched 5 horses. Do you think that if Liaocheng loses 5 horses, will it be in danger?"

Sangqiu Zirui raised his forehead, "Aren't they both still at a stalemate in Qing County? Don't worry, they won't be able to call you for a while."

"so what?"

Sangqiu Zirui felt that talking to this kind of person would really piss him off!

Gritting his teeth, he said in a somewhat unfriendly tone, "Don't forget, there are quite a few members of your Mu family who are still in the capital. Are you really going to watch something happen in Liangcheng like this?"

"Oh, you are talking about those old men. It doesn't matter. Anyway, they only know to ask our Changping Palace for money. Others, they can't do a single job. If you don't like it, you can deal with it casually."

This is equivalent to saying, don't threaten me with those incomprehensible clansmen, I wish they were all dead right now.

Sangqiu Zirui looked at him helplessly, he had never hated himself so much before, why didn't he restrain his military power back then?
Even if you don't know how to fight, at least you have to have some available people, right?

It's all right now, something really happened, this guy will do this for himself, and sure enough, allies and so on are still a little unreliable.

"Tell me, what do you want before you are willing to lend me soldiers?"

Mu Liunian blinked and looked at him carefully, "How much do you want to borrow?"

Sangqiu Zirui thought about it seriously, if it is the elite of Mu's army, perhaps [-] would be enough.But the problem is, who knows what kind of soldiers this Mu Liunian will borrow for himself?

It's better to ask for more, in case all the recruits of this year are assigned to him, the [-] is probably equivalent to sending them to death.

"fifty thousand."

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, and looked at him as if you really dared to ask for it, "You think we are here to send out soldiers, don't you? You really dare to ask for it, just open your mouth for [-] yuan! Don't even think about it, I have only [-] yuan here! how many people?"

"Mu Liunian, I'm going to solve the crisis in Liangcheng, can you be more serious, more serious?"

Mu Liunian didn't say a word anymore, and turned around as if to consider whether he could lend him so many people.

"5 people is not a big problem, but I have a request."

"You said."

"I lent you the 5 horses. Once the crisis in Liangcheng is lifted, the 5 horses must be returned to me immediately. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will borrow them again next time." Soldiers for you."

As Mu Liunian said, he glanced lazily at the map, and said threateningly, "Of course, if there are troubles in other levels, of course I will choose to sit idly by."

Sangqiu Zirui gritted his teeth, why didn't he realize that Mu Liunian was such a rascal before?

Let's not talk about what kind of troops he lent him, just say that he can give such a threat, it can be seen that this person, sometimes, is really narrow-minded!
(End of this chapter)

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