Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 883 Successful rescue!

Chapter 883 Successful rescue! (4)
"Is it?"

The fourth prince chuckled, "So, you didn't design the Fenghuang Pass and Songyuan Pass before? Oh, by the way, there was also the mutiny in Fengzhou? Are you saying that it has nothing to do with you?"

Huangfu Dingtao's face was gradually covered with a layer of frost, and he slowly approached him step by step, "Very good! You have successfully angered me, it seems that you really want to have a taste, what is it?" Is it better to die than to live?"

"No! I'm just stating the facts, aren't I?"

"Hmph! That's right, you can use your mouth just now." As he spoke, he took a small medicine bottle from his bosom and threw it directly to a servant behind him.

"This is the amount for the next seven days, one tablet a day."

"Yes, son."

The servant said, opened the bottle directly, and fed one to the fourth prince first.

Soon, the fourth prince's complexion changed slightly, at least, he was no longer as pale as before.The two arms that had been hanging weakly on the knees also moved slowly.

"How? Is this feeling very comfortable?"

"Fortunately, at least this lets me know that my hands and arms are still mine."

"Hmph!" After Huangfu Dingtao replied a word, he turned around with his hands behind his back, and looked up at the starry sky.

He and Sangqiu Zirui came from the same school, but the difference is that his strength is not in divination, stargazing at night, or too advanced secret arts.

One of his skills is assassination and surprise attack, and the other is that he has been familiar with the art of war since he was a child.

At that time, he himself didn't understand why he was different from his senior brother since he was in elementary school.

And the master has repeatedly warned him that what he has learned cannot be known by Sangqiu Zirui.

Until later, his biological father found him, and he saw his long-lost master in Prince Rui's mansion, and finally, he understood everything.

It turned out that from the very beginning, Master knew his identity, otherwise, he would not have rescued him.

At the beginning, Master used illusion to create a false impression for everyone present at that time.

Everyone thought that they saw the wolves tearing him apart, but in fact, what they saw was nothing more than a blindfolded trick by the master.

Huangfu Dingtao will never forget that when the master walked towards him with a smile, and then told him excitedly and passionately about his plan that was so great to the extreme, he was completely stunned there.

The master told him that as long as he could stir up the struggle within the Xiao clan, then Ziye would lose the stability of the country.

Once given the chance, they would choose the weaker side and slowly stir up the civil strife in Ziye.

Huangfu Dingtao didn't come back to his senses at all, he didn't understand why Master hated Ziye so much?

When he looked at his biological father, what he saw on his face was a very normal expression, as if, all of this was as it should be.

He didn't understand, why did his father, Prince Rui, who was under Cang Ming alone and above ten thousand people, insist on going to Ziye to have a foot in him?
Zi Ye's national strength is strong, so instead of wasting energy on Zi Ye, it is better to consider that it is more important to subdue the small border countries and thus expand the territory.

Of course, this is just Huangfu Dingtao's own wishful thinking, no one knows exactly what Prince Rui and Meng Tian are thinking.

Up to now, Huangfu Dingtao himself is not clear.

Thinking back to the time when he was in the capital, the national teacher tried his best to dissuade him, but in the end, it was still not as convincing as Prince Rui's words, so Emperor Cangming agreed to march into Ziye.

Huangfu Dingtao even suspected that his father did this in secret because he had reached a consensus with Qianxue long ago, thinking that Zi Ye would be divided up directly.

But in fact, after several months of fighting, he could tell that Qian Renxue had no intention of getting involved.

Huangfu Dingtao looked at the night sky full of stars, how long has he not seen Master?
a year?two years?

He couldn't remember.

Since he returned to Prince Rui's Mansion, he began to receive various trainings, related to etiquette, related to the system, related to some royal family's constraints and preferential treatment, and so on.

When he finally stood in front of everyone as a prince and heir, he truly experienced what it means to be a superior person?What is worship?What is envy and jealousy?

This feeling made Huangfu Dingtao feel a little strange, but very satisfied.

He never thought that one day, he would have such a high status, and the inferiority complex he had when facing his senior brother was slowly dissipating.

Finally, he felt that the power in his hands was growing stronger and stronger, and he felt that he had more and more power in his hands. From the bottom of his heart, he had more desires.

He didn't value the position of Emperor Cangming very much.

Moreover, he is also very clear that no matter how powerful he is, at present, it is impossible to surpass Prince Cangming.

Just when he himself didn't know what he wanted, Ziye's fourth prince finally hooked up with him.

At this time, he realized that the one who had been secretly assisting them before was actually his master, Meng Tian!
What an incredible thing?

The master who always thought he didn't care about worldly affairs actually intervened in Ziye's royal family affairs?
And the means are so powerful that he directly controlled one of the emperor's concubines and a prince.

Thinking about it now, it all seemed like a dream.

He went from being an outcast of the royal family, a wild species, to becoming the only son of Prince Rui, how ridiculous?How ridiculous?How unbelievable?
Now, he controls the life of one of Ziye's princes, no, to be more precise, apart from the fourth prince, even Xiao Yunfang's life is in his hands.

The poison in Xiao Yun's hand was naturally given by him.

If it wasn't for this reason, he wouldn't have known that Xiao Yunfang was surrounded by someone who could break into the palace, even hurt the queen mother, and poison Xiao Yunfang?

(End of this chapter)

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