Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 922 Rectify Wuji!

Chapter 922 Rectify Wuji! (3)
Pointing at this one for a while, and asking Qinglong to lead him to chase that one for a while.

In the end, he simply got off the horse and ran after the rabbit wobbly.

When I got tired of chasing and felt a little depressed, I saw a squirrel with a big tail coming out, so I immediately cheered up and went after it. In short, this afternoon, Xiao Yunhua was the happiest one to play.

Qian Xia also got involved later, and with the secret help of Qinglong and Mu Liunian, the mother and son finally caught a pair of rabbits and a squirrel.

Qian Xia has been telling them to live, and after returning home, find someone to make a cage and raise them up so that Xiao Yunhua can see them every day.

Back at the mansion, both mother and son were very tired from playing.

Qian Xia called out the hidden guards around her, and hurried back to Phoenix Mountain to search.

After taking a bath by herself, before her hair was dry, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

When Mu Liunian came in, he happened to see her beautiful hair scattered on the bed. He shook his head, but it was not easy to wake her up, so he carried her to the couch beside him, took a fine cotton cloth, and slowly wiped her hair. He changed his hair, called someone in again, and changed a quilt again.

Looking at Qian Xia who was sleeping soundly with a satisfied face, Mu Liunian's brows slowly furrowed.

Qian Xia is a cold and indifferent person, not only to the people around her, but also to herself.

Just as she knew that her life expectancy would not be too long, but she still never showed too much distress, or was too nervous and indignant because of this.

I didn't feel that God was treating her unfairly. How could God have the heart to take her life away so easily for such a woman?

Although she has always said that everything depends on fate and depends on God's will.

But Mu Liunian was born with a disbelief in fate.

Since he was able to travel to this world, there must be some kind of inducement or arrangement. He doesn't believe in the saying that destiny cannot be violated.

Mu Liunian was originally somewhat resigned to his fate, but at this time, a quiet change took place again.

He can calm down and look at Qian Xia's affairs, but it doesn't mean that he will just watch and don't do anything anymore.

Thinking about the days they have lived through and the pain they have experienced, he really can't think of any reason for God to deprive them of their right to happiness.

The next day, Mu Liunian was practicing his sword in the courtyard when he saw a shadow drifting by.

When Mu Liunian passed by, he found that it was Qian Xia's hidden guard standing at the door with a small box in his hand.

Mu Liunian took the things over himself, "Go down."

Without any response, the dark guard disappeared.

Mu Liunian put the things on Qianxia's dressing table. By the way, he also found those books and put them on the dressing table.

When Qian Xia woke up, she was told that the prince had already gone to the military camp, and he would not come back for lunch.

Qian Xia saw the book on the dressing table and carefully flipped through it, unknowingly, she read it for more than an hour.

"Miss, you'd better not look at it for now, your eyes might break if you look any further. Take a rest first and use a bowl of bird's nest."

Qian Xia closed the book, stretched out her hand and squeezed the space between her eyebrows, she really felt that her eyes were a little tired.

"Where's Yunhua?"

"Miss Hui, the young master was taken to the barracks by the Shizi."

Qian Xia was taken aback, "What? When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

"You were still sleeping at that time, the prince and the young master had breakfast together, and then left. And at that time, the servants were by the side. I saw it with my own eyes, and it was the young master who wanted to make a fuss to follow."

"Isn't this nonsense? Yunhua is so talented, the barracks is full of weapons and swords, what if he is injured again?"

Yaoyue smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about the concubine, there will be nothing wrong with the son taking him. Besides, isn't there still Qinglong and Baihu? You can rest assured. From the perspective of slaves, it is the son who is worried that he was tired yesterday. You, that's why I thought about taking the young master out today."

Qian Xia glanced at the books on the table, then looked at the small box, and thought that she still had something to do, which she hadn't done.

"Who's in the house, big brother or second brother?"

"Miss Hui, the Second Young Master is here, and the Eldest Young Master has taken people to gather medicine."

Qian Xia nodded, took these books, and went to find Yun Ruogu.

"Second brother, take a look at these books. This is not a secret technique. If I expected it to be correct, it should be witchcraft. But the strange thing is that there are some things in it that seem to be connected with our Yun family's secret technique. "

Yun Ruogu took out a book casually, flipped through two pages, "I'll take a look first, and I'll look for you later in the evening."

"Okay, where is the second sister-in-law and the child?"

"It's all in mother's yard."

"Well, I'll go back first, and come to me later in the evening when you understand."

Not long after Qian Xia left Yun Ruogu's courtyard, she heard a scream, and she knew it belonged to Xu Qingmei without thinking about it.

Qian Xia shook her head helplessly, "Why are these brothers and sisters so cute?"

"Miss, do you want to go and see?"

Qian Xia originally didn't want to go, but now that her father and mother are hiding in Phoenix Mountain, and Mu Liunian is not at the house, as a cousin, she can't really ignore her, can she?
"Forget it, go and have a look."

From a distance, they saw Xu Qingmei and Xu Wuji fighting, more precisely, it was Xu Qingmei holding a sword and chasing Xu Wuji all over the yard.

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, it was clear that Xu Qingmei must have been punished again.

"Stop making trouble, what do you look like? Qingmei, you are also about to get married. If this continues, I can't guarantee that my third brother will still let you in."

Xu Qingmei stomped her feet resentfully, threw the sword in her hand, and came over with tears in her eyes.

"Cousin, you have to make the decision for me! This little magic star is so mad. Just tell your cousin and let him go quickly. With him here, we big guys, no one can expect to be safe." !"

(End of this chapter)

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