Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 889 Qi Yang's Great Victory!

Chapter 889 Qi Yang's Great Victory! (5)
Liangcheng, the imperial palace.

After Yun Changan's diagnosis and treatment, Xiao Yunfang's health has improved a lot. Although there is still residual poison in his body, it has no longer had a big impact on his daily life.

When he received the secret letter from Prince Rui's son, his pupils tightened all of a sudden.

Of course he knew how tormenting people this kind of poison in his body was.

If he was willing to hand over the antidote, then it would not be a big deal for Mu Liunian to retreat.After all, what this Li Shizi meant was only to ask Zi Ye to retreat first, and then he handed over the antidote, then retreated and moved back to Cangming.

For him, this means that it has no effect at all.

Xiao Yunfang never thought that, as Ziye's emperor, he should protect not only his own life, but also Ziye's face and dignity!

Xiao Yunfang took a pen and wrote a reply letter, but it was a pity that before the reply letter was sent, he received Qi Yang's urgent news of [-] miles, Qi Yang's victory!

After Xiao Yunfang was stunned for a while, his face turned green!
In a fit of anger, he immediately threw all the things on the imperial case to the ground!
"Presumptuous! Presumptuous! This Mu Liunian, I think he is deliberately not wanting me to get rid of this poison! This bastard, damn it!"

The chief executive came over immediately, carefully put away some things that might hurt the emperor one by one, and then thought about the words, "Don't worry, the emperor. This is a secret letter submitted by Li Shizi. General Mu, just I’m afraid I don’t know. If General Mu knew, he would definitely not dare to do this.”

Xiao Yunfang calmed down after his reminder.

Indeed, since it was a secret letter from Li Dingyuan, it was naturally impossible for Mu Liunian to know.

In fact, he also knew that the other party sent him the letter so secretly to prevent Mu Liunian from taking any excessive actions.Unexpectedly, now, because the news is too secretive, everything is in vain.

After calming down, Xiao Yunfang thought about it carefully, "I heard that he robbed the Fourth Prince?"

The chief executive frowned slightly, and he glanced at the military newspaper just now, it was clearly written that the fourth prince was successfully rescued, so why did it become Mu Liunian who robbed the fourth prince?

"Returning to the emperor, I heard that the fourth prince is also poisoned, and he no longer has the ability to move freely."

"Hmph! That's what he deserves. Pass the decree and ask Mu Liunian to escort the fourth prince back to Beijing."

"Going back to the emperor, I'm afraid it won't work."

"What? Does he still want to support the fourth prince as emperor? He wants to rebel?"

The chief steward knelt down immediately. In the past six months, the emperor has been moody and his temperament has changed drastically. Although his wrists in the court have become stronger, but to serve such a master, he must have 12 points of energy Come.

"Going back to the emperor, it is written in the report that the fourth prince has been taken to Liaocheng by General Mu, and he is said to be handed over to Mr. Sangqiu for disposal."

"What did you say?"

Xiao Yunfang just saw the words "Qi Yang Dajie" at a glance, and didn't read the report carefully at all. Hearing what he said, he hurriedly grabbed the report and read it carefully.

The head steward didn't dare to make any more noise, waved his hand, and a few palace people came in, and after putting everything back together lightly, they quickly retreated out.

"Liaocheng is not far from Qiyangguan. Now that I have received the report, it is estimated that Mu Liunian will soon arrive in Liaocheng. Forget it, then pass an order to Sangqiu Zirui and ask him to personally lead people to arrest this traitor. , escort me back to Beijing."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

In fact, Mu Liunian was one step ahead of the army and had already returned to Liaocheng.

After paying homage to his father, queen, mother and concubine, he went directly to his dormitory and refused to come out no matter who called him.

Mu Liunian has a thick skin, but how can Qian Xia stand this?But she said it a few times, but Mu Liunian didn't listen, and pestered her and refused to let her go out. This time, she was locked up in the dormitory for a day and a night.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Yunhua ran in while no one was looking, holding his little wooden sword and knocking on the door non-stop, I'm afraid Mu Liunian wouldn't let Qian Xia come out.

