Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 959 Let's get married first!

Chapter 959 Let's get married first! (4)
Huangfu Dingtao's face was a bit ugly, and he said unwillingly, "I'm afraid it will be difficult. Even if I can do it, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape myself."

"That's it! As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four feet. If the opponent is only strong in martial arts, I'm afraid it's impossible to complete such a difficult task. Therefore, the emperor, the most urgent task is to first order to thoroughly investigate the inside of the barracks."

After the national teacher finished speaking, he lowered his eyebrows slightly, "This time, we only lost [-] stones of food and grass. If there is another time, the enemy will take advantage of our people's sleep and approach quietly, then our The loss is huge."

Before the emperor's imperial decree could be promulgated, he received a report from the military camp.

It's the same burning barracks.

Overnight, 860 seven people were smeared around the neck, including two school lieutenants and one lieutenant general.

Emperor Cangming was furious immediately!
As soon as the dragon case was filmed, the whole person stood up, "Presumptuous! It's simply lawless! Come here, and quickly pass the order, ordering Dali Temple and the Ministry of War to jointly send personnel to the barracks as quickly as possible. I want to see, who is it? You bastard, you have such shameless thoughts."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

As soon as Cangminghuang's will was announced, Huangfu Dingtao knew that the long-term careful preparation of the layout was in vain.

When he returned to Prince Rui's mansion, Prince Rui had a sullen face and called him to the study.

"Tell me honestly, does the Ziye plague have anything to do with you?"

Huangfu Dingtao caught his father's sight, and knew that he might not be able to hide this time, anyway, he didn't even think about hiding, he pondered for a while, and confessed honestly.

"The son did it."

Prince Rui's eyes wished they could poke a hole out of his body!
"You're too courageous! You suffered a loss at the hands of Mu Liunian, isn't that enough? Do you think your work is flawless? Don't forget, your good senior brother is allied with Mu Liunian! He wants to It's easy to know who is behind all this."

"Father, why do you want to be ambitious?"

"Hmph! What do you know? After passing this battle between you and Mu Liunian, I have to say that you are far behind him in terms of military affairs."

Huangfu Dingtao was a little unconvinced, "Father?"

Prince Rui raised his hand, stopped what he was going to say next, and took a deep breath, "Last time you said you wanted to help that Prince of Xiang, Zi Ye, but this king didn't stop you, thinking that you would be able to pass all the way. , is also your ability, so I didn't think about helping you. In fact, I also want to see how big your own ability is!"


Prince Rui turned around, facing a portrait of a woman on the wall, his eyes narrowed slightly, the coldness in his eyes was slowly fading away at this moment.

"I know that I have owed you all these years. But you have to understand that I am trying my best to make up for you. Now you are the eldest son of Prince Rui's mansion. You have a powerful army in your hands, and you can be said to be extremely powerful. Son, Don't let everything you have gained disappear easily."

Huangfu Dingtao's heart tightened, and he always felt that what he said had some deep meaning.

"Father, my son is really not convinced. My son thinks he is familiar with the art of war and strategy since he was a child, so why is he not as good as that Mu Liunian?"

"You are not convinced, and there is nothing I can do. When the two of you were fighting, I thought, at least you have experienced several battles, and Mu Liunian has never been on the battlefield before. But Unexpectedly, you are still defeated."

Huangfu Dingtao clenched his teeth, and unconsciously clenched his hands tightly, as if his fist could crush a boulder in the next moment.

"This king knows what you're thinking. How dare you say that everything we suffered in the Cangming military camp has nothing to do with Mu Liunian? Isn't this his revenge?"

"Father also thinks it's his revenge? Then why?"

"Stupid!" Prince Rui sighed softly, "Although the emperor supports us in using troops against Zi Ye, the emperor has always loved the people like a son for many years. If he knew, you actually used such a despicable method to attack Zi Ye. , do you think he still has high hopes for you?"

Huangfu Dingtao was silent.

This emperor is indeed not bad, compared to Zi Ye's emperor, his uncle is simply a wise king.

He has always treated the people generously, if he knew that he was dealing with those unarmed common people in order to attack Zi Ye, he might feel that his temperament is vicious, and it is impossible for a person with this temperament to be reused by him again.

"My son knew he was wrong."

Huangfu Dingtao thought about the cause and effect, and with a plop, he knelt down in front of Prince Rui.

"Get up. Have you seen it? This is the biggest difference between you and Mu Liunian."

Huangfu Dingtao gritted his teeth, forcefully suppressed his anger, and didn't dare to say anything.

"Although the methods you use are effective, they are dirty and despicable, and cannot be put on the stage. Even if we can win Zi Ye in the future, do you dare to make such a method public? You are not afraid of being spurned by all people in the world ?”

It was the first time that Prince Rui used such severe and somewhat sharp words to criticize Huangfu Dingtao.

"You are the son of this king, and you belong to Cangming's royal family. You came from a noble family, but you did such a despicable thing. If it really gets out, how will you let the people of the world treat my Cangming's royal family?"

"Father, the son knows his mistake, and he will never dare to act in private again."

Huangfu Dingtao lowered his head, and what he said sounded very sincere.

It's a pity, because he lowered his head, Prince Rui didn't see the fleeting ruthlessness in his eyes!

"You know you're wrong, the king is naturally happy. But now, tell yourself, what should we do in the face of Mu Liunian's revenge?"

Huangfu Dingtao was stunned. He really hadn't thought about this question carefully.

Prince Rui shook his head in disappointment, this son is generally good, it's just a pity, after all, he is someone who has never seen a big storm, and he was trained by that Meng Tian since he was a child, and his temper is a bit vicious up.

(End of this chapter)

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