Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 940 Whose Persecution?

Chapter 940 Whose Persecution? (5)
After all, more and more refugees are moving to Liaocheng. Obviously, this is premeditated.

When Xiao Yun gave him food, he didn't slow down at the time, but now, he must have understood that Ziye's granary may not be as full as it is.

Since they were some refugees, it would be better not to send them all to Mu Liunian directly.

Yun Ruogu's hand holding the teacup froze for a moment, if that was the case, then it has to be said that this Xiao Yunfang really hated them from the bottom of his heart.

If there were three to five thousand refugees, they would not be unable to accommodate them, but now it is obvious that there are more and more refugees. How can such a large number of people be resettled?

Fortunately, it was Sang Qiu Zirui and Master Song who showed up at the beginning, not Mu Liunian.

Otherwise, Mu Liunian will definitely bear the infamy of disregarding the life and death of the people!

In this way, in the hearts of the common people, the previous heroic image of fighting for Zi Ye's people will soon collapse.

Xiao Yun's move was really ruthless.

No one expected that the more ruthless ones were yet to come.

A few days later, those porridge sheds could no longer satisfy these refugees.

They started whining, howling, and cursing!
At first, the object of their cursing was only the injustice of the court, and they only complained about their own fate.

But soon, the direction of their cursing changed.

The object of their cursing became Mu Liunian!
In their eyes, Mu Liunian was in charge of 30 soldiers and horses, but he refused to let them enter Liaocheng, refused to let them have enough food, and refused to let them have a shelter from the wind and rain.

Therefore, it was Mu Liunian who made them look like this!
Weird logic, isn't it?

Sangqiu Zirui and Master Song were clearly the ones who came forward to solve these problems, but they insisted that it was Mu Liunian who made them so downcast!

At this time, if people with clear eyes can no longer see that this is a deliberate arrangement, then they are too stupid.

Sangqiu Zirui lowered his eyebrows. He always thought that Xiao Yunfang was not smart enough, or that he often pretended to be smart, but he didn't expect that this time, he was so ridiculously stupid!

Is the current Mu Liunian someone he can afford to provoke?

Zi Ye's internal troubles and external troubles, he really can't see it?

Or, as long as Mu Liunian survives for a day, he can't be a normal emperor?
On this day, Yun Ruogu also went up to the city wall, looking at the unkempt refugees outside, and listening to the filthy words that came out of their mouths, it was the first time that a good-tempered person like Yun Ruogu had The urge to kill.

Yun Ruoqi at the side had already put his hand on the hilt of the sword beside him.

Qian Xia, dressed in men's clothes, shook her head, stopped Yun Ruoqi with her eyes, and at the same time motioned them to calm down.

Yun Ruogu closed his eyes, "Sister, I really admire you for being able to calm down at this time. Xiao Yunfang, this time, you really are extremely ruthless!"

Yun Ruoqi's face was livid, and his temples were protruding, "Such a dog emperor is still loyal to a fart!"

Qian Xia never said anything, just quietly looked at the refugees below, without any sad, disappointed or angry expressions on her face.

Now, not only the Yun family and the Mu family, but even Mr. Song thinks that all of this is the emperor's trick. This move is too poisonous!
Qian Xia just stood quietly. When everyone's eyes were on Mu Liunian and Sangqiu Zirui, her eyes were still on the distance, where a group of refugees were moving slowly.

Take tens of thousands of people as pawns, no, this time, they are directly used as arrows and swords!
Let them know that when they are hungry, they only know that they are not full. They only know that there is a wall in Liaocheng, where there is a place of luxury and wine, and the fragrance of fish and meat.

This is to make Mu Liunian feel cold and heartbroken!
But for all the people in Ziye, who can say that their lives were not saved by Mu Liunian?Didn't Mu Jiajun rescue him?

But when it comes to their own life and death, they can't think of these things anymore. In their eyes, all they can think about is to simply live!

This is human nature.

Selfish and cruel, ugly and realistic!
Seeing Qian Xia also appear here, Mu Liunian was a little displeased.

"Why did you come here? It's windy up here, why don't you know how to add a cloak?"

As he spoke, he took off his robe and put it on for her directly.

Qian Xia turned around, her eyes only stayed on Mu Liunian for a moment, then moved to Sangqiu Zirui.

After a long time, she frowned and said, "Have you found out the origins of these refugees?"

Master Song stood up behind Sangqiu Zirui, "Hui Shi Zifei, I have found out."

Immediately, the counties and counties where these people were probably located were reported one by one.

Sangqiu Zirui's face moved slightly. Obviously, Qian Xia discovered the problem they had been ignoring.

"The officials there should be thoroughly investigated from bottom to top. Sangqiu Zirui, it is better to kill the officials who treason."

Yun Ruogu was slightly stunned, Master Song was startled, and Song Tianhe behind him stared at her with wide eyes.

In addition to because of the imperial concubine's attitude towards Sangqiu Zirui, it was also because of the words that came out of her red lips.

"Qianxia, ​​what do you mean, these people?"

Mu Liunian also reacted quickly, "Qianqian, you said they were not instructed by the person in the capital?"

The corners of Qian Xia's lips moved slightly, "Obviously, not!"

Qian Xia's eyes looked out of the city again, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, look, although these refugees are dressed in rags, who can say that their lives were not saved by you? I'm afraid you will feel that if Without you, they are dead now, how can they have the strength to complain here?"

Mu Liunian's expression changed slightly, "Qianqian, do you mean that they were deliberately pushed to come here, not just to tarnish my reputation?"

Qian Xia sneered, and stretched out her hand, "Look, they are holding our bowls in their hands, eating our porridge, and some of them are wearing old quilts and blankets that we sent out. But in their mouths, they kept cursing you. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, can you really bear it?"

Sangqiu Zirui's face suddenly turned cold, his eyes were sharp and cruel.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, seeing such a scene, how could you feel better? The people you saved turned into knives, swords, and stabbed at your heart. If you are not calm enough, if you are not loving enough Zi Ye, what will you do?"

After Qian Xia's words fell, there was a long silence on the city wall.

Finally, Mu Liunian clenched his fists, almost gritting his teeth, "They're not trying to tarnish my reputation, but forcing me. Obviously, this is a psychological tactic. They want to use this to Come to crush the belief in my heart. Let me know that this land I want to protect with all my heart, these people are not worthy of my protection at all, they are all white-eyed wolves, and they are all unworthy of living in this world. "

Qian Xia nodded, "You finally understand. But it is obviously not something Xiao Yunfang would do to defeat these beliefs in your heart."

A few simple words shocked everyone present.

Even Song Tianhe and the others almost believed that all of this was Xiao Yunfang's intention, and that Mu Liunian couldn't be tolerated anymore. Who knew that at this moment, they realized that they were always the ones who were shrouded in mist .

Sangqiu Zirui chuckled, "Qian Xia, you are the only one, the calmest one among us. If it's not you this time, I'm afraid?"

Sangqiu Zirui shook his head while speaking, there were some things that he didn't say, but everyone understood.

Mu Liunian held Qian Xia's hand tightly, "This time, I was the one who was stunned. I almost got into a dead end and couldn't get out."

Qian Xia smiled at him, "The key now, apart from the pawns in the dark, are the refugees in front of us. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, we should be thankful. If Huangfu Dingtao didn't play this trick, how could we find out those pawns?" What about the chess pieces that are hidden very deeply?"

(End of this chapter)

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