Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 954 Plan ahead!

Chapter 954 Plan ahead! (4)
"Why do you two come here when you are free? But what's the matter?"

"Cousin, I heard that there is also a plague in Huai'an, so I came here to find out." Xu Qingmei said, her eyes turned to Mu Liunian, "Cousin, is the situation in Huai'an serious? My father and the others?"

"Don't worry! It's just a small problem. Uncle and the others are fine. The epidemic in Huai'an has been brought under control at the moment. Governor Fang is decisive. If he hadn't ordered to kill some patients with serious epidemics, Huai'an would be in trouble." , it will be even bigger.”

Upon hearing this, Qian Xia's eyes narrowed slightly.

It sounds a little cruel to directly kill people who are seriously ill but not dead.

Xu Qingmei's focus has never been on this, so she basically didn't respond to these.

Mu Liunian, however, saw the subtle changes in Qian Xia, and held her hand, "I'm in a hurry. If it were me, I'm afraid I'd give that order too. Don't be sad."

Qian Xia shook her head, and said helplessly, "I'm not angry at Governor Fang's decision, and I'm not that sad. In fact, if it's really sick to that extent, death would be a relief."

Xu Qingmei shifted her gaze and looked at this cousin who she had always admired.

"I just have a sense of powerlessness. Huangfu Dingtao was also a commoner. How could he come up with such a way to harm our people in Ziye? Deliberately spreading the plague will be sent by heaven!"

Yun Ruoqi snorted softly, "This Huangfu Dingtao is clearly trying to make things difficult for us Ziye. Moreover, this time, it is obvious that he mainly came for the prince. I am really surprised, his age It's not big, why is your heart so cruel?"

Mu Liunian hesitated for a moment, "Perhaps it was someone else's idea."

"Cousin, are you still speaking for that villain?" Xu Qingmei couldn't help it.

Qian Xia was startled for a moment, "You mean it might be Meng Tian's idea?"

"En." Mu Liunian nodded, "We have never seen him appear from the beginning to the end. And Huangfu Dingtao was trained by him alone, I am afraid that Prince Rui will listen to Meng Tian's words."

"No!" Qian Xia said two words firmly.


"Believe me. This will not be Mengtian's arrangement. He is a mystic, and he knows that if a mystic dares to make such a move, it is undoubtedly acting against the sky, but if he has a Even a little self-awareness as a mystic will not do this."

Xu Qingmei was startled by this word.

"Now the epidemic in Ziye is basically under control, except for Yunzhou."

Mu Liunian's face was a little ugly. There are only soldiers stationed in Yunzhou now, where are the people?
"This is the message I received in the morning, take a look."

Qian Xia took the paper, read it quickly, and her face became a little chillier.

Unexpectedly, Sanqiulie's barracks turned out to be so powerful, and even Sanqiulie himself was infected with the epidemic.It was only because of his identity that he was still covered by Sangqiu Zirui.

"I've been to so many doctors, and transferred so many medicinal materials, why is it useless?" Qian Xia was actually a little annoyed, and she slapped her hand on the table in agitation. Great.

"Don't worry. There are quite a few military doctors there, and they have experience in dealing with this. The reason why it is more serious there, I think, is also related to the two wars that happened in Yunzhou. It must be At that time, I only knew about fighting and ignored some problems afterwards.”

"Ignore? Is this Sanqiulie a fool? Wasn't he guarding Yunzhou at that time? Was he an experienced old general? Is this his experience?"

Qian Xia suddenly became so sharp and sharp, it surprised Xu Qingmei.

She really has never seen such a cousin, she always thought that the impression she gave her was gentle and calm, and she was very indifferent to everything, which could not arouse her interest.

"Be careful, does your hand hurt?" Mu Liunian took her hand and blew it distressedly.

Like this, really.Uh, it's hard to watch.

Yun Ruoqi was fine, after all, he had been living in the same mansion before, and he had seen this kind of situation a lot.

On the contrary, Xu Qingmei couldn't take it anymore, she blushed for Yun Qianxia, ​​and couldn't help shaking her body, it was the first time she saw such a nasty cousin.

I have seen the scene of two people loving each other before, but this kind of situation is really beyond her imagination!
"I'm fine." Qian Xia also sensed Xu Qingmei's uneasiness, and quickly withdrew her hand.

"Apart from the trouble caused by the plague in Yunzhou right now, it is Wuji's marriage. There is news from Qianxue that Emperor Qianxue intends to recruit him as a horse, but he is not happy, saying that he is from Ziye, so he has to go back. Zi Ye."

It was the first time Xu Qingmei heard about this, "Are you talking about the third brother? He is getting married? Why is he going to marry Qianxue's princess? Cousin, are you kidding me?"

Yun Ruoqi explained the ins and outs of the matter, Xu Qingmei seemed a little unacceptable, and looked at the people in the room, how could she, her own sister, be the last to know about such a big matter?

After a while, I came back to my senses and murmured, "Then, cousin, do my parents know about this?"

"I know. Uncle has no objections. In fact, he is happy to let your third brother stay in Qianxue. It is best not to come back for the rest of his life."

The corner of Xu Qingmei's mouth twitched, no matter what, he was her third brother, is it really okay for her cousin to say that about him?
"Do you think Qian Xuehuang will compromise?"

"That's a matter of time. Who made that little princess fall in love with Wuji. I originally thought that this matter would be left to him to toss about. Anyway, he must marry the little princess. But now I see Come on, I'm worried that Cang Ming will rush to attack Zi Ye, so I have to find a way to help them."

In an instant, Qian Xia thought of a word, skin-to-skin kiss!
(End of this chapter)

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