Chapter 899 Celebrating the holiday together! (5)
Qian Xia didn't shy away from Sangqiu Zirui's gaze, and gave him a faint smile, no ambiguity, no resentment, no alienation, just that kind of faint smile, like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, made Sangqiu Zirui's heart skip a beat Son, it became hot.

"It's considered that you walked fast, tomorrow will be New Year's Eve, so you took your time along the way."

Yun shi laughed and cursed, while Cheng shi directly took Yun Changan's hand, looked up and down, really loved him.

Only then did Sangqiu Zirui notice that the members of the Yun family were basically here, and it seemed that it was for a family reunion.

Everyone got into the car and prepared to go back.

But Qian Xia took two steps outside, "Mr. Sangqiu, you are the governor of Liao City, tomorrow will be New Year's Eve, and you are alone, why don't you come to our Mu Mansion for the holidays."

Sangqiu Zirui felt a little flattered, when did Qian Xia treat him so kindly?
"Qianqian is right, since we are friends, let's go together. For the New Year's Eve, in your governor's mansion, only you and Changfeng are relatively close. Don't you think it's too boring?"

Sangqiu Zirui didn't think Mu Liunian would be so kind, but he couldn't refuse Qian Xia's invitation.

Most importantly, he never thought of saying no.

Qian Xia is his catastrophe and also his life, even if Qian Xia wanted to stab him a few times, I'm afraid he would smile and hand the sword to her hand.

This is the so-called obsession, right?
After lunch the next day, Sangqiu Zirui was still struggling with what kind of gifts he should bring there, since it was the New Year's Eve, he couldn't go there empty-handed.

Changfeng looked at his master so anxious and caring, and wanted to laugh for a moment.

No matter how big the matter is, I have never seen the master so flustered. Now, just going to Mu's mansion for a meal, the master can be so worried. If you tell it, who will believe it?

"By the way, I heard that Yun Ruogu's family gave birth to a daughter, so choose something like a golden lock. As for Xiao Yunhua, he has grown up. Last time I saw him carrying a wooden sword, like this, Changfeng, go and have a look, I remember that when I took over the Governor’s Mansion, I found a very delicate bow in the warehouse, it should be suitable for Xiao Yunhua.”

"Yes, young master. The subordinates will look for it immediately."

After Sangqiu Zirui got the things ready, he began to get a little tangled up again, "Changfeng, tell me, Qian Xia only talked about it verbally, and never posted it to me. Could it be that I passed by today, and that Mu Liunian went there again?" blocked me from the door?"

The corner of Changfeng's mouth twitched, "Isn't it? Young Master, you are too worried. No matter how you say it, Mr. Mu is a man, he promises everything, how can he do such a thing?"

Sangqiu Zirui nodded, "Well, it makes sense."

As he said that, Chang Feng was about to go to get things, but if he didn't want to, the master said with a serious face, "But, you said, if we go there like this, does it seem that my value is too low? Do you want to wait a little longer? Let's see if Qianxia will send someone to invite again?"

Chang Feng's expression froze slightly, "My lord, what if the Mu residence doesn't come?"

Sangqiu Zirui's eyes immediately dimmed, yes, what if no one comes?not going?
The master and servant are struggling here, and the housekeeper from outside came in.

"My lord, Mu Shizi sent someone to invite you over. He said that he had prepared some interesting programs later in the day. Please go and watch them together. In addition, he said that the concubine Shizi also made some snacks by himself. Please Go and try it too."

The dim sum made by Qian Xia herself?

Sangqiu Zirui's eyes lit up, "Alright, Changfeng, let's go."

When he arrived at the Mu Mansion, Xiao Yunhua was the happiest.

The gift that Sangqiu Zirui gave him was a bow about one foot long. In addition, it was equipped with three wooden arrows. The bow was inlaid with gems of various colors, and it was obvious that it was for children to play with.

Qian Xia glanced at the thing, and said in a reproachful tone, "It's fine if you come here, why bother spending so much money? This bow is small and delicate, and you can tell it's not an ordinary thing at a glance. I thought you wouldn't spoil him, Unexpectedly, you also learned from them."

For Qian Xia's intimate tone, Sangqiu Zirui was a little surprised and a little apprehensive, but his face was very calm.

"He is very smart. I saw him dragging the wooden sword last time. Although he was weak and couldn't dance it well, at least he liked these things very much."

"That's true. This kid seems to like all things of force. I'm afraid that now that he has this bow, he will pester Yuan Chu to teach him archery."

A child who is only one and a half years old must learn this?
Chang Feng was silent for a while, sure enough, the children born to this talented person are all different.

Sangqiu Zirui's eyes suddenly lit up, "I'm afraid Mu Shizi will be busy with military affairs, if you don't have time, I can teach you."

Qian Xia was shocked by his words, and said in disbelief, "But I heard from Yuan Chu that you are busier than him."

"It's okay, there is still time to spend with the children."

Qian Xia pursed her lips slightly and smiled.

Actually, that's pretty good, isn't it?

At least, without resentment, without so many other factors, they can become such pure friends, even if they can't reach the point of confidant, at least, it won't be too embarrassing to meet again.

Later that day, Sangqiu Zirui and Xiao Yunhua were very happy playing.

But when he stretched out his hand to pick up a piece of pastry and was about to put it in his mouth, he found Xiao Yunhua's bright eyes looking at him.

"you want?"

Yunhua shook his head and just looked at him.

Sangqiu Zirui didn't know why, so he slowly put the snack into his mouth, he just took a small bite, it was very soft, but the taste?

Turning his head, he met Mu Liunian's smiling eyes, and nodded towards him, without making a sound, only the shape of his mouth, "Qianqian made it with her own hands." As she said, she pointed to her own mouth, "I ate it too. together."

Sangqiu Zirui laughed helplessly, and then ate the rest of the snacks.

Seeing Qianxia chatting with Yun's and the others in the distance, he shook his head slightly. He remembered that in the previous life, she was not good at cooking, but in this life, she was still like this.

How careless is she to be able to put salt as sugar?
In the evening, four tables were set up directly in the flower hall.

Lin Shaokang and others also celebrated the New Year together here.

Changfeng, Qinglong and others also went to the table, drinking wine and eating meat happily.

When there were basically few people in the flower hall, Sangqiu Zirui poured himself a glass of wine with a smile, "Tell me, you came to me not just to let me have a New Year's Eve dinner, right?"

The smile on Mu Liunian's face faded away, and with a wave of his hand, there were only two of them left in the entire Erhua Hall.

"You are a mystic. I know that you are a teacher of Mengtian, who is a master of mystics. I just want to ask you, is there any way to change a person's fate or fate?"

"What do you mean?" Sangqiu Zirui's face was slightly serious, "To modify a person's fate is an act against the heavens."

As he spoke, his right hand stroked his silver hair lightly as if he had no intention of doing so.

"I know. Even if I lose ten years of life, I'm willing."

Sang Qiu Zirui's face changed slightly, "Is it Qian Xia?"

Although Mu Liunian was unwilling, he had no choice but to close his eyes and nod, "It's her. I just want her to live longer."

The wine glass in Sangqiu Zirui's hand, together with the fine wine inside, fell to the ground, splashing a little water.

After a while, I heard Sangqiu Zirui's clear voice, but at this moment, it seemed a little more heavy, "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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