Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 910 Discovered?

Chapter 910 Discovered? (1)
Mu Liunian was so frightened that he didn't dare to move again, he could only lower his head and walk over with small steps.

The one who stopped him just now was the steward in charge of the Zangshu Pavilion, who was also a servant.

"Let me just say, every night there are people who are lazy, but you are smart. You hid here. At night, it's a good place to hide when it's dark."

Because it is the Library Pavilion, it is natural to be extra vigilant about fire candles and the like.

"The slave will not dare anymore." Mu Liunian squeezed his throat and finally squeezed out a sentence.

"Okay, brat, just know you're wrong. Go back quickly, thanks to being caught by me. If the guards of the palace see you, I'm afraid you will have to be tied up to the chief executive." .”

"Yes, the slave will go back now."

Mu Liunian took advantage of the opponent's turn and raised his hand. It seemed that there was something powdery, and it dispersed in the air for a while, and was quickly inhaled by the person in front of his nose.

Seeing the man fell limply on the corridor, Mu Liunian looked around and moved the man to the long corridor not far away.

Carefully entered the library, took the candlestick on the table into the room, hid it in the bookshelf, and then lit it.

I quickly browsed through the various books here, and after browsing for about half an hour, I still found nothing.

Could it be that Huangfu Dingtao really has nothing about witchcraft here?
Mu Liunian was a little disappointed, so he sat down on the ground, sighed heavily, and looked around again.

Mu Liunian suddenly felt something was wrong.

Huangfu Dingtao is a mystic himself, but he didn't find a single book about occult in this library, isn't it a bit weird?

Or, in fact, there should be other secret pavilions here, or secret doors or something like that?
Mu Liunian cheered up again, and patiently began to search around the house.

Soon, he discovered something weird at the desk beside him.

He carefully tapped on the wall next to the desk, judging from the sound, one of them should be empty.

Mu Liunian slowly swung the candle around, but found nothing. Could it be that this is just a very ordinary flue?

In rich and noble families, in order to keep warm in winter, some people often have a flue attached to the wall, so that the wall will be hot in winter, and it is also used for heating.

Mu Liunian's feet moved, and he looked down again. He saw that there was a thick blanket under his current position.

There was nothing wrong at first, but when Mu Liunian stepped back just now, he seemed to feel that a certain floor tile was a little loose.

Sure enough, when Mu Liunian lifted the blanket, he soon discovered the difference between the two floor tiles.

After prying it open with a dagger, it turned out that there was a mahogany box hidden here.

Open the box, it is full of ancient books about secret arts.

Mu Liunian read them one by one, judging from the title of the book, most of them are similar to the ancient books on Phoenix Mountain.

Mu Liunian didn't know secret arts, so he could only rely on his own memory to hide a few books that he had never seen in Phoenix Mountain before, and put them in his bosom, and then carefully closed the box. Lay the floor tiles as well.

After everything returned to normal, he extinguished the candlestick and sent it back to the table.

Everything is done carefully, for fear of disturbing every bug and every flower here.

After leaving the Library Pavilion, I saw the steward, who was still sleeping in the corridor. Thinking that he was also a steward after all, he helped Ji to a small room next to the Book Pavilion. The place where the watchmen rest at night.

Put him on the bed, and then covered him with a quilt. No matter who came to see him, he himself couldn't stand the sleepiness and fell asleep when he came back.

After arranging the clothes on his body slightly, he walked out of the library slowly, and when he arrived at the main courtyard, he glanced in the direction of the main room, thinking that the guards here were too strict, and it would be difficult for him to be alone. succeed.

He turned his head and walked outside. Fortunately, at this hour, there were very few people walking around in the yard.

After finally getting out of the gate of Zifengyuan, Mu Liunian heaved a sigh of relief, looked around again, and went directly to the direction of the servant's room.

By the time Mu Liunian returned to his residence, Xu Wuji was already tired and fell asleep.

"My son, how is it? Is there any gain?"

Mu Liunian nodded, and took out all the things in his arms to browse briefly. He couldn't understand many of the things on it, and he didn't know if they were helpful to Qian Xia's matter.

Looking at the sky, thinking that there is still business to do during the day, Mu Liunian never undressed to take a bath, and fell asleep directly on the bed.

The next day, when Xu Wuji came out of the room, he saw Qinglong practicing sword in the yard, but Mu Liunian was not there.

"Where's my cousin?"

"Back to the third son, the son has something to do, he has gone out."

Xu Wuji was taken aback, with a surprised expression on his face, "It's really strange, why didn't my cousin take you with me when I went out? Qinglong, tell me the truth, did you do something wrong?"

Qinglong's face darkened, "Third Young Master, please be careful. You have important matters to attend to, and it might be inconvenient for your subordinates to follow you, so you didn't bring your subordinates with you."

"Important matter?" Xu Wuji put his arms around his chest, looked at Qinglong with a smirk, and then laughed ghostly, "I know! It must be my cousin who went to find flowers and ask Liu. And you have been with cousin sister-in-law for a long time Now, my cousin is worried that you will pass on news to my cousin, isn't it?"

Qinglong's face turned even darker. This third young master, what is he pretending to be thinking?

"Third son, you are overthinking. The relationship between the son and the wife is good. You have never met the wife. With a wife like her, how can the son fall in love with other women?"

Xu Wuji had a look of incomprehension on his face, and waved his hand, "Hey! Let me tell you, you don't understand! No matter how beautiful this woman is, a man will always look at her and pamper her every day, and she will always get bored one day. There’s a word called liking the new and disliking the old, haven’t you heard of it?”

(End of this chapter)

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