Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 945 Something Big Has Happened!

Chapter 945 Something Big Has Happened! (5)
Finally, sitting firmly, his fingers began to pluck the strings slowly.

Qian Xia didn't look at him again, but stood less than two feet away from the man.

Such a distance is actually somewhat dangerous.

After Mu Liunian frowned slightly, he still unlocked the man's acupuncture points.

The man opened his eyes in bewilderment, and immediately fell into the black pool again.

The sound of the zither was flowing, clear and pleasant, without any sense of beauty and elegance, but at this moment, the sound of the zither seemed to have a great magical power, infecting many people and soldiers.

Sangqiu Zirui's hand paused slightly, this piece of music seemed to sound familiar.

He suddenly remembered that one night a few years ago, he couldn't fall asleep, so he followed the sound of the piano and went outside a house, listening to such a beautiful tune, thinking about the woman he had been thinking about all the time.

The same song, but the feeling of playing it is completely different.

That night, what he heard was to calm his heart, but he was so fascinated by that tune that he no longer missed anything in the world.

But what I heard today, obviously, doesn't have that much charm.

Sangqiu Zirui's lips twitched slightly. Sure enough, even if it is the same piece of music and the same qin, as long as the person playing the qin is different, the effect will naturally be different.

"Tell me, the purpose of your coming to Liaocheng."

After asking a few questions, Qian Xia confirmed that he had entered the illusion he had created for him, and began to get to the point.

"Stimulate Mu Liunian. The general said that if it weren't for the disaster of Mu Liunian, we wouldn't have lost. Since we can't kill him, we must find a way to make him no longer serve Ziye."

"So you came up with this method? Don't you think that you are stupid? If you are infected with typhoid fever, what chance do you have of surviving?"

"Typhoid fever? I don't know. Before we came, we didn't have such preparations. The general didn't say anything, the general only said that he wanted to vent his anger on the son. Even if Mu Liunian wasn't fooled, he wouldn't turn against Zi Ye. There is some resentment in my heart, and if there is a war later, he will always hesitate, he will hesitate, this is our chance."

"So your master lied to you?"

"No! No! The general won't lie to me." The man became agitated, and one of his arms shook slightly.

"If you didn't deceive you, why did you add patients with typhoid fever to your ranks? Or, do you think that you can return to Cangming smoothly if you let go of this time?"

The man was silent, but the tightly frowned brows let Qian Xia see their entanglement and helplessness.

"Tell me, general, what other plans do you have?"

"Several groups of people have set off. We are the largest group. The general said that Mu Liunian is Ziye's greatest reliance and our Cangming's strong enemy. As long as we can find a way to get rid of him or instigate him, then, We, Cangming, will have a chance."

"Where did the others go? Tell me the exact location."

"Huai'an, Fenghuangguan, Luanhe, Liangcheng, I only know so much, and I really don't know about the others."

Qian Xia turned her head and saw Mu Liunian nodding slightly, and then asked softly, "Do you know how to find them? What are their characteristics?"

"Left arm, wolf head."

Qian Xia frowned slightly, "Now, listen to me, walk slowly towards the shore, remember, walk slowly, don't run, otherwise, those sharks behind you will swallow you up directly. "

"Okay, go slowly, go slowly."

Just when the man was about to open his eyes, his eyes went dark again, Qinglong called two people and took him into the prison.

"Look at this." Mu Liunian showed her the few pieces of paper, and then ordered someone to quickly invite Sangqiu Zirui from the city wall.

Yun Changan leaned back on the chair with a pale face. After a while, he murmured, "Is there any water? I'm thirsty!"

After Qian Xia read it, her complexion also changed. Although it was not as ugly as Yun Changan's, it was obvious that she was quite frightened.

"Yuanchu, what are you going to do?"

"I'm afraid it doesn't count if I say it! Qianqian, you think too highly of me. I'm afraid none of us can talk about such a big matter except Sangqiu Zirui."

Qian Xia frowned, and was about to speak when Sang Qiu Zirui came in.

Seeing the note in her hand at a glance, she took it directly.After reading it, his face was ashen!
"Despicable! To think of such a way, they Cangming really dare to use any means!"

"Now is not the time for you to be angry, you should think about it carefully, what should you do next."

Yun Changan calmed down quite a bit at this time, "The most important thing now is to start preparing a large amount of herbs. Even if there are no these herbs, at least we must prepare things like green onions and ginger."

"You are right. But for such a big matter, the key still depends on the court's attitude. To put it bluntly, it is Xiao Yunfang, what kind of order will be made."

Sangqiu Zirui also understood that he was the only person in this room who could be regarded as Xiao Yunfang's trust. Right now, he was afraid that the news from Sangqiu Lie's army had not reached Liangcheng. Report this news to Xiao Yunfang quickly, and ask him to start raising everything he needs immediately.

"I'll leave Liaocheng to you for the time being. I have to go to the third uncle's camp in person. Such a big event is not a trifle."

"Well, the situation here is basically under control. No matter how bad it is, it won't be too bad. But the military camp, Sanqiu Lie is now under his command, but there are 20 troops. If something goes wrong, you will cry, But I don’t know how many people there will be.”

Sangqiu Zirui nodded, and arched his hands in a rare way, "Mu Liunian, this time, thank you very much."

"They're all from Ziye, there's no need. Go and have a look first. If necessary, we can also provide some doctors here."

Sangqiu Zirui didn't delay any longer, called Changfeng, and hurried to Yunzhou.

Mu Liunian was worried, so he sent him a team of guards.

It was at this time that Sanqiu Lie's army began to have a large number of typhoid patients. The news was like a huge thunder, shaking the entire court to the point where they couldn't recover.

It was also Sanqiulie who was careless. In the beginning, only three or five people died of serious illness. At that time, he didn't think too much about it, and the people under him didn't report such news to him.

Sanqiulie didn't know until the death toll had increased to nearly a hundred. At this time, it was a bit late to start asking military doctors for diagnosis and treatment.

Fortunately, Sangqiu Zirui came in time. He was just in Liaocheng, and he had some experience in epidemic prevention. Soon, the whole army began to follow his method of epidemic prevention.

However, if these 20 people are defended in this way, the medicinal materials to be consumed will naturally be a lot of money.

Sangqiu Zirui asked people to strictly block the news of the plague in the army, but he didn't expect that the Liangcheng side had already exploded.

"Qianqian, do you think that Sangqiu Zirui's trip can solve the problem in the barracks?"

"He is a smart man, so he naturally knows how to do it. Let's worry about ourselves. There are less than [-] refugees who are almost adults. How to resettle these people, you have to figure out a way, right?"

Qinglong was also worried, "Yes, my lord, if these people are let in, I'm afraid there will be some tricks among them, and they will do something that is not good for us. But if we don't let them in, we can't just sit back and watch." Did you watch them die like this?"

Qian Xia's eyes flickered, and she said with a smile, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I remember that there were not too far from Liao City, and there were one or two dilapidated villages? Although there were some repairs there, it was better than waiting for them to die like this. Bar?"

(End of this chapter)

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