Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 877 Get sick on purpose?

Chapter 877 Get sick on purpose? (4)
Xiao Yunfang's health was getting worse and worse, but every day he insisted on going to the court to approve papers.

Carefully counting the bodies of the concubines, he kept reminding himself that if he had to hold on a little longer, then he would be able to see the other princes and princesses.

The poison in Xiao Yunfang's body is actually not unsolvable.

However, it is really difficult to detoxify this poison.

Not only the problem of medicine, but also the problem of exercising drugs for them.

Xiao Yunfang's poisoning was too deep, it had already penetrated into his limbs and bones. If he wanted to detoxify him, after taking the antidote, he would have to have a person with high martial arts skills to force the poison for him, and the consequences would be extremely harmful to the other party. May lose all martial arts.

There are really not many people who can release poison for Xiao Yun.

Because the poison wants to be completely forced out of his body, a person with profound internal strength is needed. Of course, Sangqiu Zirui can naturally do it well.

But in this troubled world, Sang Qiu Zirui wanted to understand one thing, as long as he is fine, then he will be able to keep Yun Qianxia safe, and as long as Yun Qianxia is fine, the Mu family will be safe.

But if something happens to him, even if Xiao Yunfang is saved, the world will be even more chaotic.

And Sangqiu Zirui, as the eldest son of Jingguo's mansion, once he loses this proud martial arts, his own safety will become a problem, let alone protecting Yun Qianxia.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, Mu Liunian will be distracted to protect him.

Of course, what Sangqiu Zirui saw most thoroughly was not this.

But Xiao Yunfang is destined not to be a good emperor.

Instead of wasting all of your skills on him, you should think of ways to appease Ziye's people as soon as possible and resume production as soon as possible, otherwise, Ziye's national power will plummet.

Compared to this, anyone's life is not as important as Zi Ye's plan.

Of course, this is because the person who was poisoned was Xiao Yunfang.

If it was Yun Qianxia, ​​perhaps, Sangqiu Zirui would not have so many worries.

Even if Sangqiu Zirui couldn't give up all his skills for this, he couldn't just watch Xiao Yunfang die immediately. In this case, the Ziye royal family would surely usher in a great chaos.

Therefore, Sangqiu Zirui still sent people to collect the elixir everywhere, even if it could not detoxify, at least, it could delay the time of the poison and prolong his lifespan.

Xiao Yunfang put some effort into putting the folder in his hand, and then slowly got up, feeling that his waist was almost going to freeze.

Even though the hall was so warm, he felt a chill in his heart.

Putting his hands together and rubbing them together, he seemed to feel a little warmth, then slowly straightened up, and then slowly shook his waist, but it was just such a few simple movements, but he felt that it was extremely difficult for him to do it. Fei Li, it seems that his symptoms have become more serious.

He slowly crawled onto the dragon bed, and then moved his body bit by bit, until he was completely flat on the bed, he thought it would take about a quarter of an hour.

Actually, naturally not that long.

Whenever Xiao Yunfang came to this time, he would not dare to call anyone in.

He was worried that his desired state would be spied on by others, which would affect his hard-earned appearance of the emperor being unhindered.

Especially thinking of those rumors in the palace before, Xiao Yunfang hated Liu Xiang so much that his teeth itch.

Even though there was no definite evidence, Xiao Yunfang knew that he only had one son, and once he died, the ones who would benefit the most would naturally be Concubine Liu and the entire Liu family.

Therefore, even if he can't last for a few days, it is impossible for him to watch the Liu family grow bigger.

At least, in his own lifetime, it is impossible for him to allow his relatives to monopolize power.

He still knows a little about Liu Xiang.

As for the ability, I can't say no.

But compared with Sanqiu Hong and Sanqiu Lie and others, the difference is more than one cut.

Not to mention, the Sangqiu family also has a pillar of Ziye, Sangqiu Zirui.

It just so happened that Concubine Zhao was pregnant again, and since the accident in the Zhao family, the Zhao family has gradually become silent.

Although Zhao Ziqi soon became an upstart in the court, he was young after all, and he didn't have that much scheming in the court, at least, he didn't know how to form cliques.

This point, for Xiao Yunfang, is naturally an excellent thing.

Therefore, he would rather praise the Zhao family and those small families that were previously inconspicuous than to watch the Liu family grow up.

Now, Concubine Liu's son was also sent to Concubine Hua, and after the new year, he was sent to be raised by the Queen Mother. It would be better to let him follow Concubine Liu.

Slowly closing his eyes, Xiao Yunfang comforted himself, go to sleep, when the morning dawns, all these discomforts on his body will disappear.When he opened his eyes again, he was still the lively emperor.

In fact, it is true.

Because of taking the medicine sent by Sangqiu Zirui, as long as Xiao Yunfang has enough rest, some discomfort symptoms on his body will disappear. If he is not too tired during the day, he will not feel too uncomfortable at night.

But this time, because Xiao Yunfang was worried about things inside and outside the palace, it was inevitable that he had to work hard, and because of this, he was more uncomfortable than other times.

Sangqiu Zirui understood Xiao Yunfang's situation.

These days, apart from some necessary affairs to be dealt with, he naturally did not dare to relax in the slightest about the movements of the capital.

Knowing that Xiao Yun put the Liu family far away and favored the Zhao family and a few other minor clans instead, Sangqiu Zirui was relieved a lot. At least, in this way, the Liu family would have to be honest for a while.

After all, with the support of his medicine, Xiao Yunfang will be fine for the time being.

Sangqiu Zirui has always been a very calm person, except for Shangyun Qianxia.

He had even started to take various precautionary measures for Liang Cheng once Xiao Yunfang passed away.

As for Liu Xiang, he didn't take him too seriously. At best, he was just a civil servant. In this troubled world, he had no military power, so what he said was nonsense!

(End of this chapter)

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