Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 916 Find a Supplement!

Chapter 916 Make up for it! (2)
Even if there is no news about Mengtian, he can still place his hope on Sangqiu Zirui.

Anyway, they are also master and apprentice, it is impossible, they will never see each other again in this lifetime, right?
"My lord, my subordinates have already ordered people to prepare for the evacuation of Cangming. Let's go first, so that the target will not be too obvious. If everyone walks together, it will be too eye-catching."

"Well, wait a little longer, at least, I want to make sure they are safe."

"Yes, son."

Qinglong understands that what the master means is that even if they don't evacuate together, at least they must see that they are safe and sound.

"My lord, tell me, now that Huangfu Dingtao will blame Cangming's loss of tax money on us?"

Mu Liu smiled young, "Let him go. Anyway, he has never really seen me in Cangming. Besides, even if I did it, what can he do to me? Huangfu Dingtao, let me fall so big A somersault, hum! Qinglong, if you don’t tell me, I originally thought to just let it go. Since he dug such a big hole for me, how can I not reciprocate?”

Qinglong was puzzled.

Mu Liunian smiled a little weirdly, "Huangfu Dingtao, you may not be my opponent when it comes to evil intentions. Since you took the initiative to provoke, well, let's see who is more unlucky? "

They waited here for a day and a night, until the evening of the next day, they saw a carriage approaching here.

Xu Wuji was fine, Suzaku was injured, but it was not serious. In addition, among the girls who entered the palace with Xu Wuji, one died and two were injured.

"Fortunately, the loss is lighter than I estimated. You should heal your wounds here first, Suzaku, are you alright?"

"Master Hui, it's nothing serious, it's just a little flesh injury."

"Okay, let your people do one more thing for me."

"My lord, please tell me."

Mu Liunian and Qinglong left here overnight, Xu Wuji stalked him so hard that he had to keep up, but in the end he had no choice but to take him with him.

And on the second day after they left, some unknown person spread all kinds of rumors in Shangjing, saying that Li Dingyuan, the eldest son of Prince Rui's residence, was not Prince Rui's biological son at all.

If it's just passed on like this, that's all.

The problem is, the people in the streets and alleys still say this matter clearly and well, with reasons and evidence.

Within a few days, such rumors began to spread in the emperor's harem.

Prince Rui naturally knew that this was his own son, but the rumors outside became more and more intense. After all, Huangfu Dingtao was born out of thin air, and suddenly he became the heir of the palace.

Now being discussed by those common people, some dignitaries who went to Beijing also have some doubts about Huangfu Dingtao.

For this matter, the emperor specially summoned Prince Rui.

Although it was Prince Derui who spoke eloquently, the problem was that it was difficult to block everyone's mouths.

In desperation, the emperor had no choice but to order Huangfu Dingtao to reflect on himself in the mansion for the time being. The reason, of course, was that he had lost in the previous battle with Zi Ye.

Although Huangfu Dingtao was annoyed that Mu Liunian had used such a terrific tactic, he had to admit that this tactic was really useful.

Thinking about the weird and questioning eyes he saw when he went out these days, he really wished he could dig out the eyes of those people.

When Mu Liunian received the news from Suzaku, he just smiled lightly.

Man, that's it!
When you have nothing, everything is normal.Your heart is also extremely clean, and there is nothing you must have.

But once you have power, especially the right to directly decide the life and death of civilians, then, who else would want to return to the life of an unknown person before?
He just grasped Huangfu Dingtao's mentality, so he deliberately let Suzaku spread such rumors.

Even if he couldn't stab Huangfu Dingtao's body with the sword, he still had to endure all kinds of suffering in his heart.

Of course, Mu Liunian did not expect that Huangfu Dingtao would really leave Prince Rui's mansion in this way. After all, as long as Prince Rui recognized him, it would be useless for others to say anything.

What he wanted was just Huangfu Dingtao's inner restlessness and Prince Rui's various troubles during this period of time.

Because, he called back the vanguard camp that had originally arrived in Huai'an.

Originally, he planned to just rob the big sum and forget it.

But since Huangfu Dingtao provoked him, don't think about it!

He and Qinglong went to Liu County, a small county in Cangming that is closer to Qianxue.

Here, there is another courtyard of Huangfu Dingtao.

I heard that this other courtyard was one of the many gifts that Prince Rui gave him as compensation after he returned to Prince Rui's mansion!
Huangfu Dingtao often comes here.In addition to having a beautifully built garden, surrounded by mountains and rivers, there is another important reason. Here, a large amount of ill-gotten wealth obtained by Huangfu Dingtao using his power is stored.

Mu Liunian is not interested in rare treasures.

And that kind of thing, even if you got it, it would be too troublesome to dispose of it.

All he wanted was gold and silver!

The vanguard camp of 500 people ransacked this place overnight, and even here, they directly killed a group of refined warriors that Huangfu Dingtao had deliberately selected to train as his own secret guards.

A large amount of gold and silver was secretly transported to Huai'an by the same method again.

Another purpose of Mu Liunian's doing this is to create opportunities for Suzaku and others to leave Cangming smoothly.

He deliberately made such a big battle in Liu County, just to attract Huangfu Dingtao's attention and let everyone know his escape route, while Suzaku and the others took another route and left Cangming.

Mu Liunian had just entered the border of Ziye when he received the news that Huangfu Dingtao had already arrived in Liu County in person.

(End of this chapter)

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