Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 957 Let's get married first!

Chapter 957 Let's get married first! (2)
The prince looked at it, and was a little more curious about this prince Changping who had never met before.

"Nowadays, it is widely rumored that this Prince Mu has received the true biography of King Changping, and is Ziye's well-deserved God of War. Father, what do you think of this Mu Liunian?"

"What I care about is only my daughter. As for this Mu Liunian, hehe, if Xiao Yunfang knows how to let go and win over, then Mu Liunian will still be the son of Prince Changping, and in the future, he will be just a prince of Changping. If Xiao Yunfang Yun Fang just knows how to suppress and calculate blindly, so Mu Liunian may not be Ziye's Changping Prince anymore."

The prince's eyes moved, "What does the emperor mean?"

"For Xiao Yunfang, we can just ignore it. But this Mu Liunian, we have to pay attention to it. This person, knowing that he is forming an alliance with me, Qianxue, and at the same time trying to win over Bei Mo, this point, but Even Xiao Yunfang never thought of it."

The prince's thoughts changed sharply, thinking of the several murder cases that happened in Qianxue a few days ago, he already had some calculations in his heart.

"Father, according to reports from our people, it is Sangqiu Zirui who has entered Beimo now. That is the famous young master Sangqiu."

"Well, yes, he is Xiao Yunfang's cousin. From the current point of view, he is helping Xiao Yunfang, helping him win over Mu Liunian. But think about it from another angle, who knows, is he helping Xiao Yunfang? What about Mu Liunian?"

"Father, those dead messengers?"

"It's all from Cangming, right? Hehe, if I'm not mistaken, some of these people were killed by Sangqiu Zirui's people, and some were killed by that Prince Mu. Two promising young people, what a pity , if he hadn't met such a fool as Xiao Yunfang, his future achievements would definitely be limitless."

The two of them, father and son, were talking about Zi Ye's two young talents, while Xu Wuji and the little princess had already tossed the entire palace.

The epidemic situation in Mu Liunian's place has been resolved, but the epidemic situation in Sanqiu Lie's barracks is still not under control, and Mu Liunian, who has always been more vengeful, naturally can't pretend that nothing happened, let Huangfu Dingtao live a comfortable life up.

If you dare to plot against him, you must have the awareness to bear the consequences!
At this moment, Huangfu Dingtao, of course, would not have thought that Mu Liunian, Sangqiu Zirui and others knew that all of this had something to do with him.

However, Huangfu Dingtao was not stupid when he was assassinated for several days in a row. Obviously, someone was deliberately targeting him.

He wanted to find out who had done it to him, but up to now, he hadn't even hurt a piece of the other's clothes.On the contrary, I lost a lot of guards here.

There are probably not many in this world who can mobilize so many masters.

Huangfu Dingtao naturally also guessed about Mu Liunian, and so far, he is the one who has had the biggest enmity with him.

However, not all of them are his friends in Cangming's Shangjing.

Also because of several assassinations, Huangfu Dingtao almost never left home.

Even Prince Rui would not go out unless there was anything particularly important.

So, on the day they stayed behind closed doors, a major event happened in the military camp outside the city.

The cause was that several generals were drinking together, but the result was unknown. Early the next morning, one of them was found dead on his bed, foaming at the mouth.

It was determined by the military doctor that he was poisoned.

There are several other people who have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. Although they are not dead, they are still as soft as noodles.

The guardians of Shangjing were naturally divided into several military camps.

The side where the accident happened now is someone under the command of an old general.

All the suspicions point to the team led by Huangfu Dingtao.

So, before the matter was investigated clearly, the soldiers in this army were a little too impulsive, and they took weapons and rushed into the opponent's barracks, causing a fight.

In the end, apart from the deputy general who died of poisoning, Huangfu Dingtao lost two partial generals and injured three deputy generals.As for the other soldier, hundreds of people were injured.

This matter immediately attracted the great attention of Emperor Cangming!
Originally, he had already made a decision, agreeing with their father and son to continue to attack Ziye, and it would be a shameful act, but at this time, such a thing happened, which naturally made him a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, he had some scruples about this battle in his heart.

I always feel that this battle has no end, so it is better not to fight.

Huangfu Dingtao and the others agreed that this was an accident.

Soon, another news came from the border gate thousands of miles away, saying that the west side of Cangming was attacked by unknown figures, and the tactics of combat were quite fierce.

In just two days, two generals of Cangming had already been killed, and half of the 5 troops stationed at the border had already been lost.

What made Emperor Cangming most angry was that he still didn't know who was attacking Cangming?

Because according to the news from the border, the opponent always chooses to attack at night, and everyone's body is covered tightly, as if they are afraid of being recognized.

After Prince Rui learned about it, he immediately decided that this move must be done by some small tribes.

Those people's complexion was darker, obviously different from the Central Plains people on their side, so they chose to attack at night, and they wrapped themselves tightly every time.

Moreover, according to the news from the border generals, every time the opponent attacks them, it seems that they are not in a hurry to occupy any place, but only want to seize more food.

And this performance is very consistent with those small tribes.

Huangfu Dingtao always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

His intuition determined that all of this had something to do with Mu Liunian, but if they attacked on the west side of Cangming, if it was really Zi Ye's soldiers, then it is impossible for them to be undetected at the border.

Besides, if Mu Liunian wanted to attack Cang Ming, there would be no reason for his soldiers to detour to the west side. Wouldn't it be superfluous?
(End of this chapter)

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