Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 938 Whose Persecution?

Chapter 938 Whose Persecution? (3)
In a word, it instantly reminded Sangqiu Zirui.

Indeed, if they can reach a consensus with Bei Mo first at this time, then, two-on-two, the loser may not necessarily be themselves.

Sangqiu Zirui couldn't guarantee that Bei Mo would agree to join forces with them, but he had to give it a try.

Thinking about it again, I was also the Lord of the Northern Desert. Although it was a matter of the last life, but since I have regained these memories, then, perhaps, it will be of some help to this peace talk.

Sangqiu Zirui directly sent the message to Duke Jing.

And Jing Guogong also used the fastest speed to convince Xiao Yunfang.

This time, Zi Ye's sincerity was to marry her princess into Bei Mo.

Mu Liunian knew that his reminder was an opportunity for Sangqiu Zirui and Xiao Yunfang.

What's more, if Xiao Yunfang can really reach a consensus with the royal family of Beimo, he may be one of the unlucky people in the end!
But these are indifferent, the most urgent thing is to keep Zi Ye.

Now it is the devastated Ziye, and it really can't stand any more troubles.

If there is another battle, not ten or eight years, I'm afraid it won't be able to slow down.

Of course, if the four countries all joined the battle, it would be different.

As long as it is a war, it is impossible to say that there is an absolute advantage and no loss.

Therefore, if the four countries fight in a melee, they will all have to recuperate at that time, and they will live in peace.

Mu Liunian didn't feel at all that his proposal to bring Bei Mo in was inappropriate.

When he told Qian Xia these things, he didn't feel guilty at all.

"Don't you have great confidence in Xu Wuji? Why did you suggest that they join forces with Bei Mo?"

Mu Liu took a young breath, "I have confidence in Wuji, but Emperor Qianxue is not a fool. I'm afraid that he will choose to be neutral and neither side will help. Of course, this is a big deal for us. It's a good thing. Therefore, at this time, we have to seize the opportunity and reach a consensus with Bei Mo in advance, otherwise, we will be the passive ones."

Qian Xia suddenly realized, "Will Emperor Qianxue choose to marry the two countries? Marry his daughter into Ziye, and at the same time marry Princess Cangming? This Qianxuehuang may do such a thing."

"Actually, if he doesn't help anyone, he has already helped us. Although Emperor Cangming is a favorite of Prince Rui, he is not a fool. They have just suffered a defeat. If they don't have allies, they will not choose in the short term. It's fighting again."

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, have you ever thought that if Xiao Yunfang found the ally he identified, would he join hands with others to entrap us?"

Mu Liunian was silent.

His silence made Qian Xia instantly understand that with Xiao Yunfang's personality, he would definitely do such a thing.

The sudden recognition made Qian Xia's heart tighten, and an extremely uncomfortable feeling permeated her whole body in an instant.

She doesn't like Xiao Yunfang, it should even be said that she hates, disgusts!
But such a person is their Zi Ye's emperor, the object they should be loyal to as their subjects.

"Sister, why are you still here? Mother and aunt are waiting for you in the flower hall." Yun Ruogu came in and said leisurely.

"Oh, I'll go right now."

After speaking, Qian Xia raised her eyes and said, "It's to discuss some details of the wedding."

"Yeah." Mu Liunian paused, "Are you the representative of the Yun family, or the Xu family?"

Qian Xia also froze for a moment, "Uh, is there any difference?"

Mu Liunian replied in a daze, "No, it's all the same. Go quickly."

After they left, Mu Liunian felt something was wrong.

Why is there no difference?

One is from her mother's family and the other is from her in-law's family?

When Mu Liunian slapped his forehead, he was really confused.

Now that the two families are living together, why should they be divided into the mother-in-law's family?

However, fortunately, now that the Yun family has moved to live next door, this house is much quieter than before.At least, when he and Qianqian are tenderly together, there will be no more ignorant people yelling outside.

Yun Ruoqi and Xu Qingmei's marriage was not very extravagant, if viewed from the perspective of the big family, it should be said that their marriage was a little too low-key.

Except for the celebrities and nobles in Liaocheng and Yangzhou, only the elders of the Yun family participated.

Moreover, it's not that the whole city is covered in red. For this, Yun Qianxia actually feels that Xu Qingmei has been wronged.

After all, she is the daughter of the Xu family in Huai'an!

Such a noble status is not inferior to that of a princess, but at this time, she married the Yun family.

The war outside has just ended, and the barrenness is overgrown. Their place is originally a taboo of Xiao Yunfang. If it is too extravagant, I am afraid that he will vomit blood with anger!

The refugees outside have not decreased because of Xiao Yunfang's various decrees.

On the contrary, for some reason, a large number of refugees flocked to Liao City.

Fortunately, Mu Liunian had built fortifications in advance in order to defend against foreign enemies. At this time, those refugees, unarmed, naturally couldn't get in.

However, watching these people starve and freeze outside?

Although it is spring, the wind at night is still very cool.

Mu Liunian stood on the city wall, Qinglong and Baihu looked at the piles of refugees outside, feeling a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

"Go and investigate. For no reason, why are there so many refugees flocking here? Also, send some people to pretend to be refugees, sneak in among them, and carefully observe their words and deeds. I want to take a look and open the What kind of people are hiding under the clothes of refugees?"

"Yes, son."

(End of this chapter)

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