Yun Ruogu shook his head not far away, watching Aunt Qing hug Xiao Yunhua, the door opened, and Mu Liunian appeared at the door neatly dressed.

"Enough nonsense? Everyone is waiting for you in the study, and Sangqiu Zirui is also here."

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "Why did he come? Wait a minute, did he receive the big gift I gave him? Did you say what you plan to do with the Fourth Prince?"

"I didn't say anything. However, since he entered the mansion, he has kept a dark face, obviously annoyed you."

Not only was Mu Liunian not in a hurry, but he smiled smugly, "Isn't he able to pinch and count? Why didn't he count that I would leave this big trouble to him?"

Yun Ruogu gave him a blank look, and he knew that this person was not a good person.That is, her own younger sister always regards him as the only good man in the world.

"When he came, he was holding an imperial edict in his hand. Xiao Yunfang's movements are really fast."

"Can you not hurry up? I'm afraid he hates the fourth prince from the bottom of his heart, and he wants Sangqiu Zirui to escort him to Beijing?"

Yun Ruogu glanced at him with some admiration, "If it wasn't because I knew you were just an ordinary person, I would really have thought you were a mystic? Why did you predict everything so accurately?"

"Who am I? Calculating people's hearts has never been difficult! Speaking of the fourth prince, it is also pitiful and hateful! If it weren't for his innocence and ignorance, it would not have brought such a big disaster to Ziye But then again, if Xiao Yunfang hadn't done those things back then, he wouldn't have forced a clean-minded young man into such a situation."

The two talked while walking, and soon, they left the dormitory.

In the study, Sangqiu Zirui was standing in front of the window with a dark face, not knowing what he was thinking.

As soon as he heard the door knock, he turned his head and saw that Mu Liunian had entered in high spirits, and immediately threw the imperial decree in his hand at him.

Fortunately, Mu Liunian reacted quickly, otherwise, it would have hit him in the face.

"Hey! You are the famous Sancho, how can you be so rude?"

"Hmph! Mu Liunian, you are really going to cause trouble for me. If you want to let him go, just let him go. Even if you kill him with a sword, I won't say a word about you. It's good for you, let him go!" Throw it to me, what is going on?"

"I said, Sangqiu Zirui, you need to wake up first. You have to understand that my surname is Mu. Even if I really killed him, do you think your suspicious cousin would believe it? Only the one who was handed over to you Only in his hands can he truly rest assured."


Mu Liunian sat at the back of the book table, put one foot directly on the chair, and said a little unruly, "How can it be a fallacy? By the way, the poison on the fourth prince's body has been cured in sevens and eighty-eight, but, he A whole body of kung fu is considered useless. Besides, residual poison, I am afraid that it will also shorten his life, and I can't guarantee whether he can live for ten years or another five years."

Sangqiu Zirui's eyes tightened, "Why are you telling me this?"

"It's nothing, since the person has been sent to you, I naturally ask you to know more about this person. Otherwise, it seems that I am not sincere?"

Damn sincerity!
Sangqiu Zirui ground his teeth, why did he think that Mu Liunian was a gentleman?

This guy is clearly a villain!
Once the fourth prince returns to Liangcheng, his end will definitely be very miserable.

He, Mu Liunian, felt that the crime of the fourth prince was not so serious, so he couldn't do anything, so he just threw him at him.

Isn't this clearly a problem for him?

Now that Xiao Yunfang's will has come, if he can't follow the order, Xiao Yunfang will naturally not be happy.But if he really escorted him back to the capital, I'm afraid that Xiao Yun would make a decision in a fit of anger that would directly damage his prestige.

More importantly, the late emperor did not have many heirs. If Xiao Yunfang really killed the fourth prince, I am afraid that some veteran officials in the court would try their best to stop it.

Of course, all the words and deeds of the fourth prince before were very disrespectful to Xiao Yunfang, and ten deaths are not many times.

But who made them brothers?

"Mu Liunian, did you cure the fourth prince's poison?"

Sangqiu Zirui suddenly thought of a question, how many secrets does Mu Liunian hide that he doesn't know?
(End of this chapter)

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