Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 905 Infiltrate the palace!

Chapter 905 Infiltrate the palace! (1)
When Mu Liu came to Cangming at the beginning of the year, he directly presented a big gift to Emperor Cangming.This kind of situation has appeared in various places. Although it is to eliminate harm for the people, in fact, it is tantamount to finding a lot of things for the local government to do.

First of all, their people are only responsible for killing the evil people, and then they rob the bank of the family's house.

As for the rest of the matter, it's up to them.

What's more, if it's the ordinary rangers, they might do something like rob the rich and help the poor. In this way, it will be easier for the government to investigate, at least there will be some clues.

But now, there is only the drama of robbing the rich, and the drama of helping the poor has been cut off immediately.

Furthermore, since they are some leading bullies, it is of course impossible for them to act recklessly just because they have a few coins in their hands.If it is said that there is no one in the court, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

Some high-ranking officials and nobles in Cangming were not happy about being made such a fuss by the people from the Pioneer Camp.

In their view, this is someone deliberately provoking their authority and declaring war on them.

Therefore, the nobles in the upper capital began to constantly put pressure on the people below, forcing them to solve the case as soon as possible.

In this way, the officials below have been tossed hard.

Mu Liunian was delighted to see these officials rushing about without any clue.

"Young master, tell me, do you want to point them in the right direction?"

"Well, it makes sense. Spread the news and say that it was the bandits nearby. Let's see if they have the courage to wipe out the bandits."

"Yes, young master." After Qinglong replied, he felt something was wrong again, "But young master, in this way, wouldn't we still help them?"

Mu Liunian rolled his eyes at him, "What do you know? Just do as I tell you."

"Yes, son."

Mu Liunian hadn't arrived in Shangjing yet, so he started to toss about in Cangming.And, looking at this posture, he didn't intend to stop there.

Until a few days later, Mu Liunian still stayed in a county far away from Shangjing, wandering back and forth, and did not see any other movements of his master.

Qinglong couldn't bear it anymore.

"My lord, what are you planning to do?"

"Simple. I just want to see if they will attack bandits."

The corner of Qinglong's mouth twitched, "My lord, are you really concerned about the livelihood of Cangming's people?"

"Well, I am very concerned."

Seeing the young master's earnest expression, Qinglong was speechless.

Mu Liunian grinned, and patted Qinglong on the shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll have something to do soon."

It wasn't until the next night, when the group of them lay on the roof of the government's mansion, that Qinglong fully understood the master's intentions.

Why is he doing this to kill Cangming?

It's clear that he wants to impress the government office bank here!

If it weren't for worrying that the actions would be too intensive and easily reveal their identities, I'm afraid the young master would unceremoniously rob all the rich merchants here.

In fact, Qinglong also guessed right.

That night, Mu Liunian just picked a few really rich official residences, of course, the most important thing is the bank.

"My lord, how do we move so much gold and silver out of Cangming?"

"Don't worry, I've already figured out a solution. It's impossible to follow the official path seriously. There is a saying, I wonder if you've heard of it?"



"never heard of that?"

Qinglong shook his head, expressing his bewilderment.

Mu Liunian cleared his throat, "To put it simply, smuggling can be divided into two types. One refers to illegally transporting or carrying gold, silver, goods, etc. into and out of the country. The other refers to not paying taxes according to law. And the act of smuggling goods in the country. Do you understand?"

Qinglong was startled, "What are you talking about, the tax evasion of those traders?"

"Well, that's just one of them."

Mu Liunian looked around and said lightly, "Look at Qianxue and Cangming, they are almost connected together from south to north, that is to say, their border is too long. Think about it, If both sides have to send people to guard this border, how many people should be sent? If it is to build a city wall, it will obviously cost money and effort, so it is not suitable."

"The subordinate understands. The meaning of the son is that the guards on the border are not so strict, so take advantage of them?"


"But son, what about after Qianxue? We carry so much gold and silver, it is impossible for us to escape the search at the gate."

"Stupid!" Mu Liunian slapped Qinglong hard.

"After our things arrive at Qianxue, we can naturally find a more suitable way to transport them into Ziye. For example, Huai'an is very close to Qianxue. My uncle has the final say on the gate there? As for Qianxue's checkpoint, if I can smuggle once, can't I do it a second time?"

Only then did Qinglong suddenly realize, "Understood, young master is wise."

"Okay, stop flattering here. We can only do this kind of thing once. If there is a second time, I'm afraid Huangfu Dingtao will find out. It will be troublesome. So, since it is only If we can do it once, we have to make a big one.”

As Mu Liunian said, his eyes narrowed, "Hmph! Xiao Yunfang dragged me for a while and refused to give me my salary, and he still owes me a month. I have to find a way to get my brothers to give me one at home." Can you tell me?"

Qinglong understood, he dared to feel that Xiao Yunfang couldn't give the money, so the master thought of a way to let Cang Ming out.

After all, who told Cang Ming to bully him back then!
However, if you think about it carefully, they also robbed a lot of gold, silver and jewels from Huangfu Dingtao, although most of them belonged to the Ziye officials and people they robbed, but now, don't they all fall into the hands of the master?

Xu saw through his thoughts, Mu Liunian stretched out his hand and patted him on the head, "We still have plenty of money to spend. The imperial court even withheld military pay for a month, let alone military expenses. If we didn't Last time we got a lot of weapons and armor from the battle at Qiyang Pass, I'm afraid that our soldiers can't even afford training things now."

(End of this chapter)

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