Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 962 Harsh conditions?

Chapter 962 Harsh conditions? (2)
Xuanwu looked at him quietly, and said after a while, "Do you know how many people died in the fire you set off?"

Fu Yi didn't speak.

Xuanwu knew that it was impossible for him to set up such a big fire by himself.

Maybe, among these people, there are people who have experienced the same experience as Fu Yi.

"In this last operation, according to the numbers reported by you, we should have killed 670 or four people. But according to Cangming's statistics, more than 3000 people died."

These people in the pioneer battalion just lowered their heads, and no one made a sound.

"Okay, how to deal with this matter, I still have to ask General Mu to know. Tomorrow we will arrive in Liaocheng, you should rest well tonight, and when you go back tomorrow, wash well, and then change into clean clothes , and then go with me to see General Mu."

"Yes, my lord."

As soon as Xuanwu returned to Liaocheng, he told about Fu Yi.

Xuanwu knew that their master was not a benevolent master.It's just that on the battlefield, it has always been advocated to do something and not to do something.

For example, Huangfu Dingtao used these insidious tricks, but he didn't bother to use them.

In the eyes of the young master, this is against the heavens and the reason.

Moreover, once something like the plague gets out of control, I really don't know who will be the unlucky one in the end.

"Tell me about your total results this time, and I'll see if I can pass them."

"Yes, son. This operation lasted a total of 37 days. We have wiped out four, 890, and six people in total. I don't know how many people were injured." Xuanwu looked up at his master, and said with a guilty conscience, "Including the last one." Including those who set fire to their tents one at a time."

"Well, go on."

"In total, we damaged more than a dozen granaries in Cangming, and some grain and grass that were too late to unload the carriage. It is estimated that it is about 20 shi. In addition, we also robbed several government offices along the way. 2 taels of silver and 10 taels of bank notes."

"You guys are quite courageous. With so much money, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to escape?"

"No. We have planned it in advance. After we robbed the silver, we hid it quietly, and no one else could find it except us." Xuanwu was a little bit of a show.

Mu Liunian frowned slightly. This time, his main purpose was to disrupt the opponent's army, at least he really didn't care about the number of casualties of the opponent.

It's just that paying one really makes him feel that it's worth debating. This person is ruthless, whether he can use it, and how to use it, it seems that he still needs to test it carefully.

"How is the performance of Fu Yi on weekdays?"

"My lord, everything is normal. It should be said that it is very good. This time, he came up with a way to attack the opponent's barracks at the end, and it went relatively smoothly."

"Well. Very good. Now Emperor Cangming has ordered a thorough investigation of the interior of the military camps everywhere. Obviously, they also thought it was the result of internal and external collusion. If this is the case, it will make his army's morale mess up again."

"My lord, my subordinates have heard that Shangjing seems to be planning a marriage for Huangfu Dingtao."

"Well, that's his business. It doesn't matter to us. However, on his wedding day, I will definitely give him a big gift. "

"My lord, this time our people have severely damaged the Cangming army. Although the casualties were not large, but with the harassment of Mr. Jinhua in the front and the series of troubles behind, I think that in a short period of time, the Cangming army will be defeated." Emperor Ming probably wouldn't order the army to attack Zi Ye."

"Of course not. More than a dozen of the messengers they sent to Beimo died. If he doesn't understand that they are in a disadvantageous position now, he would be too stupid."

Mu Liunian took a look at Xuanwu, but he really lost weight after not seeing him for more than a month.

"Go down and rest. Let the people in the vanguard battalion also take a good rest for a few days. I will meet them in the barracks in three days."

"Yes, son."

Mu Liunian summoned this uncle named Fu Yi alone. This person was originally the person he had hoped to replace Xuanwu. After all, Xuanwu still had a lot of things to do, and he couldn't always lead a vanguard battalion.

"Xuanwu said that you changed your plan privately and set fire to the tent in the barracks?"

"Yes, General. The subordinate knows his mistake, and the subordinate accepts the punishment."

"If you were given another chance, would you do it again?"

"Back to the general, this subordinate will not regret it. Even if you want to kill this subordinate, if this subordinate has the opportunity, he will make the same choice again."

Mu Liunian looked at this man. His figure was not very tall. If he stood up, he would probably be half a head shorter than himself. energy!

"You hate Cangming people?"

"Back to the general, that's right. They killed my parents and compatriots, they deserve to die!"

"Then tell me, this time, how many people did you kill during your trip to the dark world?"

"Return to the general, if the arson incident is not counted, the subordinates killed sixteen of them."

"Well, I killed quite a few, so it should be enough."

Fu Yi pursed his lips, then raised his head abruptly, "General, this subordinate doesn't understand."

Mu Liunian smiled, "What don't you understand? Tell me and listen."

"Back to the general, since 500 of us are asked to do such an adventurous thing, why don't we let us kill it? Anyway, we are sent to the enemy camp. Isn't it a good thing for us Ziye to kill a few more? "

Mu Liunian's eyes narrowed slightly, and the original smile gradually faded away.

In just a moment, Fu Yi felt a strong aura emanating from the other party's body. It was a suffocating aura that almost made him unable to breathe.

Fu Yiqiang kept his composure and ordered himself to maintain his figure, he must not admit defeat, and he must not allow himself to be overwhelmed by him in terms of momentum.

It's a pity that this self-hypnosis obviously didn't work. Soon, his own figure swayed, and on his forehead, big beads of sweat rolled down, making his whole body look They were all embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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