Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 887 Qi Yang's Great Victory!

Chapter 887 Qi Yang's Great Victory! (3)
That's why he is rushing to attack Qi Yang now. Compared with the casualties of soldiers, he cares more about the dignity and majesty of a country.

At least, he can't let other countries underestimate Zi Ye, and can't let outsiders think that their Mu family army is weak!

What does the Mu family army mean to Ziye's subjects, no need for him to say, everyone knows.

The Mu family army is the backbone of the people of Ziye. In peacetime, it will be better. The Mu family army will not be always remembered by people, but now that the war has started, the reputation of the Mu family army cannot let these small people Calculated.

The people of Ziye can't be allowed to look down on the Mu family army, and the forces of other countries can't be allowed to underestimate Ziye's military!
Mu Liunian did not write to Sangqiu Zirui about what happened here, he believed that even if he did not tell, Sangqiu Zirui must have his own channel to know the news.

At least, he should know about the fourth prince's salvation.

Speaking of which, the fourth prince is still a headache.

Send him back to Liangcheng?

I'm afraid that the only thing waiting for him is death, and what's more, I'm afraid that death will be quite ugly!
But if you don't send it back, what's the matter if you keep the fourth prince here?

If some people were overwhelmed and thought it was him, Mu Liunian, who was going to support the fourth prince as emperor, then things would get serious.

After much deliberation, Mu Liunian decided that it would be more appropriate to send him directly to Sangqiu Zirui after the fourth prince's body recuperated.

Of course he knew that no matter who the fourth prince fell into, he was afraid that life would not be easy.

The problem is, if he stays by his side, his life will be difficult.

You know, I am not just a person, besides my family, there are so many brothers who eat with me.

I can't harm everyone because of my momentary carelessness.

Mu Liunian stood on Qiyang's city wall, and the sky was gradually getting brighter.

Looking at the fiery red sky in the east, Mu Liunian felt particularly comfortable.

Looking to the east, the vast sky is filled with a layer of light and floating white mist.I squinted my eyes and looked carefully, the sky was a bit gloomy, and the red in the east seemed to be more abundant than before, but I never saw the sun rise.

Mu Liunian felt a chill, stretched out his hand, palm up, and soon saw a few snowflakes falling on his palm, and then slowly melted, turning into a cloud of moisture, floating on his palm above.

It's snowing!

I wonder if it is snowing in Liaocheng at this time?

How long has he not seen his precious son?

And the wife that I have been thinking about all the time?

When this battle is over, he should be able to see his shallowness soon.

The speed of the snowflakes falling seems to be a little faster than before.

Large flakes of snowflakes fell on the city, on the roof, and on the soldiers fighting in the melee below.

Of course, there was also Huangfu Dingtao who had just escaped not far away.

He didn't forget how he gritted his teeth at him when he fought Huangfu Dingtao earlier.

Obviously hating himself for breaking all his plans, too.

I'm afraid that after this battle, he will become the public enemy of Cangming, and even the first person Huangfu Dingtao wants to assassinate successfully.

"Mu Liunian, just wait, I tell you, I can't stop here. Zi Ye, I'm sure!"

Mu Liunian blocked his attack with a sword, and laughed a little mockingly, "Oh? I'm really curious. Without the useful chess piece of the Fourth Prince, do you think you can still play?" I Ziye will be arrogant again?"

"Don't believe me? Let's wait and see."

When Mu Liunian's sword pierced past again, the hidden guards beside Huangfu Dingtao came up to protect him and retreated quickly.

Mu Liunian was not in a hurry to chase, anyway, his purpose now was to force them out of Qiyang Pass.As for the future, of course he can't let them have a smooth journey.

For example, if he hadn't found the bodies of Lin Shaofeng and Lin Shaohong today, he wouldn't have stopped there!
The traitor will be wiped out!
In one night, the city of Qiyang County was destroyed, and all the soldiers of Qiyang Pass were killed or surrendered.

Huangfu Dingtao's army retreated to [-] miles outside Qiyang Pass and began to rest.

He dared to do this only when he was sure that there were no pursuers behind him. Seeing the distressed appearance of his subordinates, Huangfu Dingtao once again had the urge to kill Mu Liunian.

Both Lin Shaofeng and Lin Shaohong were slightly injured, but fortunately, they were not seriously injured.

A quarter of an hour later, the soldiers had just rested for a while, and when they were most exhausted, a large number of soldiers appeared on the hill not far away.

Huangfu Dingtao was startled, and took a closer look, the other party was holding the banner of Mu, and the leader was General Lu.

"What? During the siege, didn't you notice that one general was missing?"

Huangfu Dingtao was furious, "You are quite courageous, don't forget, this is no longer Ziye's land!"

"You are right, it is no longer the land of Zi Ye, but, Li Shizi, don't forget, this is not your land of Cang Ming either."

"Hmph! With you people alone, you wouldn't naively think that you could block this son's way, right?"

"Of course! Although you have an army of 30, plus Lin Shaofeng's [-] troops, after several battles, what you have left now is probably less than half of what you had before."

General Lu said, stroking his beard with one hand, and looked at them seriously, "Look, the most is now, that is, there are less than 20 left? Tsk tsk, it's really pitiful. But, Li Dingyuan, I'm very happy." I admire you, you can come up with such a way to protect your Cangming army, but I feel sorry for those two traitors, I don’t have many soldiers at hand, when you arrive in Cangming, are you two useless chess pieces?”

(End of this chapter)

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